工业污染,industrial pollution
1)industrial pollution工业污染
1.Impacts of Foreign Trade Scale on Industrial Pollution in China: A Quantitive Study;中国对外贸易规模对工业污染影响的定量研究
2.Relationship between urbanization and industrial pollution in Fujian province福建省城市化与工业污染的关系研究
3.Gray correlation analysis of industrial pollution impact factor in Jiangsu江苏省工业污染影响因素的灰色关联分析

1.discharge prediction of industrial pollution sources工业污染源排污预测
2.The aim of the prevention and control of industrial pollution is to substantially cut the discharge.工业污染防治的目标是大力削减污染物排放。
3.Industry, it turned out, accounted for only ten percent of the smog in the city.后来发现,工业污染仅占该市空气污染的10%。
4.The results achieved in the targeted discharge of sources of industrial pollution were consolidated, and a rebound in pollution was prevented.工业污染源达标排放成果巩固,防止了污染反弹;
5.Even today, there are few industrial enterprises in Tibet, and so industrial pollution is not much of a problem.至今工业企业仍然很少,工业污染问题并不突出。
6.Grass is not gray-green because of urban industrial pollution, nor is it brown-green because of rural agricultural pollution.不是都市工业污染的灰绿;不是乡村农业污染的土绿;
7.-- Measures for preventing and controlling industrial pollution have gradually been perfected.--工业污染防治措施逐步完善。
8.III. The Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution and the Comprehensive Improvement of the Urban Environment三、工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治
9.Industrial Pollution Abatement by Region各地区工业污染治理情况
10.-- Changes in the strategy for the prevention and control of industrial pollution have been effected.——实现工业污染防治的战略转变。
11.or contamination with industrial or farm waste.或工农业污水造成污染。
12.effluent quality standard for dyeing and printing industry印染工业污水排放标准
13.p0Uution control planning of industrl'a1 area工业区污染控制规划
14.The major sources of water pollution are industrial, municipal and agricultural.水污染的主要来源是工业、都市和农业。
15.Water pollution is found in many forms. It is contamination of water with city sewage and factory wastes;水体污染有多种形式。它是指水体被下列污染物所污染:城市污水和工业废水;
16.Analysis and Treatment of the Organic Pollutants in Petrochemical Industry Wastewater;石化工业污水中有机污染物的分析与治理
17.Investigation and Analysis of Industrial Pollution in Different River Basins of Qujing曲靖市各流域工业纳污及污染调查分析
18.there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere.随着工业的发展,大气污染日渐加剧。

Industry pollution工业污染
1.The percent caused by industry pollution goes stable,even goes decrease.未来环境污染的结构将发生变化,工业污染所占的比重趋于稳定甚至降低,大气污染向煤烟与机动车尾气混合型发展,以城市为中心的环境污染仍将加重,污染向农村转移的趋势仍将加剧,水污染面将不断扩大。
2.The state of dustfall pollution in Nanning from 1991 to 1995 was analysed,the results showed that industry pollution,traffic pollution,population moving are the major source of dustfall, and the appropriate ways of protection was submitted.本文对南宁市1991~1995年5年的降尘情况进行分析,说明工业污染、交通污染、人群活动是南宁市降尘污染的主要来源,并提出相应的防治对
3)pollution industry污染工业
4)industrial water pollution工业水污染
1.Study on the goals for reducing industrial water pollution burden in Pearl river delta;珠江三角洲工业水污染负荷削减目标的探讨
5)industrial fluorine pollution工业氟污染
1.Source of industrial fluorine pollution and its status are introduced, influence of industrial fluorine pollution to ecological environment and plant, animal & human are analyzed;Methods of prevention and cure are discussed.本文介绍了工业氟污染源及其污染的状况;分析了工业氟污染对生态环境、植物、动物及人类的影响;讨论了防治工业氟污染的方法。
6)industrial pollution area工业污染区
1.Improvement effect of vegetation on saline soil in industrial pollution area;不同植被对工业污染区盐渍土的改良效果
2.In this paper, water and salt dynamics of saline soil of derelict land were researched in industrial pollution area.本文研究了工业污染区盐渍化弃耕地的水盐动态 ,结果表明 ,除降水等因素外 ,植被状况对水盐动态也有明显影响。

工业污染防治  对工业生产过程中产生的有害物质和滥用自然资源造成的环境破坏、人体危害所作的治理、预防和变害为利的转化。    工业生产排放的"三废"即废水、废气、废渣是当今污染环境的主要因素。它严重污染河流、土壤、地下水、大气,破坏环境,损害建筑物和设备,危及人类健康和生存。早在手工业时代,就已引起人们警觉,随着机器大工业的建立,工业污染加剧。从19世纪中叶开始,一些国家就陆续制定防治污染的法规。但是,直到20世纪50年代,工业生产和其他方面排放的有害物质,大大超过自然净化能力,环境恶化,出现了一系列重大的公害事件(如1952年的伦敦烟雾事件,50年代的日本水俣病事件等),这才引起世界各国的普遍关注。      在社会主义条件下,工业污染防治是一个关系整体利益和长远利益的重大社会经济问题。防治工业污染的主要措施是:①树立经济建设和环境保护同步发展的指导思想,把工业污染防治纳入统一的社会经济发展规划;②健全环境保护的法制,把法律手段、行政手段、经济手段、科技手段和思想教育结合起来;③大家动手,分工协作,贯彻"谁污染,谁治理"、"谁开发,谁保护"的原则;④贯彻"以防为主,防治结合,综合治理,化害为利"的方针,从"三废"搬家、隔离堆存、限量排放、对症治理逐步向资源转化发展;⑤建立工业生产和建设的环境评价制度,把环境保护纳入各级的经济责任制中;⑥通过技术改造,发展无污染和少污染的新工艺、新设备、新材料、新产品。