变形特性,deformation characteristics
1)deformation characteristics变形特性
1.Test study on deformation characteristics of lightweight sand-EPS beads soil under dynamic load;动荷载下砂土与EPS颗粒混合的轻质土变形特性的试验研究
2.Experimental study on dynamic deformation characteristics of lightweight clay-EPS beads soil;黏土与EPS颗粒混合轻质土的动力变形特性试验研究
3.Study on deformation characteristics of collision region of copper tube with guard ring driven by two head-on colliding detonation waves;爆轰波对碰驱动下加环紫铜圆管对碰区变形特性研究

1.Deformation Behaviours and Deformation Parameter of loess in Shanxi District陕西关中黄土变形特性和变形参数的探讨
2.Strength and deformation properties of H-V reinforced clayH-V加筋黏性土的强度与变形特性
3.On the deformation of soft clay subjected to cyclic loading循环荷载作用下软黏土变形特性研究
4.Strengthening Mechanisms and Hot Deformation Characteristics of MP159 Alloy;MP159合金的强化机理和热态变形特性
5.Analysis for Deformation and Shear Zones of Reinforced Embankment;加筋路堤变形特性和剪切屈服区分析
6.Deformation of the Embankment with Riprap Slope Protection at Qinghai-Tibet Railway;青藏铁路片石护坡路基变形特性研究
7.Study on the Deformation Characteristics and Analysis Model of Concrete Faced Rock-fill Dam;面板堆石坝变形特性及分析模型研究
8.Research on the Characteristic of the Expressway Stress and Distortion on Soft Ground;高速公路软土路基应力、变形特性研究
9.Deformation Analysis of Embankment on Sloping Poor Ground;斜坡软弱土地基路堤的变形特性分析
10.Study on Strength and Deformation of Unsaturated Expansive Soils;非饱和膨胀土强度和变形特性的研究
11.Analysis of Bearing and Deforming Behavior of Pile Group under Lateral Load;水平荷载下群桩的受力变形特性分析
12.The Study on Stresses and Deformations of Concrete-face Rock Fill Dam;混凝土面板堆石坝应力变形特性研究
13.Research on Slab Deformation Characteristics of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam;混凝土面板堆石坝面板变形特性研究
14.changed in form or character.在形式或特性上改变的。
16.Blast-resistant properties of beams consisting of nonlinear elastic large deformation materials非线性弹性大变形材料梁的抗爆特性
17.Pore deformation of low-permeability gas reservoirs is characteristic of elastic plastic deformation.低渗透气藏孔隙变形具有弹塑性变形的特征。
18.Oxidation,transformation and deformation characteristics of Ti-49.8Ni shape memory alloyTi-49.8Ni形状记忆合金的氧化、相变和形变特性

deformation behavior变形特性
1.Deformation Behavior of Semi-solid Magnesium Alloy;镁合金半固态变形特性的研究
2.Analysis of deformation behavior of deep excavations supported by permanent structure;支护结构与主体地下结构相结合的深基坑变形特性分析
3.Effect of Composition on Structure and Deformation Behavior of High Manganese Alloy Steel;成分对高锰合金钢组织和变形特性的影响
3)deformation characteristic变形特性
1.Test study on load-bearing and deformation characteristics of rammed soil-cement pile composite foundation;夯实水泥土桩复合地基承载和变形特性的试验研究
2.Dimension effect to the deformation characteristic of aggregate;尺寸效应对砂砾石变形特性的分析
3.Based on the direct shear test on the interface between soil and steel,deformation characteristic of the interface is studied,and the influence of normal stress on the shearing failure deformation is analyzed.利用应变控制式直剪仪,对上海土与钢材料接触面进行直剪试验,研究了土与钢材料接触面内的变形特性,分析了法向应力对接触面剪切破坏特性的影响。
4)deformation properties变形特性
1.Experimental studies on unloading deformation properties of silty clay of first marine layer in Tianjin urban area;天津市区第一海相层粉质黏土卸荷变形特性的试验研究
2.The deformation properties of lightweight EPS-bead-treatded soil were studied by isotropic compression test and consolidated drained triaxial test.根据不同配比的EPS颗粒轻质混合土的等向压缩试验和固结排水剪切试验结果,研究了轻质混合土的变形特性
3.Based on 50 case histories of deep excavation supported by diaphragm wall in Shanghai soft deposit, the deformation properties of diaphragm wall are studied.根据上海软土地区50个深基坑工程的实测结果,研究了连续墙的变形特性,包括基坑开挖深度、支撑系统的相对刚度对连续墙最大侧移的影响,最大侧移的深度及墙后软土层厚度对基坑变形特性的影响,得到的若干规律性结果,可为今后同类基坑工程的设计提供参考。
5)Deformation property变形特性
1.A summary of experiment methods of deformation property in high emperature of asphalt mixture;沥青混合料高温变形特性试验方法综述
6)hot-deformation characteristics热变形特性
1.A study on the reactivity and hot─deformation characteristics of briquettes has been made toanalyze the reasons of the high reactivity and advantageous hot-deformation characteristics of briquettescompared with raw coal.对型煤的化学反应活性和热变形特性进行了研究,分析探讨了型煤较原煤化学反应活性高及热变形特性好的原因,并通过试验给出了:1)烟煤与无烟煤配比,成型工艺、活性剂、粘结剂对提高型煤化学反应活性的定量结果;2)烟煤与无烟煤配比、钙硫比、外形尺寸、粘结剂,升温过程对改善型煤热变形特性的定量结果。
