1."Liang-Lun" and the Sustainable Development——"Liang-Lun" Thought Practice in Daqing;从“两论”起家到可持续发展——“两论”思想在大庆的实践
2.Variation of Soil Respiration in Daqing Leymus Chinensis Grassland;大庆市碱草草原土壤呼吸的日变化研究
3.The Actuality and Countermeasures of The Land Desertification in Daqing City;大庆市土地沙化现状及治理对策

1.The celebration of such an anniversary.周年大庆这种周年纪念的庆祝活动
2.Improvement on Daqing Ⅰ-130 & Ⅱ-130 Drilling Rigs关于大庆Ⅰ-130与大庆Ⅱ-130型钻机的改进
3.Discussion on Problems on Daqing 1-130 & Ⅱ-130 Rigs and Their Accessories谈大庆Ⅰ-130和大庆Ⅱ-130型钻机及其配套设备存在的问题
4.On the harmonious development of the fossil oil areas: a study of the future of Daqing;论石油石化矿区的协调发展——以大庆油田为例兼论大庆的未来
5.On Daqing Poetry School--Views on Construction of Daqing Poetry Theory再论大庆诗派——兼谈大庆诗词理论建设的几点思路
6.The national-day celebration was a great occasion.国庆日庆祝仪式很盛大。
7."The Exterior of Hung Hing Ying Building, the University of Hong Kong"香港大学孔庆荧楼外部
8.Gentamycin Sulfate Injectio硫酸庆大霉素注射液
9."Block A, 4/F & 5/F, Chungking Mansion,H.K. ."香港重庆大厦A座4-5楼
10.group B,treated with gentamycin alone at a dose of 120 mg/kg body weigh(IM);B组(庆大霉素组),肌肉注射庆大霉素120mg·kg-1·d-1;
11.GM group,received gentamicin sulfate 100 mg/kg daily by intraperitoneal injections;庆大霉素组每日腹腔注射硫酸庆大霉素100mg/kg;
12.A grand ceremony was held in honor of the queen 's birthday .为了庆祝女王的生日举行了一次盛大的庆典。
13.Our school will hold a big party this afternoon to celebrate National Day.学校今天下午举办一个大型晚会来庆祝国庆节,
14.Jazz Ballet for the Celebration of the 7th Anniversary of Canadian Consulate in Chongqing爵士芭蕾庆祝加拿大驻重庆领事馆建馆7周年
15.On Chongqing Press Anti-bombing Struggle in Chongqing Bombing;论重庆大轰炸中重庆报界的反轰炸斗争
16.They celebrated by feasting all day.他们整天大吃大喝地庆祝.
17.The bad news put a chill on the celebration.坏消息使得庆祝大大扫兴。
18.Objective To investigate the ototoxicity of a new chemical preparation salicylate gentamicin.目的探讨庆大霉素新剂型-水杨酸庆大霉素的耳毒性。

Daqing city大庆
1.After introducing the concept of ecological footprint and it′s calculation method, the ecological footprints of Daqing city in 2003 according to the data of the statistical yearbook were calculated and analyzed.在简要介绍生态足迹及相关概念和计算方法的基础上,以大庆市2004年统计年鉴为依据,计算出大庆市2003年的生态足迹为2。
2.Soil salinization of Daqing City,which is located in Heilongjiang Province of Northeast China,is one type of land degradation and a form of eco-environment deterioration.土地盐碱化是大庆市土地退化的一种主要形式,也是生态环境恶化的一种表现,严重地制约大庆市的农业发展。
3)Daqing Oilfield大庆油区
1.Laboratory experiment of CO_2 stimulation in Fang48 fault block in Daqing Oilfield;大庆油区芳48断块CO_2吞吐室内实验
2.Analysis on field scaling of ASP flooding in Daqing Oilfield;大庆油区三元复合驱矿场结垢状况分析
3.Aimed at the acute problem of sand production with proppant extraction after fracturing of polymer flooding wells in Daqing Oilfield,the sand production mechanism and influential factors are researched based on the fractures proppant extraction data of 1 164 fracturing layers in Daqing Oilfield.针对大庆油区聚合物驱油井压裂后裂缝支撑剂回采严重的问题,基于1164个水力压裂油层的裂缝支撑剂回采资料,研究了聚合物驱油井压裂裂缝支撑剂回采机理及影响因素,并利用灰色关联分析方法,计算了影响支撑剂回采的36个因素的关联度,确定了19个因素为主要因素;同时,运用多元二次非线性回归方法建立了水力压裂水平缝支撑剂回采预测模型。
1.Effect of some amino acids on biosynthesis of gentamicin;几种氨基酸对庆大霉素生物合成的影响
2.Study on Quantitative Analysis Methods for Gentamicin Functional Components;庆大霉素功能组分的定量分析方法研究
3.The Improved Fermentation Techniques' Positive Influence on the Components and Potency of Gentamicin Broth;改变庆大霉素发酵工艺对其组分及效价的影响
5)Daqing Oilfields大庆油田
1.Software development for simulating real downhole casing deformation in Daqing Oilfields大庆油田井下套管形变仿真软件开发
2.Based on the brief introduction to the practice and research on the internal examination and verification in QHSE manage- ment system of Daqing Oilfields, several internal examining and verifying models are listed, with the comparative analysis of advan- tages and disadvantages of those models.简述了大庆油田在QHSE管理体系内审方面的实践与研究,列举了企业中常用的几种内审模式,并对这几种内审模式的优缺点进行了对比分析,详细介绍了以外审形式开展内审的优势和不足,并就如何组织企业机关内审提出了思路。
3.The test results of three dense well net regions in Daqing Oilfields indicate that sedimentary microfacies is the main factor influencing the planar distribution of residual oil.大庆油田现已进入高含水开发阶段 ,寻找和开发剩余油非常重要。
6)Daqing Oil Field大庆油田
1.EOR Technology Improvement and Its Further Development for Daqing Oil Field during "10th 5-Year-Project";“十五”期间大庆油田三次采油技术的进步与下步攻关方向
2.Accelerating Scientific Innovation and Making the Breakthrough of Techniques to Provide the Sustainable Development of Daqing Oil Field with Production Engineering Support;加速科技创新 突破技术瓶颈 为大庆油田可持续发展提供采油工程技术支撑
3.Discussion on Two Problems in Well Testing Analysis in Daqing Oil Field;大庆油田试井分析过程中两个问题的探讨

大庆大庆Daqing  Daqing大庆(Daqing)中国新兴的石油、石油化工基地。位于黑龙江省西南部,东距哈尔滨159千米,西距齐齐哈尔120千米。辖萨尔图、让胡路、龙凤、红岗、大同5区和林甸县、肇源县、肇州县、杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县。面积21 219平方千米,人口233.67万,其中市区面积5 107平方千米,人口约98.66万(1993)。清初属杜尔伯特旗。1897年沙俄修建哈尔滨一满洲里的铁路,后在萨尔图设车站。1903年铁路通车后逐渐有人烟,后清政府在安---一搬瘾夔、大庆炼油厂徐英杰摄达设抚民府,置安达直隶厅。1913年改为安达县。1 955年开始石油勘探。1959年中华人民共和国建立10周年大庆前夕,“松基3井”首次喷油,故得名“大庆油田”。1960年设安达市。1964年改为安达特区,1979年12月成立大庆市。 地处松嫩平原中部低洼沼泽地带,地域平坦开阔,天然湖泡密集,盐碱沼泽遍布,解冻期离开道路难以通行。属温带大陆性季风气候。冬长冷燥少雪,夏短湿热多雨,年平均气温32℃,1月平均气温一19石℃,7月平均气温22.8℃,年平均降水量440毫米,无霜期142天。大庆油田资源丰富,探明含油面积2 338.3平方千米,总地质储量45.8亿吨,天然气储量2 000亿立方米。交通方便,有滨洲、让(胡路)通(辽)两条铁路和通往哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、北安等地的多条公路。地下输油管道通往大连和秦皇岛海港。(刘旭)