城市林业,urban forestry
1)urban forestry城市林业
1.Develop Urban Forestry and Improvement Urban Environment;发展城市林业 改善城市环境
2.Some views on urban forestry construction of Yanji city;关于延吉市城市林业建设问题的几点建议
3.Accelerating development of urban forestry and improving quality according to local conditions;因地制宜 提高城市林业建设的速度和质量

1.The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) on Urban Forestry Cooperation and the Practices of European Urban Forestry亚欧城市林业合作与欧洲城市林业实践
2.Thoughts on the integration of urban greening and urban forestry;关于城市园林绿化与城市林业一体化的思考
3.Current Situation and Further Development Countermeasures for Urban Forestry in Lishui;丽水市城市林业建设现状及发展对策
4.On Ecological Network System Construction of Urban Forestry in Jilin City吉林市城市林业生态网络体系建设研究
5.Study on Urban Forestry and Transformation of Mountain Region Forest of Island in Xiamen;厦门城市林业及本岛山地森林改造的研究
6.Suggestions on construction of forestry sci-tech service system in Baicheng City of China白城市林业科技服务体系建设的调查
7.Configuration and Demand of Urban Forestry Constructing Management System城市林业建设管理体系的构成及要求
8.On the Development Strategy for Construction of Changsha Urban Forestry Ecospbere论长沙市城市林业生态圈建设的发展战略
9.Benefit Evaluation of Urban Forestry for Yin-Chuan and the Planning of Sustainable Development;银川市城市林业效益评价及可持续规划
10.About Eco-ecological Characteristics and Development Strategy of Urban Forestry;论城市林业的生态经济特征与产业发展对策
11.Land Potential Analysis of City Group Development and Its Urban Forestry Construction in Hunan Province;湖南省城市群发展的土地潜力分析及城市林业建设
12.Research and Development of the Urban Forestry Ecological Monitoring and Evaluation System;城市林业生态监测与评价系统的研究与开发
13.Analysis on Quality Indicators and Quality Assessment of Urban Forest Soil;城市林业土壤质量指标特性分析及质量评价
14.On the Relationship Between Forestry Development and Urban Economy in Yancheng;论林业发展与城市经济——以盐城市为例
15.Research of Coordinated Development between Service Industry and Urbanization in Jilin Province;吉林省服务业与城市化协调发展研究
16.Research on Sustainable Development of Urban Anea with Forestry Resources;林业资源型城市可持续发展研究综述
17.Evaluation on the Benefits of Forestry Based on the Urban Ecological Environment Construction;城市生态环境建设中林业的效益评价
18.Industrial Development and Urbanization of JiLin City in Modern (1881-1980);近现代吉林市的工业发展与城市化进程(1881-1980)

urban forest城市林业
1.Based on analyzing the main problems existing in urban forest construction and environmental protection, corresponding ideas and countermeasures for the construction are put forward.分析了目前千岛湖城市林业建设中面临的问题,提出了一些进行城市林业建设的思路和对策措施。
2.The system and function of urban forest are also discussed.在阐述当前我国城市化的现状及城市化对城市人居环境的不良影响的基础上 ,分析城市林业的组成与作用 ,提出当前城市林业建设管理中存在的不足以及发展现代城市林业的基本思
3.The building of urban forest ecosphere is becoming focus worldwidely as well as the recognition of the founction of the forest.随着现代人们对森林功能的重新认识,城市林业生态圈的建设目前已成为全世界范围城市建设的热点。
3)city forestry城市林业
1.In terms of the development scale and ecological situation of Liuzhou City,the planning way of thinking for constructing city forestry ecological circle is advanced,and the basic orientation and construction principle for city forestry ecological circle in Liuzhou is also expounded.根据柳州城市的发展规模和生态状况,提出建设城市林业生态圈的规划思路,阐述了柳州城市林业生态圈的基本定位和建设原则,并结合柳州市的生态区位、存在的主要生态问题以及经济社会发展对生态环境的依赖程度,提出城市林业生态圈建设的范围、空间布局、建设指标和主要建设模式。
4)Urban forest soil城市林业土壤
1.The physiochemical physical and chemical properties as well as enzyme activities of urban forest soil with the depth of 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm in different functional areas of Nanjing were analyzed.过氧化氢酶活性、脱氢酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性与土壤有机质和全氮含量都有显著相关性,是表征城市林业土壤肥力的重要生物指标。
2.01), both of which were low in urban forest soil.城市林业土壤质地类型以粉壤土为主,占60。
5)forestry resource-based cities林业资源型城市
1.Discussion on transformation of forestry resource-based cities;林业资源型城市转型问题浅析
2.According to relevant theory and practical experience of resource-based cities,problems and reasons of forestry resource-based cities currently existed were analyzed.综合国内外资源型城市转型的相关理论与实践经验,对林业资源型城市现存问题及成因进行了分析,在转型的必要性、概念模型、内容体系、关键问题及政策措施等方面进行了研究,为林业资源型城市顺利转型与可持续发展提供理论依据与指导作用。
6)Urban Forestry Ecology城市林业生态
1.Research on the Application of Delphi and Other Softwares to the Urban Forestry Ecology Information System;Delphi等软件在城市林业生态信息系统中的应用初探

城市林业城市林业urban forestry ehengsh一l旧ye城市林业(urban forest巧)把林业由野外、农村引进人口稠密的经济文化与工商业集中的城市,以提高城市绿地面积和改善城市生态环境为主要目的的林业活动组织形式。 目前大多数繁华、喧闹的城市生态环境恶化。市中心的温度往往高于周围农村,形成“热岛”;嘈杂的噪声使人感到窒息、头晕、失眠;汽车和工业排放的废气严重污染城市的空气等,破坏了环境和人体之间的生态平衡,使生活在拥挤狭小的城市空间里的人们身体素质下降,而患“城市文明病”:抵抗力降低、神经衰弱、肥胖症、心血管病及癌症等。而发展城市林业则为解决城市的上述环境问题提供了一种新的途径。它可以美化环境、净化空气、减少噪音和调节小气候等,改善城市人的生活质量。 因地制宜、合理布局是发展城市林业的关键所在。通过四旁植树种草、营造风景林、发展城市园林以及兴办森林公园等多种形式,扩大绿地面积,形成与城市工商业中心、学校、居民区互相协调的新格局,集卫生保健、休闲娱乐等多种功能于一体的良性循环的城市生态系统(参见彩图插页第51页)。 发展城市林业,增加公共绿地面积,改善城市生态环境,是城市可持续发展的主要任务之一。随着经济水平的提高,人们对城市生活环境的要求越来越高,城市林业建设、绿地面积的数量和质量开始成为衡量生活水平的指标之一。中国城市公共绿地少,城市平均绿地覆盖率仅21%,人均公共绿地面积仅黝 街道植树绿化4 .4平方米,远远落后于发达国家。城市林业建设必须在进一步完善和制订城市林业发展的有关法规的基础上,健全监督机构,保证城市林业的健康发展。同时,加强宣传力度,提高居民对城市森林重要性的认识,鼓励全民和全社会参与城市林业建设和保护。(李飞)