紫竹,phyllostachys nigra
1)phyllostachys nigra紫竹
1.A Study on Site Condition of Phyllostachys nigra Stand of Technology Utilization;工艺利用紫竹林分生长的立地条件研究
2.The Status of Phyllostachys nigra Resource in Dahe, Yunnan and Measures for its Exploitation;大河紫竹资源现状及产业发展对策研究
3.Study on Clone Population Structure of Phyllostachys nigra for Utilization in Dahe, Yunnan;云南大河工艺利用紫竹无性系种群结构研究

1.A study on the extraction of purple pigment and its stability紫竹梅紫红色素的提取及稳定性研究
2.Chemical Components in Culms of Different Variation Types of Phyllostachys nigra紫竹不同变异类型的竹材化学成分分析
3.A walking stick made from the woody stem of any of these bamboos.紫竹制的手杖由这类竹子的木质茎梗制成的走路拐杖
4.Sign-in and staging area opposite from parking lot for ZiZhu Science Park.签到和集合点在紫竹科技园停车场的对面。
5.Study on Recreation Behavior of Old People in the Black Bamboo Park in Beijing;北京紫竹院公园老年人游憩行为的研究
6.The Syudy on Development Strategy of Shanghai Zizhu Science Park Company;上海紫竹科学园区有限公司发展战略探讨
7.Flowering Biological Characteristics and Pollen Viability of Phyllostachys nigra紫竹开花生物学特性观察及花粉生活力测定
8.Comparison of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Four Cultivars of Phyllostachys nigra4个紫竹栽培类型叶绿素荧光特性的比较
9.Facing the Purple Bamboo Grove is Chao'Yin'Dong or Pounding Waves Cave whose pecular rock formation makes it echo like thunder when the tide rushes in with the winds.紫竹林前,是“潮音洞”。 此洞造形奇特,潮水借着风势,奔入洞中时,会发出雷鸣般的响声;
10.Facing the Purple Bamboo Grove is Chao'Yin'dong or Pounding Waves Cave whose peculiar rock formation makes it echo like thunder when the tide rushes in with the winds紫竹林前,是“潮音洞”。此洞造形奇特,潮水借着风势,奔入洞中时,会发出雷鸣般的响声
11.Poplar, elm, walnut, camphor, fir, rosewood, bamboo, etc.白杨,榆木,胡桃,樟树,枞树,紫檀,竹子等。
12.Discussion about Ci Poems between Teachers and Students in Song Dynasty;叔原紫芝竞清妍——竹坡清婉词师晏说考辨
13.Study on Bamboo-charcoal Polyester Fabric Anti-ultraviolet Property竹炭涤纶纤维织物的防紫外线性能研究
14.Health Tea-Zijin BambooTea Shell of theTotal Flavonoids and Determination of Flavonoids in Tea保健茶—紫金竹壳茶总黄酮及茶汤中黄酮测定
15.the white Pink, and the Pansy freaked with jet(bJohn Milton)白色的石竹和带着黑亮的条纹的三色紫罗兰(b约翰 米尔顿)
16.the white Pink, and the Pansy freaked with jet(John Milton)白色的石竹和带着黑亮的条纹的三色紫罗兰(约翰 米尔顿)
17.Eurasian perennial pink having fragrant lilac or rose flowers with deeply fringed margins.紫丁香色或玫瑰红色的一种带有毛边的欧亚多年生石竹。
18.In 1987 the crape myrtle and the orchid were made municipal flowers, and camphor trees and bamboo municipal trees.1987年贵阳市确定的市花为:兰花、紫薇。市树为:樟树、竹子。

setcreasea purpurea紫竹梅
1.Changes in Plasmodesmatal Permeability of the Staminal Hairs of Setcreasea purpurea During Development;紫竹梅雄蕊毛发育过程中胞间连丝通透能力的动态变化
2.Ultrastructural Research of Plasmodesmata in Staminal Hairs of Setcreasea purpurea;紫竹梅雄蕊毛细胞胞间连丝的超微结构研究
3.Structural changes of plasmodesmata occurred in along with growth,development and senescence of staminal hair cells of Setcreasea purpurea.紫竹梅(Setcreasea purpurea)雄蕊毛细胞间的胞间连丝随着细胞的生长、发育、衰老而呈现动态变化的过程。
3)Landscaping potted plants black bamboo紫竹盆景
4)Tibolone Tablets紫竹爱维
1.Tibolone Tablets and Leli Capsules were used to prevent osteoporosis in gynecological malignant tumor treated by surgery and compared with no administration of the drugs following gynecological malignant and benign tumor surgery, and the influence of Tibolone Tablets and Leli Capsules was clinically observed on the bone metabolic indices, such as the serum bone ALP (BALP) and.为探讨妇科恶性肿瘤术后骨质疏松症的预防措施,采用补充紫竹爱维和乐力胶囊来预防骨质疏松的发生,分别与未服药的妇科恶性肿瘤及良性肿瘤术后作对照,并对其对骨代谢指标血清骨性碱性磷酸酶(BALP)及血清抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶(TRAP)的影响进行了临床观察。
5)Stromanthe sanguinea紫背竹芋
1.Study on structure cultivation and factors for Stromanthe sanguinea紫背竹芋组织培养体系的建立及其影响因素的研究
6)Cheiranthus roseus红紫桂竹香

紫竹紫竹介绍 紫竹 (Pbyllostachys nigra)科属: 禾本科 别名: 形态特征: 高度3~5(M),新秆绿色,老秆紫黑色分布与习性:长江流域及其以南地区,阳性,喜温暖湿润气候,稍耐寒繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:庭园观赏图片: