火灾风险,Fire risk
1)Fire risk火灾风险
1.Considerations on adjusting fire risk problem with economic strategy;运用经济策略调节火灾风险问题的思考
2.Evaluation on the fire risk in the urban car parks;城市停车场火灾风险性的评价
3.The current status and applying of city fire risk assessment technology in foreign country;国外区域火灾风险评估技术及应用现状

1.Commercial Fire Insurance Rating Based on Fire Risk Assessment;基于火灾风险评估的企业火灾保险费率的厘定
2.Discuss on Fire Risk Assessment of Building and Commercial Fire Insurance Rating建筑火灾风险评估及火灾保险费率厘定探讨
3.Assessment & Design for Fire Safety of Steel Structural Buildings;建筑钢结构火灾风险评价和抗火设计
4.Application of 0the Fire Risk Exponent Method in Fire Risk Investigation of Fire火灾风险指数法在建筑火灾调查中的应用
5.Study on Standard Frame of Fire Risk Assessment for Property Insurance财产保险火灾风险评估标准框架研究
6.Synthetic evaluation of fire safety of high-rise building and its application to fluctuation of fire insurance premium rate;建筑火灾风险综合评价对火灾保险费率影响的研究
7.owner's risk of fire船东或货主自负火灾风险
8.The Study on Fire Risk Evaluation for One International Airport Station;某国际机场航站楼火灾风险评估研究
9.Effect of Staff Response on Fire risk assessment;浅析人员反应对火灾风险评估的影响
10.Research on Identification of Fire Risk Pivotal Parts of Large-Scale Emporium大型商场火灾风险关键部位辨识研究
11.Risk Evaluation of Building Fire Based on DHGF Algorithm基于DHGF算法的建筑火灾风险评价
12.Multi-level Extensible Assessment of Subway Fire Risks地铁火灾风险性的多级可拓综合评估
13.Fuzzy synthetic evaluation for fire risk of high-rise school buildings高层教学楼火灾风险的模糊综合评估
14.Post-earthquake Fire Risk Assessment and Fire Spread Modeling in Urban Area城市区域地震次生火灾风险评估及火蔓延模拟
15.Study on Fire Risk Evaluation and Fire Insurance Rate-making for Commercial-Residential Occupancies商住楼火灾风险评价及保险费率厘定的研究
16.Research and Development on Campus Fire Risk Assessment and Emergency Information System;校园火灾风险评价与应急信息系统研发
17.The Study on the Chemical Corporation Fire Risk Assessment Based upon a Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Recognition;基于层次分析法的化工企业火灾风险评估研究
18.Risk assessment of grassland fire in Jilin Province based on information diffusion theory;基于信息扩散理论的吉林省草原火灾风险评价

fire safety火灾风险
1.That how to evaluate the problem of fire safety,especially to supermarket,correctly is always a concern for researcher engaging in fire-protect.根据火灾风险评价过程中一些影响因素的不确定性和模糊性的特点,提出利用模糊理论对其进行模糊综合评价。
2.According to the index system of fire safety assessment to high-rise buildings,a mathematical model of fuzzy probability comprehensive evaluation for fire safety is established.针对模糊综合评判法在高层建筑火灾风险评价中的不足之处,提出了模糊权重的概念,并建立了高层建筑火灾风险评价的多级模糊概率综合评判模型。
3.Fuzzy Optimal Cluster Model and Its Application in Fire Safety Evaluation for High-rise Buildings;将模糊数学中的综合评判模型、最优归类模型与高层建筑中对火灾风险有影响的因子相结合 ,建立了高层建筑火灾风险评价的模糊最优归类模型。
3)fire risk analysis火灾风险分析
1.Many important technical terms used in the English literatures about fire risk analysis may be confused easily in our learning.在性能化防火设计方法文献中,出现了不少容易混淆的有关火灾风险分析的重要术语,如果不能正确理解这些术语的内涵,将妨碍我们的学习与借鉴。
4)fire risk management火灾风险管理
1.Research on frame of city fire risk management城市火灾风险管理框架的研究
2.Elaborates the corpus of a fire risk management,discusses the reason,source and ineffective reasons that the fire fight section cooperates with the insurance company,definitely put forward the understanding measure.阐述了火灾风险管理的主体,论述了公安消防部门和保险公司进行协作的理由、渊源及效果欠佳的原因,并提出两者相互协作的措施。
5)Investigation table of fire risk火灾风险调查表
6)level of building fire risk火灾风险等级

工业火灾风险管理工业火灾风险管理 【工业火灾风险管理]通过对工业火灾的预防、预测、控制和扑救等各种措施,降低火灾发生频率,或即使火灾发生使其危害和损失控制在最小限度内。针对各种危险源而制定的火灾预防和控制计划的主要内容有:规划和建设低危险性的建筑物、生产工艺和生产设施;在需要的部位和位置上设置和提供控制和抑制火灾的设备,并使这些设备保持完好的备用状态;制订和健全工业生产的用火、用电、用料等工艺操作规程、安全技术规程和防火安全规章制度;设置防静电或静电消除装置和防雷、避雷保护装置,并保证其安全可靠;各类可燃、易燃、易爆危险物品在生产、使用、贮存、运输方面均有安全措施和安全管理规章制度;对工作人员进行防火、灭火的教育、训练,制定抢救计划,定期进行模拟火灾现场扑救的操作演练等。