1.Editorial recognition and correction of information default and information replacement in scientific papers;科技论文信息缺失和异位的编辑识别与纠正
2.A High-Efficiency System for Topographic Map s Correction and Patching;扫描数字化地形图纠正拼接系统的高效系统设计
3.On Deng Xiaoping s Correction, Inheritance and Development to Mao Zedong s Civilian Economy Thought;论邓小平对毛泽东民营经济思想的纠正、继承与发展

1.Bose-Chaudhuri-HocQuenghem code错误纠正码,bch 码
2.A correction can be made in conjunction with a corrective action.纠正可连同纠正措施一起实施。
3.optical orthophotoscope光学正射投影纠正
4.correct an abuse匡正时弊,纠正陋习
5.capable of being corrected or set right.能够改正或者纠正错误。
6.Audit results, corrective actions, and corrective action results and consequences are properly recorded.正确记录审计结果、纠正措施和纠正措施结果。
7.We have corrected or are now correcting these glaring shortcomings.这些,是我们纠正过了或正在纠正的错误。
8.remedial measure [child care centres]纠正措施〔幼儿中心〕
9.try to get out of/correct a skid设法纠正打滑现象.
10.nontilting-negative-plane rectifier底片平面无倾斜纠正
11.trim-form-fix system集成电路引线纠正设备
12.It is necessary that all wrong cases should be corrected.纠正错案这很有必要。
13.I shall do all I can to put the matter right.我要尽力来纠正这件事。
14.Allow me to correct what you said.请允许我纠正你所说的,
15.redress an injustice, an abuse, etc纠正不公的现象、 弊端等
16.seek a remedy for injustice寻求纠正不公之办法
17.remedy an injustice/a fault/ a loss纠正不公/错误/补救损失
18.The court rectifies its mistake .法院纠正了它的差错。

1.Aerial Image Rectification by Matching Map;航空影象与地图的配准纠正
2.The RPC rectification based on SVD algorithm;基于SVD算法的RPC纠正
3.Rectification of Vector-graph in Microstation;MicroStation中对矢量图形的纠正
1.This paper analyses physics cognition obstacle behavior,its creation cause and correction method having been used in practice for many years.本文基于加涅的学习结果分类,分析了物理学习中认知领域的学习障碍行为及产生原因,并结合多年教学经验实施相应教学手段促其纠正
2.We have to admit its existence and thus take effective measures to correct it.承认不良风气的存在,就要采取正确的措施加以纠正
3.Based on technique teaching experience in gymnastics,the author gives a theoretic probe into causes of error occur,analysis methods,error prevention,and its correction way.从体操运动技术教学实践出发,对教学中错误动作产生原因、分析方法、如何防止和纠正错误动作做了理论方面的探讨,为提高体操技术的教学质量提供参考。
1.The SPOT HRG images ortho-rectification experiment and precision analysis without GCPs;SPOT HRG影像无控制正射纠正实验与精度分析
2.Ortho-rectification of Spot5 Remote Sensing Image Based on the 1∶10000 DEM;基于1∶1万DEM的SPOT5遥感影像正射纠正
3.Ortho-rectification of QuickBird Image Based on ERDAS Software基于ERDAS软件对QuickBird影像的正射纠正

不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actions bul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。