1.Application of artificial blood vessel ring to portaca val shunt for portal hypertension;应用带环人造血管行门腔分流治疗门静脉高压症
2.Tolerance of portal vein occlusion by meso-caval shunt in Bama swines;肠腔分流条件下猪单纯门静脉阻断的安全时限
3.Research of shunt IPS based on threat ranking基于威胁排序的分流结构IPS研究与设计

1.DC ammeter with shunt带分流器的直流电流表
2.A branch of a river that flows away from the main stream.支流,分流从主干河流岔流出的支流
3.FRAC(Fractionator Reflux Analog Computer)分流器回流模拟计算机
4.If using a split/ splitless inlet, check that the purge valve is ON.如果使用分流/分流进样口,检查分流阀是否打开。
5.Screen pack分流板(过滤网组)
6.A huge rock parted the stream.巨岩使溪水分流。.
7.Analysis on decrease trend of water diversion quantity of four outlets of the Jingjiang River荆南四口河道分流流量衰减趋势分析
8.flow dividing valve分流阀(单一液流按一定比例自动分成两个支流的流量控制阀)
9.Analysis on Division Ratio of Bifurcated Channel and Riverbed Evolvement of Minjiang River;闽江下游分流口河段分流比及河道演变分析
10.flow separation region水流分离区气流分离区
11.field flow fractionation场流分级(分离)法
12.LIT flow analysis层流-惯性流-紊流流动分析
13.To branch out, as a river.成支流分叉,如河流
14.The middle part of a stream.中流溪流中间的部分
15.flow efficiency of expansion stage通流部分的流动效率
16.stratified flow气液分层流动, 层流
17.fluxional calculus【数】流数术(微积分)
18.two provinces are demarcated by a river.两省以河流分界。The

1.Sandstone diversion acidization technology of viscoelastic surfactant micelle fluid;粘弹性表面活性剂胶束酸在砂岩储层分流酸化中的应用
2.Study on effects of Songzi bleeder diversion on fluvial evolution of Lujia river;松滋口分流及其对芦家河河势影响研究
3.This paper designs and evaluates traffic diversion plans with the application of traffic simulation.运用交通仿真技术进行分流方案设计和评价,从行程时间、燃油消耗、沿线速度等方面进行了交通仿真的应用研究,采用美国TSIS仿真软件对某高速公路分流方案进行了实例分析。
1.A Simple Practical Equipment of Pour_diffluence;一种简单实用的灌装分流装置
2.A Study on Distribution of Native Place of Successful Candidates in Imperial Examination System and Diffluence in Late Qing;晚清进士籍贯分布及分流研究
3.Design and Implementation of Courseware Diffluence Project in platform of China Post Distance Education邮政远程教育系统课件分流方案的设计与实现
1.Litigation division at investigation phase is a kind of important criminal litigation division whose essence is to mediate beyond judicature.侦查阶段的“诉讼分流”是一种重要的刑事诉讼分流,其实质是在侦查阶段进行“司法外和解”。
2.In order to improve the standard and functions of criminal registration,we should reform unreasonable arrest rule and establish procedural division rule in criminal procedure.从犯罪预防的角度看待侦查程序中立案条件、羁押的适用及侦查终结方式等几个值得关注的问题,改善立案的条件及功能,改革欠合理的羁押制度,增设侦查中的诉讼分流程序,对于预防犯罪、保证侦查程序的立法规范有重要意义。
3.The adoption of procedure division systew conforms to the economic principle of lawsuit and is not against the principle of justice of lawsuit.侦查阶段实行"程序分流"符合诉讼经济原则的要求,不违背诉讼公正原则,也符合刑法谦抑原则的发展趋势。
1.Talk about Science and Humane Distributary and Circulation;论科学与人文的分流与融通
