地力衰退,soil degradation
1)soil degradation地力衰退
1.Soil degradation and sustainable management of Chinese fir plantation.;杉木人工林地力衰退与可持续经营
2.The soil degradation of Eucalyptus plantation was evaluated from water status, nutrition status and the integrated effect of plantation on water and fertility.从桉树人工林的水分、养分状况以及人工林对水肥的综合影响上评述了桉树人工林的地力衰退表现; 进而, 以生物多样性作为关键因素, 分析了桉树人工林地上部分及土壤部分生物多样性的特点, 以及导致人工林生物多样性较低的原因, 从而提出制止桉树人工林地力衰退的 3方面的措施。
3.The paper analyzed the cause and countermeasure of soil degradation and yield reduction of artificial fir plantation in recent years and its solutions, it was summarized that increasing wood yield need to pay great attention to the quality of artificial fir plantation, and improving soil power must attend to the selection, crop rotation and mixture of tree species and fertilizing of wood land.分析了最近一段时期里人工杉木林的地力衰退及木材产量下降的原因并探寻解决的办法,得出要想提高木材产量就需要重视林地的质量,而提高地力就必须注意到树种的选择、树种的轮种、树种的混交及向林地施肥等因素。

1.The Cause and Countermeasure of Soil Degradation and Yield Reduction of Artificial Fir Plantation杉木林地力衰退与产量下降的原因及对策
2.Studies on Soil Degradation and Soil Productivity Maintenance Measures for Continuous Cropping Poplar Trees;杨树连作地力衰退及林地生产力维持技术的研究
3.His influence is on the ebb.他的影响力逐渐在衰退。
4.His powers are failing, ie He is becoming weak.他的体力正在衰退.
5.His judgment seems to have waned.他的判断力似乎衰退了。
6.His influence [popularity] has waned.他的势力 [声望] 已衰退。
7.His sight is beginning to fail.他的视力开始衰退。
8.His eyesight is failing.他的视力渐渐衰退了.
9.His eyesight is going.他的视力正在衰退。
10.second childhood老年的智力衰退时期
11.His mental decay is distressing.他的智力衰退令人苦恼。
12.Study on the decline process and instauration path of land productivity on the sloping land in the Southern Loess Plateau;黄土高原南部坡地土地生产力衰退过程和恢复途径研究
13.To decline in health or vigor;waste away.衰弱,消瘦在健康或精力方面衰退;变得衰弱
14.a,run-down `area,`town,`industry,`house衰败的地区、衰落的城市、衰退的工业、破损的房子
15.a run-down area, town, industry, house衰败的地区、 衰落的城市、 衰退的工业、 破损的房子
16.The Evaluation of the Core Competitive Capacity of Enterprises and the Transfer of the Failing Mine to the West Energy Concentrative Place;核心竞争力评价与衰退矿区向西部能源富集地转移
17.Analysis on the Impetus to the Decline and Rejuvenation of Tourist Areas;旅游地衰退与复苏的驱动力分析——以几个典型旅游景区为例
18.As people grow old, they will decay mentally as well as physically.人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退。

soil fertility degradation地力衰退
3)land capability decline of plantation人工林地力衰退
1.The results of study on the land capability decline of continuous cropping of Larix and Cunninghamia lanceolata showed that the imbalance of bio_cycle and improper cultivation technology were the main causes of land capability decline of plantation.人工林地力衰退主要表现为土壤剖面逆向发育 ,土壤理化性质变差 ,有机质和养分状况恶化 ,人工林生产力下降等。
5)fading resistance衰退抗力
