纵坑切梢小蠹,Tomicus piniperda
1)Tomicus piniperda纵坑切梢小蠹
1.Integrated management techniques against Tomicus piniperda in Yanshan County;砚山县纵坑切梢小蠹综合控制技术
2.Bionomics of Tomicus piniperda in Yunnan;云南纵坑切梢小蠹种群生物学特性研究
3.Studies on Predation of Thanasimus dubius(Col.: Cleridae) on Tomicus piniperda(Col.: Scolytidae);疑山郭公虫对纵坑切梢小蠹捕食作用研究

1.Toxicity of the extracts from Sladenia celastrifolia against Tomicus piniperda肋果茶提取物对纵坑切梢小蠹的毒力
2.The investigation and analysis of Blastophagus piniporda pest to Pinus koraiensis松纵坑切梢小蠹为害红松的调查与分析
3.Study on Fluctuation and Harmfulness of Micus piniperda Population纵坑切梢小蠹种群变动及危害规律研究
4.Preliminary Report on Causes and Controls for Myelophilus piniperda in Lanping County兰坪县松纵坑切梢小蠹发生及防治情况初报
5.Study on the Ecology of Tomicus Yunnanensis and Tominus Minor (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Their Kairomones;云南纵坑切梢小蠹和横坑切梢小蠹生态学的研究及其有效引诱物质的探索
6.Study on Insecticidal Activity of Plant Secondary Metabolites against Tomicus Piniperda L;植物次生物质对云南松纵坑切梢小蠹杀虫活性研究
7.Relationship between occurrence of Tomicus piniperda and ecological factors and its control technique松纵坑切梢小蠹发生与生态因子的关系及防治技术研究
8.Interspecific Competition between Tomicus yunnanensis and T.minor(Col.Scolytidae)During Shoot-feeding Period in Yunnan of China云南切梢小蠹与横坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期的竞争研究(英文)
9.Shoot of Selection and Survival Analysis of Tomicus yunnanensis Kirkendall & Faccoli (Curculionidae, Scolytinae)云南切梢小蠹枝梢选择和存活分析初探
10.The Geography Distribution of Tomicus Species in Southwest China under Climate Change中国西南地区切梢小蠹属害虫气候地理分布
11.Identification of Tomicus species in China我国切梢小蠹鉴定方法研究及一新种发现
12.Selectivity of 3 Tomicus.spp Attacked Pinus yunnanensis to different health hosts during the Shoot Feeding Period云南松3种切梢小蠹蛀梢期对不同状态寄主的选择性
13.Comparison of Volatile Chemicals from Healthy and Barkbeatle-attacked Trunk of Pinus yunnanensis and from Hindguts of Tomicus yunnanensis健康和受蠹害云南松及云南切梢小蠹后肠挥发性物质的分析与比较
14.Depth Calculation and Restraint Condition of Looper Pit for Slitting Line纵切机组活套坑深度的计算方法及约束条件
15.A similar section through the female plant reveals several bottle-shape archegonia, the female reproductory organs.通过雌株末梢的纵切面所现出的几个瓶状的颈卵器,这就是雌性生殖器官。
16.type genus of the Scolytidae comprising numerous small bark beetles.由许多棘胫小蠹构成的棘胫小蠹科的模式属。
17.A small structure, such as a fibril of a nerve, that resembles a root.末梢象根的小构造,如神经末梢
18.The bird sat on the top branch of the tree.那只小鸟落在了树梢上。

Tomicus piniperda L纵坑切梢小蠹
1.Studies on the Occurrence Situation of Tomicus piniperda L. and It s Preventive Measures in Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州纵坑切梢小蠹虫发生情况及防治对策研究
2.Pathogenic mechanisms of Leptographium yunnanense,a fungus associated with Tomicus piniperda L.;纵坑切梢小蠹伴生菌危害机理的研究
3.By careful and long period field investigation of the population density of Tomicus piniperda L.经过对纵坑切梢小蠹 (TomicuspiniperdaL 。
3)Tomicus piniperda松纵坑切梢小蠹
1.Tomicus piniperda and controlling method;松纵坑切梢小蠹及其防治
2.Field Trapping Test on Semiochemicals of Pine Shoot Beetle Tomicus piniperda L.;松纵坑切梢小蠹信息化学物质野外诱集效果试验
3.Relationship between Stand Status of Pinus yunnanensis and Damage of Tomicus piniperda;云南松林分状况与松纵坑切梢小蠹危害的关系
4)Tomicus piniperda纵坑切梢小蠹虫
1.The Effect of Fertilization in Pinus yunnanensis Forest on Control of Tomicus piniperda;云南松林施肥对防治纵坑切梢小蠹虫作用初探
5)Tomicus piniperda松纵坑切梢小蠹虫
1.The Test for Controlling Tomicus piniperda by Holes-drilling during Various Seasons;不同季节打孔注药防治松纵坑切梢小蠹虫试验
6)Tomicus yunnanensis云南纵坑切梢小蠹
1.Research Advances on Using Pinus yunnanensis Volatiles to Monitor and Control Tomicus yunnanensis(Coleoptera:Scolytidae);利用云南松挥发性化学物质监测和防治云南纵坑切梢小蠹的研究进展

纵坑切梢小蠹  小蠹科的 1种。分布于中国辽宁、河南、陕西、江苏、浙江、湖南、四川、云南等省,日本、朝鲜、蒙古人民共和国、苏联及一些西欧国家。危害华山松、高山松、油松、云南松及其他松属树种。    体长3.4~5.0毫米。头部、前胸背板黑色,鞘翅黑褐色有强光泽。眼长椭圆形。触角锤状部 3节,椭圆形。额部略隆起,有中隆线,起自口上片止于额心。前胸背板长度与背板基部宽度之比为 0.8。鞘翅长度为前胸背板长度的2.6倍,为两翅合宽的1.8倍。刻点沟凹陷,沟内刻点圆大,点心无毛;沟间部宽阔,翅基部沟间部生有横向瘤堤,以后渐平,沟间部的刻点甚小,有如针尖锥刺的痕迹,各沟间部横排1~2枚,翅中部以后沟间部出现小颗瘤,排成一纵列;沟间部的刻点中心生短毛,微小清晰,贴伏于翅面上;沟间部的小颗瘤后面各伴生一刚毛,挺直竖立,持续地排至翅端。斜面第2沟间部凹陷,其表面平坦,没有颗瘤和竖毛。