抗感染药,Anti-infective agents
1)Anti-infective agents抗感染药
1.Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals:anti-infective agents(2) (end);药品行政保护品种介绍:抗感染药(二)(续完)
2.Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals: anti-infective agents(1)(continuation);药品行政保护品种介绍:抗感染药(一)(待续)
3.14% were induced by anti-infective agents, 33.结果:103例ADR报告中,抗感染药物引发ADR的比例最高(57。

1.Results Antibacterial may cause AIAS easily.结果抗感染药物较易引起过敏性休克;
2.Analysis of 264 cases of anti-infectives adverse reaction reports in 20032003年264例抗感染药不良反应报告分析
3.Analysis of 176 Cases of Adverse Drug Reactions Induced by Anti-infective Drugs176例抗感染药不良反应报告分析
4.Adverse Drug Reaction Induced by Anti-infectives:An Analysis of 702 Cases in 20082008年702例抗感染药致不良反应分析
6.An Analysis on the Application of Anti-infection Medicines in Out-patients with Respiratory Diseases呼吸科门诊患者抗感染药物应用分析
7.Analysis of 187 cases of adverse reactions caused by anti-infection drugs in our hospital187例抗感染药物不良反应报告分析
8.Using Of Antiinfectives in Our Hospital During 2006~2008我院2006年~2008年抗感染药物利用分析
9.The Application Analysis of Anti-infectives in Our Hospital From 2006 to 2008 Year2006~2008年我院抗感染药物应用分析
10.Analysis of 203 cases of Adverse Reactions Caused by Anti-infection Drugs in Our Hospital203例抗感染药物不良反应报告分析
11.Anti-infection medicine applied analysis 2005-20072005-2007年我院抗感染药物应用分析
12.Analysis of the Anti-infective Agents Used in 10 Hospitals of Hunan Province in 19951995年湖南省10家医院抗感染药用药分析
13.Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals: anti-infective agents(1)(continuation)药品行政保护品种介绍:抗感染药(一)(待续)
14.Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals:anti-infective agents(2) (end);药品行政保护品种介绍:抗感染药(二)(续完)
15.Analysis of Correlation Between the Use of Antiinfective Drugs and Bacterial Drug Resistance in Our Hospital我院抗感染药应用现状与细菌耐药情况分析
16.Analysis about the application of anti-infectives in patients with pneumonia occured after severe brain injured operation in ICU重度脑损伤术后ICU病例肺部感染的抗感染药物应用分析
17.Results The utilization rate of anti-infectious agents was 8.35% , accounting for 1.09% of the total sum of money for the prescriptions.结果抗感染药使用率为8.35%,占处方总金额的1.09%;
18.Survey of antibacterials prescribing in 85 postoperative infected patients85例术后感染患者抗菌药物应用分析

Anti infective agents抗感染药
1.Impact of Drug Price Limits Policy on the Consumption of Anti-infectives in Our Hospital;药品限价对我院抗感染药应用的影响
2.Analysis of Use of Anti-infectives in Our Hospital During 2004~2006;2004年~2006年我院抗感染药物应用分析
3.Analysis of the Use of Anti-infectives in6Hospitals of Guang an City from 2001 to 2004;2001年~2004年四川广安市6家医院抗感染药利用分析
4)anti-infective[英][,?nti:?n'fekt?v, ,?nta?-][美][,?nti?n'f?kt?v, ,?nta?-]抗感染药
1.METHODS:The sums of money of the anti-infectives,β-lactams(penicillins) and CA consumed in 13 cities of China in 1999 were analysed.方法 :统计了全国13城市入网医院中抗感染药、β-内酰胺类 (青霉素类 )及羟氨苄青霉素克拉维酸盐总的用药金额。
5)antimicrobial agents抗感染药
6)anti-infective drugs抗感染药物
1.Analysis of anti-infective drugs used in a provincial hospital during the period 2001~2003;某“三甲”医院2001~2003年抗感染药物用药动态分析
2.Adverse reactions caused by anti-infective drugs:Analysis of 513 cases;513例抗感染药物不良反应报告分析
3.Factors influencing effects of anti-infective drugs and their dosage adjustment during continuous renal replacement therapy连续性肾替代治疗中影响抗感染药物作用的因素及其剂量选择
