大木竹,Bambusa wenchouensis
1)Bambusa wenchouensis大木竹
1.Study on Wood Mechanical Properties of Bambusa wenchouensis;大木竹竹材力学性质的研究
2.Discussion on Prospect of Bambusa wenchouensis Application and Countermeasures;大木竹的开发应用前景与对策探讨
3.Study on Physical Properties of Bambusa wenchouensis Wood;大木竹竹材物理性质的研究
2)Bamboo & wood竹木
1.This paper is concerned about several factors affecting luster of UV curable dulling coatings for Bamboo & Wood.本文讨论了用于竹木基的UV固化哑光涂料涂膜光泽度的若干影响因素 ,包括预聚物的合成、涂料的配制 ,以及生产工艺等其它可能的因

1.The Research on Bamboo-wood Composite Board with Fir-bundle Curtains Used as Core Materials by Saving Resources Mode;资源节约型杉木木束帘芯层竹木复合板的研制
2.The Research on 32mm Bamboo-wood Glued Panel Furniture;32mm系统竹木复合板式家具研究
3.The Research of Manufacturing Technology and Properties of Bamboo/Wood Composite Orient Strand Lumber;竹木复合积成材制备工艺及性能研究
4.Research on the Related Performance of Bamboo-Wood Composite Flooring for Ground with Heating System地采暖用竹木复合地板相关性能研究
5.Thinking for Exporting Development of Bamboo, Wood and Grass Products from the View of the Inspection and Quarantine Measure in Guizhou从广州番禺出口竹木草制品检验检疫措施看贵州竹木草制品出口的发展
6.rosewood cabinet with bamboo desig有竹子图案的檀木柜
7.durability of bamboo and wood竹材和木材的耐久性
8.Preservation and Restoration of Bamboo andWooden Articles竹器木器保护与修复
9.Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.竹子一种通常为木质的,温带或热带禾本科植物,青篱竹属、竹属、苏麻竹属、毛竹属或赤竹属
10.grinder for bamboo or logs (pulp-making machinery)竹子或原木粉碎机(制浆机械)
11.All the houses there are built of wood [bamboo].那里所有的房子都是用木头[竹子]盖的。
12.Poplar, elm, walnut, camphor, fir, rosewood, bamboo, etc.白杨,榆木,胡桃,樟树,枞树,紫檀,竹子等。
13.Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Wood-bamboo Composites Used Bus-platform;木/竹复合城市客车底板动态特性研究
14.Study on Displacement Digester Systerms (DDS) Cooking with the Mixture of Eucalyptus and Bamboo;桉木与竹子混合置换蒸煮(DDS)的研究
15.Pyrolysis Characteristics of Bamboo Enzymatic/Mild Acidolysis Lignin毛竹酶解/温和酸解木素的热解特性
16.Determination of Guaiacol in XianzhuLi With HPLC MethodHPLC法测定鲜竹沥中愈创木酚的含量
17.Failure Mechanism of Muzhuping Landslide in Shuibuya Reservoir Area,Qingjiang River清江水布垭库岸木竹坪滑坡失稳探讨
18.A boy set fire to a firework, and it burned on the sticks.一个男孩点燃了一个爆竹,爆竹在木柴上燃烧起来。

Bamboo & wood竹木
1.This paper is concerned about several factors affecting luster of UV curable dulling coatings for Bamboo & Wood.本文讨论了用于竹木基的UV固化哑光涂料涂膜光泽度的若干影响因素 ,包括预聚物的合成、涂料的配制 ,以及生产工艺等其它可能的因
3)Phyllostachys heteroclada f. solida木竹
1.Discussion on Transformation of Wild Phyllostachys heteroclada f. solida and its Afforestation Technology;野生木竹林改造与造林技术探讨
1.Review on the Running for a Year of Natural Gas Purification Plant in Dazhu大竹天然气净化厂运行一年评述
5)Bamboo/wood composite竹木复合
1.Study on Bamboo/Wood Composite Strengthened Laminated Veneer Lumber Procedure by Impregnating Resin Method;浸渍法生产竹木复合强化单板层积材工艺研究
6)slied wood/bamboo veneer薄木(竹)
