森林防火,forest fire prevention
1)forest fire prevention森林防火
1.Data fusion with 3D modeling for forest fire prevention background database;多源数据融合下的森林防火本底数据库建立
2.Study on countermeasure by analysis of forest fire prevention of Daxing′anling forest region;基于大兴安岭森林防火特殊性的问题与对策探讨
3.Key technology of the forest fire prevention system at county level based on 3D;基于3D的县级森林防火系统关键技术研究

1.Prevention of forest fires is up to you.森林防火是你们的责任。
2.To specify a forest fire prevention period, during which no fire shall be used out in the field in the forest area;规定森林防火期,在森林防火期内,禁止在林区野外用火;
3.1) To specify a forest fire prevention period, during which no fire shall be used out in the field in the forest area;(一)规定森林防火期,在森林防火期内,禁止在林区野外用火;
4.The Application of Forest Fire Meteorological Station in Forest Fire Alarms森林防火气象站在森林火灾预警上的应用
5.A Case Discussion on Network of the United Prevention of Forest Fire in Shanxi Province山西森林防火联防网络化案例研究
6.Analysis on Teaching Methods of Forest Police and Forest Firefighting Training;森林公安和森林防火培训教学方法探析
7.CFFP = Canadian Forest Fire Prediction System加拿大森林防火预测系统
8.The Present Situation and Development Tendency of Domestic and Abroad Technical Level of Forest Fire Prevention;国内外森林防火技术现状及趋势探讨
9.Research and Realization of Mobile Forest Fireproofing Command System;移动式森林防火指挥系统的实现研究
10.The Research and Application of WebGIS in Forest Fireproofing Command System;WebGIS在森林防火指挥系统中的应用研究
11.Study and Realization of Forest Fireproofing Assistant Command System;森林防火辅助指挥系统的研究与实现
12.Study and Implementation of Forest Fireproofing Forecast System;森林防火预测预报系统的研究与实现
13.Qipanshan Forest Fireproofing Information System Based on GIS;基于GIS的棋盘山森林防火信息系统
14.Research about Expert System of Forest Fire Prevention Based on web;基于web的森林防火专家系统的研究
15.Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Forecasting System for Forest Fire Prevention;森林防火监测预警系统的设计与实现
16.Design and Implementation of SMS Interface for Forest Fire Prevention森林防火手机短信平台的设计与实现
17.The Design of Forest Fire Alarm System Based on ZigBee Technology基于ZigBee技术的森林防火预警系统设计
18.The Enlightenment to Forest Fire Prevention and Control in Southwest of China from the Study on “3·29” Forest Fire in Kunming Area in 2006昆明“3·29”森林火灾对防控西南林区火灾的启示

forest fireproofing森林防火
1.Research on platform of forest fireproofing decision based on 3S integrated technology.;基于3S集成技术的森林防火决策平台研究
2.The article introduces the general situation of Fengeheng Golden Camellia National Nature Reserve,analysises the current situation and existent problems of the forest fireproofing for golden camellia reserve,and brings forward the coun- termeasures about how to carry out the work of forest fireproofing.文章介绍了防城金花茶国家级自然保护区的概况,分析了金花茶保护区森林防火现状及存在的问题,就今后如何开展好森林防火工作提出了对策。
3.In this paper,the experiences in management organization setup,function compartmentalizing,personnel training,employment mechanism,scientific research,fire fighting commandment and investment of forest fireproofing in developed countries are expatiated.分析了河南森林防火管理的现状与问题,阐述了世界上林业发达国家在森林防火管理机构设置、人员培训、科学研究、火灾扑救指挥等方面的经验,提出河南省森林防火规范化管理的措施建议。
3)Forest fire control森林防火
1.Construct a forest management and forest fire control mechanism for the Innovation of Collective Forest Property Right System;建立与集体林权制度改革相适应的光泽县森林经营和森林防火新机制
2.Preliminary study on 3S platform construction and application in the forest fire control;森林防火3S平台的构建及其应用初探
3.Discussion on building second forest fire control network under modern communication condition in Tonghua City;现代通讯条件下通化市森林防火无线电通讯二级网的建设思路与探讨
4)forest fire森林防火
1.Prescribed burning in forest fire control;谈森林防火中的计划火烧
2.And the technique becomes a main countermeasure of forest fire prevention.防火林带在我国南方普遍推广应用,目前它已成为我国一项主要的森林防火对策。
5)Forest fire protection森林防火
1.Discusion on building mobile communication system in the commanding center of forest fire protection;论森林防火指挥中心机动通信系统的构建
2.Based on the "3S" technique,database technique,network technique and the forest fire protection technique,a GIS for preventing forest fire in Zhejiang was established successfully.通过综合运用 3S技术、数据库技术、网络技术及森林防火专业技术 ,设计和开发了浙江省森林防火地理信息指挥系统。
3.In order to strengthen the protection system against forest fire in this region,the systems of forest fire prediction and monitoring are systematically designed based on an analysis of the present situation of forest fire protection and a building-up of the geographic information system.为了搞好该区的森林防火工作,在建立保护区地理信息系统、分析其护林防火现状的基础上,对其森林火灾预防监测体系进行了系统设计,对现代林火管理系统、火险等级及分布、森林火灾蔓延模型等进行了模拟和设置,为现代林火管理、防火设施配制及火灾损失评估等提供了系统分析的依据。
6)forest-fire prevention森林防火

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。