日本松干蚧,Matsucoccus matsumurae
1)Matsucoccus matsumurae日本松干蚧
1.Management strategies and measures for Matsucoccus matsumurae in Jilin province;吉林省日本松干蚧的治理策略及措施
2.Damage dynamics and control strategies of Matsucoccus matsumurae in Shaoxing;绍兴市日本松干蚧虫情调查分析
3.Life cycle of Matsucoccus matsumurae in Rizhao area;日本松干蚧在山东省日照市生活历的测定

1.Effects of different insecticides against Matsucoccus matsumurae by trunk injection不同药剂树干施药对日本松干蚧的防治效果
2.Experimental study on several chemical methods of controlling Japanese pine bast scale吉林省日本松干蚧几种化学防治方法试验研究
3.The Analysis for the Pine Bark Scale,Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana) Invasion and Spread Possible in the Northeast China日本松干蚧对东北地区的入侵及其蔓延可能性分析
4.Study on Immune Reaction of Dendrolimus Fabulaeformis and Ceroplastes Japonicus to the Pathogenic Infection油松毛虫和日本龟蜡蚧对病原菌入侵的免疫反应研究
5.Chemical Communication between Persimmon Tree-Japaness Wax Scale-Natural Enemies;柿树—日本龟蜡蚧—天敌之间的化学信息联系
6.Study on the Mechanism of the Population Dynamic Variation of the Ceroplastes Japonicus in Jujube Wood;枣林日本龟蜡蚧种群数量动态变化机理研究
7.The Population Dynamic State and Community Mechanism of the Outbreak of Ceroplastes Japonicus in Jujube Orchard;日本龟蜡蚧种群时空动态及其群落学机制
8.The Studies on Influence Factors on the Wax and Wax Secretion of Ceroplastes Japonicus;日本龟蜡蚧蜡质及泌蜡影响因素的研究
9.A dangerous pest--Planococcus kraunhiae was intercepted and captured firstly in Shenyang airport for the first time沈阳口岸首次截获危险性害虫——日本臀纹粉蚧
10.Community Characteristics of Pinus luchuensis Forests after Typhoon Disturbance in Okinawa Island, Japan日本冲绳岛琉球松林台风干扰后的群落特点
11.The predatory functional response of Cybocephalus nipponicus Endrdy-Younga to Unaspis yanonensis under different conditions不同条件下日本方头甲对矢尖蚧捕食功能的反应
12.Seicho Matsumoto.日本作家松本清张。
13.Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, Ltd, Japan日本松下电器株式会社
14.The Diffusion Ability of Biocontrol Fungi Pulvis of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi in Forest松突圆蚧生防菌粉剂的林间扩散能力
15.Effects of Different Host Pines on the Cold Tolerance of the Pine Scale Insects不同寄主松树对松突圆蚧耐寒性的影响
16.Attraction to the Ladybeetle by the Volatiles of Persimmon Trees Induced with Methyl Jasmonate and Japanese Wax Scale Attacking茉莉酸甲酯和日本龟蜡蚧诱导柿树挥发物对红点唇瓢虫的吸引(英文)
17.Studies on the Parasitoids of Hemiberlesia Pitysophila Takagi (Homoptera: Diaspididae) and Their Control Effectiveness;松突圆蚧寄生性天敌及其控制作用的研究
18.Effect of different season prevention and cure on the insect pest of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi pathogenic fungi不同季节对松突圆蚧生防菌防治效果的影响

pine bast scale松干蚧
1.Synthesis of the C - 8-C - 13 fragment of the natural occuring sex pheromone of Matsucoccus matsumurae Japanese pine bast scale;光学活性松干蚧性信息素C-8~C-13片断的合成
3)Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana)辽宁松干蚧
1.Is it Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana) or Matsucoccus liaoningensis;日本松干蚧还是辽宁松干蚧?
4)maritime pine scale海岸松干蚧
5)Ceroplastes japonica日本龟蜡蚧
1.Occurrence regularity and damage of Ceroplastes japonica in poplars;杨树日本龟蜡蚧发生规律及危害特点
2.The control of Ceroplastes japonica on Cinnamomum japonicum;天竺桂日本龟蜡蚧防治试验
6)Japanese wax scale日本龟蜡蚧
1.The changed process of MDA、SOD、POD and CAT in the body of persimmon, which was harmed by Japanese wax scale,was researched on the scales of lightly(check) and moderate and heavily damaged degrees in order to show the relations between the protected enzymes in persimmon and resistance—insect.柿树受日本龟蜡蚧危害后,分别以轻微受害(对照)、中等受害、严重受害三个等级研究了柿树体内丙二醛及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的动态变化过程,旨在揭示树体保护酶与树体抗虫作用的关系。
2.Taylor s power law and Iwao s distribution function were used to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of Japanese wax scale.本文利用Taylor幂法则和Iwao回归法对日本龟蜡蚧Japanesewaxscale的空间分布型进行了测定 ,结果表明日本龟蜡蚧在田间呈聚集分布 ,且符合负二项分布 ,经计算k值为 2 。

日本松干蚧  硕蚧科昆虫的 1种。林业的重大害虫。在山东、辽宁、江苏、浙江均曾大量出现。主要为害赤松、油松、马尾松、黑松。松树被寄生后先是树冠的枝条下垂,然后是整个植株枯死。雌成虫长圆形,尾端宽。口器退化,一般仅留痕迹。触角9节,除基部2节外,其余各节皆有鳞纹,第6~9节各有1对粗而半透明的感觉刺。胸气门2对,较发达。胸足3对,各节皆有鳞纹,在转节上生有一长刚毛。腹气门7对。第2~7腹节背面有圆形背疤,第8腹节也常有少数背疤。背疤小,总数为208~389个。在第8腹节腹面有多孔腺40~78个。多孔腺中央具2小孔,边缘有 9~12个小孔。全身的背、腹面皆有双孔管腺分布,其中在腹部各节的背、腹两面横排成一整环。双孔管腺的腺口陷在体表下,体表上仅有1个开口。阴门位于腹部末端的凹陷内。