竹文化,Bamboo Culture
1)Bamboo Culture竹文化
1.Phenomena and connotations of Japanese bamboo culture;日本竹文化现象及其内涵
2.A preliminary research on the developing of bamboo culture tourism in Shaoyang邵阳竹文化旅游开发初探

1.The Chinese Bamboo Culture of Shuowen Jiezi Bamboo Radical;从《说文解字·竹部》看中国竹文化
2.Summary of Bamboo Culture and Bamboo Culture Tourism in China;中国竹文化竹文化旅游研究的现状和展望
3.Bonsai Traditional Bamboo Culture in the Interpretation and the Design of Bamboo Bonsai;传统竹文化在盆景方面的诠释及竹盆景的设计
4.Study on Ethnical Bamboo Culture Ecotourism in Yunnan Province云南民族竹文化生态旅游研究(英文)
5.Chinese bamboo culture is of high development value because of its applications on landscape, gardening, handicrafts and diet.中国竹文化具有优美的自然景观、竹景文化艺术、工艺文化、饮食文化等旅游开发价值。
6.Status of Bamboo Culture Tourism in Bamboo Industry Development in Yunnan Province:With Xinping County as a Case云南竹文化旅游开发在竹产业发展中的地位——以滇中竹乡新平县为例
7.Chinese bamboo culture and classical bamboo fumiture are the basic of bamboo furniture development, abundant bamboo resource is the advantage for bamboo furniture making.中国的竹文化和古典竹家具是设计开发竹家具的基础,丰富的竹材资源是制作竹家具的有利条件。
8.A Study on the Development of National Bamboo Cultural Tourism in Dehong District of Yunnan Province;云南德宏州民族竹文化特色旅游开发研究
9.A Research on the Characteristics of the "Bamboo King" of the Yelang Kingdom,the Bamboo Totem and the Lusheng Culture;夜郎竹王、竹图腾与芦笙文化本质特征研究
10.Elegance and Popularity:An investigation of the legal culture in zhuzhi poems in the Qing dynasty;雅俗之间:清代竹枝词的法律文化解读
11.Cultural Values of Bamboo Resources in the Development of Ecotourism;竹资源在发展生态旅游中的文化价值
12.On the cultural explanation of Nanjing s Zhuzixiang district;关于“祖籍南京竹子巷”一语的文化解读
13.In the "top ten lands of bamboo in China" and other main producing areas,bamboo resources have exerted profound influences on the local society,economy,culture and tourism.在“中国十大竹乡”和主要竹产地,竹资源对当地的社会、经济、文化和旅游业具有重大影响。
14.The Purification of Low Concentration NOx in Cultural Relics Conservation Micro-Environment by Biomass-based Carbon竹炭净化文物保存微环境空气低浓度氮氧化物
15." The beautiful plant has forged an indissoluble bond with man's cultural life.竹子与人类的文化生活结下了不解之缘。
16.The Cultural Origin of Bamboo-tube Rice and Eating-rat in the Light of Etymology of Yami and Miji从“涯密”、“密唧”语源看竹筒饭和啖鼠文化起源
17.On the Historical and Cultutral Origin of Plastic Imsage of Luohan in Qiong Zhu Temple in Kunming昆明筇竹寺“五百罗汉”造像的历史文化探源
18.Ecohydrological Functions of Phyllostachy Pubescens Stands and Its Dynamics of Soil Fertility;毛竹林水文生态功能及其土壤肥力变化研究

1.The Research on Bamboo-culture in Our South Architecture Environment;我国南方建筑环境中的竹文化研究
3)culture of tea and bamboo茶竹文化
1.The culture of tea and bamboo in Chongqing Yongchuan has an old and long history,which has beautiful land- scape and green dietetic culture.重庆永川市茶竹文化具有历史悠久、自然景观优美等特色。
4)bamboo cultural circle竹文化圈
5)charcoal culture竹炭文化
1.This paper introduces the Bamboo Charcoal Museum in Suichang County,Zhejiang Province with the emphasis on the monographic area,utilization in industry,popular science,produces show case area and function of bamboo charcoal culture.本文着重介绍了浙江遂昌竹炭博物馆专题展区、炭工业应用馆、科普馆、产品展区和竹炭文化的功能。
6)Giant dragon bamboo culture巨龙竹文化

竹笙玉竹贝菜 名: 竹笙玉竹贝主 料: 象贝半罐,竹笙6克,玉竹3克。配 料: 味精、盐各适量。做 法: 1、竹笙用清水充分浸发,漂洗2-3次后,切成段,待用。2、象贝、竹笙、玉竹一起放入炖盅,调入味精、盐,加入适量沸水,用文火炖30分钟左右,即可进食。特 点: 汤色清而透亮。药用价值: 象贝味甘,性平;竹笙味甘,性寒;玉竹味甘,性微寒。三者合炖,可益气补肾,养胃生津,益精健脾,补虚除弱,消食化痰,润肺止咳,对阴虚感冒、心悸怔忡、麻疹透发不畅、目涩赤及疮疡等症有较好疗效。