1.A study on influence of out-hospital health education on living quality of rectal cancer patients after underwent colostomy;直肠癌结肠造口术后院外健康教育对病人生活质量影响的研究
2.Clinical study of the treatment of anorectum carcinoma For extraperitoneal colostomy;腹膜外结肠造口术在肛管直肠癌治疗中的临床效果分析

1.Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening from the colon.结肠造口术在结肠上造出一个人工排泄口的外科手术
2.Madelung's operation(腰部结肠造口术) 马德隆氏手术
3.Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening, as a colostomy or ileostomy.造口术外科上对排泄孔道进行的人工构造,如结肠造口术或回肠造口术
4.The effect of individual nursing in colostomy nurse个体化护理在结肠造口术护理中的作用
5.The authors reported nursing of 12 patients with sigmoid stoma undergoing radiotherapy after rectal cancer surgery.笔者报道了12例直肠癌乙状结肠造口术后放射治疗患者的护理。
6.Qualitative Research for the Ture Psychological Experience of Patients with Rectal Carcinoma直肠癌结肠造口术患者真实心理体验的质性研究
7.Impact of nursing intervention on the quality of life of patients with rectal cancer after colostomy护理干预对直肠癌结肠造口术后患者生活质量的影响
8.Clinical research of colostomy after Miles operation for rectal cancer直肠癌Miles术后结肠造口的临床研究
9.a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus.结肠造口以替代肛门功能的外科手术。
10.Study on Correlation between Quality of Life and Self-efficacy in Patients with Permanent Colostomy结直肠癌术后永久性结肠造口患者自我效能与生活质量的研究
11.Among them,4 cases were subjected to the ultra low colon-anus end anastomosis and temporarily ileumstomy.其中,行超低位结肠肛管端端吻合术及回肠临时造口术者4例。
12.Adjuvant Use of Ostomy Bag in Cleansing Enema for Patients After Colostomy结肠造口患者清洁灌肠中造口袋的应用
13.A surgical procedure by which an opening is formed in the intestine through the abdominal wall.肠造口术透过腹壁在肠上开口的一种外科手术
14.Application of Colonoscopy in Post-colostomy of Colonic Carcinoma结肠镜在大肠癌造瘘术后的应用研究
15.Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening through the abdominal wall into the ileum.回肠造口术在腹壁上造出一个排泄口并接入回肠的外科手术
16.Nursing of patients with sigmoid stoma undergoing radiotherapy乙状结肠造口放射治疗患者的护理
17.Nursing of enteral nutrition therapy per stoma of jejunum after total gastrectomy全胃切除术后空肠造口肠内营养治疗的护理
18.The opening created by such a surgical procedure.结肠口通过这样一个外科过程造成的开口

4)terminal colostomy端式结肠造口术
5)transverse colostomy横结肠造口术
6)loop colostomy袢式结肠造口术

脑室造口术脑室造口术ventriculostomy 又称“脑室造瘘术”。是一种用以治疗阻塞性脑积水的手术,方法是将脑室与脑池最接近处(如终板、第三脑室底、胼胝体等处)打通,造成脑室与蛛网膜下腔之间的一个捷径,以克服脑室系统中的梗阻。最常用者为第三脑室造瘘术。适用于各种原因所引起的自中脑导水管至第四脑室出口处的阻塞。