私有林,private forest
1)private forest私有林
1.Disquisition on Development of Private Forest as Collective Forest Property Right Being reformed in Fujian;福建集体林权改革过程中私有林发展问题研究
2.Provide the private forest subsidy is a key way to stimulate forest householders management intention and promote the sustainable development of private forestry.对私有林进行补贴是激励林农提高其经营意愿,促进私有林健康持续发展的重要手段。
3.This article takes the time as a sequence,the Industrial Revolution as the master line,uses logic inference method,summarizes three stages which the world private forest subsidy system formed in: the lumber demand sharp expansion-root,the proposition of alleviating the lumber demand tense policy-evolution,the development of forestry support policy-formation.文中以时间为序列,以工业革命为主线,利用逻辑推理的方法,概括了世界私有林补贴制度形成的3个阶段:木材需求的急剧扩张——根源,缓解木材需求紧张政策的提出——演进,林业扶持政策的拓展——形成,得出了世界私有林补贴制度的形成具有滞后性的结论,然后从经济学的角度对其原因进行分析,揭示了私有林补贴制度诞生的客观必然性,勾勒出世界性私有林补贴制度的发展轨迹。

1.Japanese Economic Support Policy on Private Forest and Experiences;日本的私有林经济扶持政策及其借鉴
2.SWOT Analysis and Strategy of Developing Non-public Forestry in China我国发展私有林的SWOT分析及对策
3.The Influencing Factors of Private Forest's Contracted Management Will私有林承包经营意愿的影响因素研究
4.Disquisition on Development of Private Forest as Collective Forest Property Right Being reformed in Fujian;福建集体林权改革过程中私有林发展问题研究
5.Private Forest Land Tenure Reform in China:Foreign Experiences从国外的私有林发展看我国的林权改革
6.In private-owned forest,the forest-lords that possess forest area below 5 ha. amounts to 88.6%of the total forest-lords.在私有林中,拥有森林面积5公顷以下的小林主占全部森林所有者的88.6%.
7.Study on Financing Mechanism in the Mortgage and Loan in Managing Private Forests;私有林经营中的抵押贷款融资机制研究
8.Longitudinal Analysis of the World Private Forest Subsidy System Forming Process;世界私有林补贴制度形成过程纵向分析
9.Looks at the formation mechanism of private forest subsidy system from the Industrial Revolution;从工业革命看私有林补贴制度的形成机制
10.Private Forest Subsidy System is the Real Choice to Deepen Forestry Tenture Reform;私有林补贴制度是深化林业产权制度改革的现实选择
11.Private Forests Management in the United States and Its Enlightenment on the Development of Privately Run Forestry in Guangdong Province;美国私有林管理及其对广东民营林业发展的启示
12.Advancing the Development of Private Forests and Accelerating the Realization of Forestry Spanning Progress;积极推进私有林发展 加快实现林业跨越式发展目标
13.Analysis of Private Forestry Householders Preference to Subsidy Policy--Based on the Analysis of Forestry Householders Questionnaire in Southern Collective Forest Regions;试析私有林林农对补贴政策的偏好——基于南方集体林区农户调查问卷的分析
14.Private Forest Harvesting Management in Developed Countries and Its Inspiration to China私有林采伐管理制度:发达国家经验及对我国的启示
15.Private individuals and companies own 45% of California?s productive forestland.在加州, 私人及私营公司拥有的生产性林地占45 % 。
16.The author believes that in taxonomy of park,authoritative park should have the same position as imperial,per-sonal,temple park.认为在园林分类上,官家园林应具有与皇家园林、私家园林和寺庙园林同等位置。
17.There were many gardens in Jinling during Southern Tang dynasty.南唐时金陵园林众多,皇家园林有北苑、西苑等,而私人园林多为达官贵人所有。
18.Most Suzhou gardens are centuries old and were once private gardens.苏州的大多数园林有几百年的历史了,以前都曾经是私家花园。

privately owned forest私有林
1.As reforming promoting,the property right of privately owned forest is perfected relatively.我国私有林的经营形式包括家庭经营、企业经营、合作组织经营三种。
2.The privately owned forest of our country develops under the function of collective forestry s property right reform.私有林的实践和理论在我国都处于起步阶段,我国的私有林是在集体林权改革演进的推动下产生和发展起来,集体林权改革通过一系列林业政策、林业法规的推行,强制性改变私有林的产权内容、产权主体和产权客体,以交易成本的变化为传导作用,在制度环境成熟的条件下出现友好型诱致性制度变迁,促进私有林发展。
3)Private forestry私有林业
4)private timberland私有林地
5)the subsidy of private forest私有林补贴
6)forestry privatization林业私有化
1.New Zealand has made a great achievement in its forestry privatization between the 1980s and the 1990s,which can provide the reference for the reform in China.新西兰在上个世纪末进行了较彻底的林业私有化改革,取得了很大的成功,其解决各种矛盾和争议所采用的方法很多方面值得中国学习。
