1.Comparison of Three Staining Techniques for S180 Ascites Smear Observation;S180肉瘤细胞腹水涂片的三种染色方法比较
2.Analysis on Secrection Smear of 101 Cases with Nasal Mucous Ulcer Under Nasal Endoscopy;鼻内镜下鼻腔黏膜溃疡分泌物涂片101例分析
3.Objective Understanding the difference of two methods, smear and culture, in detecting gonococcus and improving the positive rate.目的通过数据分析了解涂片及培养2种检测淋球菌方法的差异性,提高阳性率。

1.Specimen of a substance spread on a slide to be examined under a microscope涂片(涂在显微镜载片上供检查的物质标本)
2.The beltless machine, sometimes called a "fixed" orifice pasting machine.无带式涂片机,有时称为“定位”出口涂片机。
3.a cervical smear,ie one taken from the cervix to test for cancer子宫颈涂片(取自子宫颈的涂片,用以检验子宫颈癌).
4.Comparative analysis on chest X-ray findings of 134 cases with newly showed smear positive or negative pulmonary tuberculosis痰液涂片阳性和阴性肺结核X线胸片比较
5.False-negative reasons in liquid-based cervical cytology宫颈液基细胞学涂片假阴性原因分析
6.foil coating, film coating箔片涂层,薄膜涂层
7.two slices of buttered toast两片涂黄油的烤面包片.
8.Performance of Surface Insulation of Electrical Steel Sheets电器用钢片的绝缘涂层
9.black-coated metal chart黑色涂层的金属卡片
10.Oil the foil after cleaning the blades once a week.动刀片每周一次涂油。
11.Imperfect transmission is the glass or film upon which the emulsion is coated.涂乳胶的玻璃片或软片不完全透明。
12.Another slice of bread and butter: three, four: right.再添一片涂了黄油的面包,三片,四片,成啦。
13.First paint the nail with a cream green color, then a shimmery one.甲片上涂上奶油绿,再涂层透明的使其有光泽.
14.He fell on his face with movies.他在电影制片方面一败涂地。
15.He have two pieces of bread thickly paste with butter他吃了两片涂有厚厚一层奶油的面包
16.glass ,sheet, coated with metal on one surface (i.e., glass mirrors)薄片玻璃,一面涂有金属(即玻璃镜)
17.I like hot butter toast .我喜欢刚烤得的涂奶油面包片。
18.She likes hot butter toast.她喜欢刚烤得的涂奶油的面包片。

1.The value of acid-fast stain test of body fluid smears in the early diagnosis of congenital tuberculosis;体液涂片抗酸染色在先天性结核病早期诊断中的价值
2.Method 44 samples were each prepared in two forms: agar-paraffin cell blocks and common smears.方法对44例胸水沉淀物分别进行常规涂片和琼脂石蜡双包埋切片,并对琼脂石蜡双包埋切片进行免疫组织化学染色。
3)insert coating刀片涂层
4)flake coating鳞片涂料
1.The paper analyzed the corrosion of wet-type gas desulfurizing process to desulfurizing devices and stacks,made comparison between structures of several typical linings and introduced the application requirements of high-performance corrosion resistant flake coating and its application examples.分析了湿法烟气脱硫工艺对脱硫装置及烟囱的腐蚀情况,对几种典型的衬里结构进行比较,介绍了高性能防腐蚀鳞片涂料的应用要求和工程实例。
2.A layer of flake coating, which can form a valid safeguard to stress corrosion cracking (SCC), in thickness of about 0.在复合绝缘子芯棒表面涂覆一层鳞片涂料,涂层厚度达0。
5)coated insert涂层刀片
1.A series of coated inserts for cutting cast iron were developed.研制开发了用于铸铁切削的系列涂层刀片,介绍了该刀片的设计思路和研制方法,分析了刀片涂层的结构及特点。
2.The contrast cutting experiments have been carried out to research the cutting performance of turning the high strength alloy steel by using new developed Ni and Ni W based coating sintered carbide inserts and uncoated insert.用新研制的Ni基、Ni W基涂层刀片与未涂层刀片进行了高强度合金钢的对比车削试验和切削性能研究 ,结果表明 ,新型涂层刀片切削性能良好 ,磨损较小 ,耐用度提高。
6)Coated Sheet涂布硬片
1.Common Quality Defect and Countermeasure of PVC/PVDC Coated Sheet;PVC/PVDC涂布硬片常见质量问题与对策

宫颈巴氏涂片的细胞学检查宫颈巴氏涂片的细胞学检查 这是一种利用宫颈上皮细胞,借助细胞学染色方法,查找宫颈癌细胞,并了解体内雌激素水平的手段。具体做法是:在宫颈外口鳞柱交界处,以宫颈口为圆心,以木质刮板轻轻刮取一周,将取出的细胞均匀地、向一个方向涂在横放的玻片上,不可来回涂抹,否则可能破坏细胞结构。如白带过多,应先以无菌干棉球轻轻拭去,再刮取标本;取材时不应用力过度,否则容易造成损伤、出血。巴氏染色法是妇科常用的细胞学染色法,其诊断标准为巴氏5级分类法。Ⅰ级:正常的阴道细胞涂片;Ⅱ级:提示炎症,即细胞核普遍增大,淡染或双核。又分为ⅡA和ⅡB级,ⅡA级属正常范围,ⅡB级提示炎症改变较重,染色质稍多。Ⅲ级:提示可疑癌,细胞核增大,核形不规则或出现双核,核深染,但核与胞浆比例改变不大,即核异质;Ⅳ级:提示高度可疑癌,细胞出现恶性改变,核大,深染,核形不规则,染色质颗粒粗,分布不匀,胞浆少,但涂片中癌细胞数量较少。Ⅴ级:提示癌,即细胞具有典型恶性特征且数量多。