经营密度,management density
1)management density经营密度
1.Big-diameter-oriented cultivation techniques of Cunninghamia lanceolata with suitable management density;杉木大径材定向培育的适宜经营密度
2.Study on management density in plantation of Picea koraiensis;红皮云杉人工林经营密度的确定
3.According to realistic specialty in plantations for southern type of poplar in Hubei province and detailed data from 31 sample plots, the optimal management density was explored in this paper by using dynamic programming method on the basis of the secondary effect of density model.针对湖北省南方型杨树人工林的现实特点,根据31块详细样地资料,以密度二次效应模型为基础,利用动态规划方法,对南方型杨树人工林的最适经营密度进行了探讨,同时,在兼顾单株营养面积和群众栽培习惯,以及造林可操作性的前提下,提出了适合于南方型杨树人工林在不同立地条件下的造林株行距,可为造林施工、林分抚育间伐和综合经营提供科学依据。

1.On the Growth Effect of Phyllostachys iridescens in Different Cultivation Density不同经营密度红哺鸡竹生长效果分析
2.Draft of Dense Management Table for Artificially Planted Forest of Yunnan Pine in Shimian County;石棉县云南松人工林经营密度管理表的编制
3.Ground Diameter Volume Table and Reasonable Density Management of Larix gmelinii Stand落叶松人工林根径材积表和合理经营密度研究
4.Review of Residential Densities in Public Housing Estates公营房屋居住密度检讨
5.Research on the Relation and Close Combination with the First and Second Marketing by Enterprises of Construction Industry;“一次经营”与“二次经营”的关系及紧密结合探讨
6.Nutrient density is often expressed as the INQ (index of nutrient quality) of a food.营养密度通常用INQ(营养质量指数)来表示。
7.The expression of the nutrient density of a food is presented as the index of nutrient quality (INQ).食物营养密度的表述被作为营养质量的指数。
8.Mr. Smith manages a big shop.史密斯先生经营一家大商店。
9.There are speakeasies and clubs operated on the sneak there.那里有秘密经营的非法酒店和俱乐部。
10.management operating system (MOS)管理工作系统;经营管理制度;经营管理制度
11.Management Concept and Administrative System of Modern Local People Owned Banks;近代民营银行的经营理念与管理制度
12.The Effect of Agricultural Land Ownership and Operating System on the Operating Efficiency of Agricultural Land;农地产权与经营制度对农地经营效益的影响
13.Institution Evolution: Mixed-management andDisparted-management s Branching-off in Financial Industry;制度演进:金融混业经营与分业经营的分叉
14.Such suggestions are helpful in focusing attention on the importance of nutrient density.这种建议使公众注意到了营养密度的重要性。
15.Ecological Approaches of Landscape Design for High Density Community and Creation of Healthy Environment;高密度住区景观的生态设计与健康环境营造
16.The Study of High Cell-density Mixotrophic Culture of S.platensis;螺旋藻高密度混合营养培养工艺的研究
17.Relationship between Anatomic Structure of Maize Vegetative Organs and Yields under Different Planting Densities;不同密度下玉米营养器官结构与产量的关系
18.Effect of Density and Nitrogen Nutrition on Yield and Quality of Triticale;密度和氮素营养对小黑麦产量及品质的影响

management desity model经营密度模型
3)Management Density Control Table经营密度控制表
1.Study on the Establishment of Management Density Control Table of Forest;编制森林经营密度控制表的研究
4)reasonable management density合理经营密度
5)involutional operation of institution制度过密化经营
6)the reasonable management density最适经营密度

电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度  电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度中国通信主管部门根据国家规定,对放开经营的电信业务实行经营许可证制度和经营申报制度实行经营许可证制度的电信业务有:无线电寻呼;80OMHZ集群电话;45OMHz无线电移动通信;国内VSAT(甚小天线地球站)通信;邮电部批准实行经营许可证制度的其他电信业务。实行经营申报制度的电信业务有:电话信息服务;计算机信息眼务;电子信箱;电子数据交换;可视图文;邮电部批准实行申报制度的其他电信业务。 申办经营许可证和申报批文的程序是:通信主管部门在收到全部申请材料后,按照经营电信业务的基本条件进行审核,对符合基本条件的单位进行综合评述,择优确定经营单位,核发经营许可证和申报批文,并分批向社会公布。电信业务经营许可证由邮电部统一印制。申办经营无线电通信业务的单位,须按照规定的审批权限到邮电部或当地邮电管理局申请办理经营许可证,并凭经营许可证到无线电管理部门申请使用频率,再到工商行政管理部门办理工商注册登记或经营范围变更手续。对实行经营许可证制度的电信业务,通信主管部门可根据通信资源及市场情况,确定发放经营许可证的数量或作出暂停审批的决定。