1.Applicable Value of Ultrasonography in Gastric Ulcer Diagnosis;超声显像在胃溃疡诊断中的应用价值
2.Application of Ultrasonography in Diagonosis and Treatment of Graves Disease;超声显像在Graves病诊治中的应用
3.Evaluation of Ultrasonography for Monitoring Follicles and Prediction of Ovulation;卵泡发育及预告排卵期的超声显像检测评价

1.real-time ultrasonic imaging diagnosis meter实时超声显像诊断仪
2.Experimental study on ultrasonography of canine intervertebral disc degeneration犬椎间盘退变超声显像的实验研究
3.computerized ultrasonic imaging device计算机控制的超声显像
4.Diagnosis of Sexual Precocity in Girls by UltrsonographyB型超声显像诊断女孩性早熟的应用
5.Study of the Application of Ultrasonography Pre-and Post-TIPS;超声显像在TIPS围手术期的应用研究
6.Ultrasound diagnosis of ureterocele(report of 24 cases)超声显像诊断输尿管囊肿24例报告
7.An Experimental Study of Ultrasound Imaging with the Self-made Intravenous Acoustic Contrast Agent;自制经静脉声学造影剂超声显像的实验研究
8.Ultrasound B-flow Imaging for Detecting Turbid Breast Cystic LesionsB-flow超声显像技术诊断乳腺混浊性囊性肿块
9.Ultrasonic diagnosis of early acute gangrenous cholecystitis超声显像对急性坏疽性胆囊炎的早期诊断
10.Conclusion Sonography has significant value during of diagnosis of intestinal masses.结论超声显像对小肠肿物诊断具有重要价值。
11.Ultrasonographic prediction of upper digestive tract hemorrhage in liver cirrhosis超声显像预测肝硬变上消化道出血的危险性
12.Real-time Ultrasonography Diagnosis Common Iliac Artery Aneurysm-Report a Case实时超声显像诊断髂总动脉瘤(一例报告)
13.Diagnosis of adrenal gland metastasis on ultrasonography超声显像在肾上腺转移癌诊断中的应用价值
14.Objective: To develope a method for imaging the frmbria of fallopian tubes and pelvic adhesions with trans vaginal ultrasonography (TSU).目的:探讨输卵管及盆腔粘连的超声显像方法。
15.Doppler Ultrasonographic Assessment of Gut Blood Flow Velocity in Premature Neonates;多普勒超声显像技术检测早产儿胃肠道血流
16.Tomographic ultrasound imaging in the diagnosis of ovarian tumor断层超声显像技术在卵巢肿瘤诊断中的应用
17.The Value of Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging in the Diagnosis of Fetal Cleft Lip and Palate断层超声显像技术诊断胎儿唇腭裂的价值
18.Doppler ultrasonic angiograph多普勒超声血管显像仪

Ultrasonic imaging超声显像
1.Position and Diagnosis of Lithiasis of the Lower Part of Ureter with Ultrasonic Imaging;超声显像对输尿管下段结石的定位及诊断
2.Purpose To study the relationship between ultrasonic imaging and histopathology of prostatic nodes for the higher accuracy of the ultrasonic diagnosis of prostatic nodes.目的 :探讨前列腺结节的超声显像与病理组织学的联系 ,提高超声诊断前列腺结节的准确性。
5)ultrasonic developing-out unit超声显像仪
6)Ultrasound molecular imaging超声分子显像
1.Ultrasound molecular imaging and vulnerable plaques in artery;动脉易损斑块与超声分子显像

超声显像法超声显像法ultrasonic iconography  即“体层显示”。是将A型显示L波幅变为辉度调制的方式,反射信号用光点显示,由点、线到面,形成人体内部某一体层的声像图,即常用的B型显示。20世纪70年代以来,采用灰阶显示,电子和机械快速扫描式实时成像,扫描转换装置进行信息处理,利用动态或多段聚集技术,提高了显示质量,又加上一些图像储存、拼幅、游标附加功能,使B超广泛运用于临床。