马褂木,Liriodendron chinense
1)Liriodendron chinense马褂木
1.Physiological Response of Liriodendron chinense Provenances with Different Phosphorus Efficiency under Low Phosphorus Stress;不同磷效率马褂木种源对磷胁迫的生理反应
2.Study on the Biomass and Soil Fertility of Pure and Mixed Stands of Cunninghamia lanceolata,Liriodendron chinense and Sassafras tsumu;杉木与马褂木、檫树混交林及其纯林生物量和土壤肥力研究
3.Family Variation and Inheritance of Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization Efficiency of Liriodendron chinense Related to Nitrogen Supply马褂木N素吸收和利用效率家系遗传及N素影响

1.The Test Model About The Excellent Geographical Provenances And Its Cultivation Techniques Of Liriodendron Chinense马褂木优良地理种源试验及造林技术
2.Analysised and Studied on the Growth Law of Liriodendron Chinense[Hemsl]Sarg.in Dabie Mountains in South Henan豫南大别山中国马褂木林木生长规律分析研究
3.Effect of Nitrogen on the Seedling Growth of Liriodendron chinense Families氮素营养对马褂木家系苗木生长效应分析
4.Family Selection with High Nitrogen Efficiency and Investigation on the Effect of Cultivating Seedling of Liriodendron Chinense with Mycorrhizal Fungi马褂木N高效家系选择和菌根化育苗效果研究
5.The Effects of Different Planting Density on Early Growth of Somatic Embryogenesis Liriodendron chinense×L.tulipifera体细胞胚胎发生杂种马褂木造林密度试验
6.Screening of Chinese Tulip Tree Mycorrhizal Fungi and Effect of Growing Seedling with Mycorrhizae马褂木菌根真菌筛选和菌根化育苗效果研究
7.Genetic Variation and Selection in PUE among Liriodendron Chinese Provenance;马褂木种源磷素利用效率的遗传变异与优良种源选择
8.Family Variation and Inheritance of Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization Efficiency of Liriodendron chinense Related to Nitrogen Supply马褂木N素吸收和利用效率家系遗传及N素影响
9.Study on Increment and Biomass of Artificial Liriodendron chinense,Fokienia hodginsii and Abies firma Forest马褂木等3个树种人工林生长量及生物量调查研究
10.Diversity of Understory Herbaceous Species and Canopy Density of Liriodendron chinense Stand人工马褂木林下草本植物物种多样性与林分郁闭度的关系
11.mandarin coat清朝式对襟绣花马褂
12.Long gown, mandarin jacket and waistcoat were the typical Manchurian clothes.长袍、马褂、马甲为满族人的主要服装;
13.Dress or Undress the Mandarin Jacket:A Reflection of Subject and Object of Legal Relationship Theory;穿马褂与扒马褂:对法律关系主客体理论的初步反思
14.The Qing Dynasty unified China, and unified the nationwide costume as well.清统一中国,也统一全国服饰,男人穿长袍马褂,女人穿旗袍。
15.And there I will sustain you-for there are still five years of famine to come-so that you and your household and all that you have do not become impoverished.乙?谀抢锓钛?悖灰蛭?褂形迥甑募⒒模?獾媚愫湍愕木焓簦?⒁磺兴?械模?记罘α恕
16.Wearing a gown and a mandarin jack et, the old man beats a drum to set the pace for the oarsmen, and several boys about 10 years of age, wearing dresses, beat drums and gongs.鼓头身着长袍马褂,坐在龙颈上击鼓发令,男扮女装的鼓锣手,由十岁左右的孩童充任。
17.When I read this, through a mist of tears I saw his blue cotton padded gown and black jacket once more as his burly figure walked away from me.我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的,青布棉袍,黑布马褂的背影。 唉!
18.Through the glistening tears which these words had brought to my eyes I again saw the back of father's corpulent form in the dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown and the black cloth mandarin jacket.我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的,青布棉袍,黑布马褂的背影。

Liriodendron chinese马褂木
1.Characteristics of Phosphorus Efficiency of Different Provenaces in Liriodendron chinese;马褂木种源磷效率特性差异研究
2.Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation of Liriodendron chinese Provenances Related to Phosphorus Environment;磷素环境与马褂木种源的生长和干物质积累
3.Analysis on Effects of the Mix between Cunninghamia lanceolata and Liriodendron Chinese杉木与马褂木混交效果分析
3)Liriodendron chinense中国马褂木
1.Mass Isolation of Viable Sperm Cells from the Pollen of Liriodendron chinense;中国马褂木精细胞分离技术
2.The mature pollen of Liriodendron chinense was bicellular.成熟的中国马褂木花粉为二细胞型花粉。
4)Liriodendron chinense×tulipifera杂交马褂木
1.Primary study on planting experiment of the clone selection of Liriodendron chinense×tulipifera;杂交马褂木无性系造林试验初报
5)hybrid yellow-poplar(Liriodendron tulipifera × L.chinense)杂种马褂木
1.Biomass,productivity and growth processes of a 26-year-old hybrid yellow-poplar(Liriodendron tulipifera × L.通过对福建省沙县官庄国有林场26年生杂种马褂木人工林生物量与生产力及其生长过程的研究,结果表明:26年生杂种马褂木人工林平均密度、树高、胸径和林分蓄积量分别为915株。
6)riding jacket马褂
