1.Analysis of Head SCT for Inpatients of Premature Infant;住院早产儿头颅SCT分析
2.Clinical Application of Low Radiation Dose Head CT Scans of Children.;儿童低剂量头颅CT的临床应用
3.Clinicial Study of Auto-Milliampere Technique to Neonatal Head CT Scanning;自动毫安技术在新生儿头颅CT扫描的临床应用探讨

1.Occurring or situated within the cranium.头颅内的发生于或位于头颅内部的
2.Headache: Pain in the upper portion of the head头痛: 头颅上部的疼痛。
3.Scientific measurement of the head.头测量学,头测量学,测颅学头颅的科学测量
4.Surgical removal of a portion of the cranium.颅骨切开术手术除取头颅骨的一部分
5.kill by smashing someone's skull.粉碎某人的头颅而致死。
6.a brachycephalic person.一个头颅比较短的人。
7.Surgical incision into the skull.通过手术切开头颅
8.kill by cutting the head off with a guillotine.用斩刀砍掉头颅而死。
9.A portion of the embryonic cranium forming the bones of the base of the skull and eventually undergoing ossification.软骨颅胚胎的头颅中形成颅骨基部骨头并最终被骨化的部分
10.The cartilaginous cranium of an embryo before ossification.软骨颅胚胎在骨化作用之前的软骨性头颅
11.Early management of sagittal synostosis with craniotomies and skull reshaping全颅骨切开成形矫正早期矢状缝早闭头颅畸形
12.Of or relating to the vertex of the head.头颅顶的属于头顶的或与其相关的
13.having a short broad head with a cephalic index of over 80.有头颅指数超过80的短而宽的头部。
14.A device for measuring the head.头测量器测量头颅的仪器
15.having a relatively long head with a cephalic index of under 75.有头颅指数低于75的、相对长些的头部。
16.Cranial and cephalic are interchangeable adjectives which mean proceeding toward the brain and cranium.颅侧和头为可互换使用的形容词,意为向脑或头颅的一侧。
17.The villain in the movie was a macrocephalous genius.电影中的坏蛋是个头颅巨大的天才。
18.Clinical analysis of newborn skull CT scanning after suffocate新生儿窒息后头颅CT检查的结果分析

1.The Effect of Decreasing mAs on Image Qulity of the Newborn Brain.;降低毫安秒对新生儿头颅CT质量的影响
2.This paper introduces a Model NDY stereo-positioner of brain,which is an essencial tool in micro-wound surgery.NDY型脑立体定位仪是微侵袭外科中不可缺少的仪器 ,借助CT、MR、X -ray可对头颅内任一点病变位置能准确地定位。
6)Cranial CT头颅CT
1.A clinical and cranial CT analysis on 130 cases of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic enecphalopathly;130例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病临床和头颅CT分析
2.Objective: To analyze the electroencephalogram (EEG) and cranial CT of the patients with sporadic viral cerebritis clinically.目的 :对鄂西山区散发性病毒性脑炎的脑电图 (EEG)、头颅CT与临床进行分析 ,以提高诊断率。
3.Cranial CT feature and clinical analysis of neonatel intracranial hemorrhage: clionicalanalysis of 50 cases;结论凡有窒息史、异常分娩史,系产伤、早产儿、低出生体重儿、出生后未注射过VitK1的小儿,应严密监测神志改变、前囟、瞳孔、呼吸节律、惊厥、肌张力及原始反射及有无贫血,一旦有上述病史体征,应想到NICH可能,有条件者常规头颅CT或头颅B超检查。

头颅头颅skull  脑颅骨和面颅骨借骨连接相连而成的整颅。