1.An Antifungal Compound Produced by Corynebacterium spp .;棒状杆菌ps1产生广谱抗真菌活性物质的初步研究
2.Study on ammonia-oxidizing activity and biological characteristics of a Corynebacterium spp. strain;一株棒状杆菌的氨氧化活性研究
3.Distribution of corynebacterium isolated from ocular specimens and its antibiotics susceptibility in vitro眼部分离培养棒状杆菌属的分布及耐药性分析

1.Actinobacteria (ray fungi; actinomycetes) A phylum of Eubacteria that contains the true actinobacteria and the coryneform bacteria.放线菌:一门真细菌包含真放线菌以及棒状杆菌
2.Diphtheria: Acute infectious Bacterial disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae.白喉:白喉棒状杆菌引起的急性传染
3.Method for examination of Corynebacterium kutscheri in laboratory animalGB/T14926.9-1994实验动物鼠棒状杆菌检验方法
4.Studied on the method of extracting CpG-DNA from Corynebacterium parvum短小棒状杆菌CpG-DNA提取方法的研究
5.Corynebacterium infection of mediastinal after open heart surgery:A case report心内直视手术后棒状杆菌纵隔感染一例报告
6.Function of the T_(32) Terminator in Gene Expression in Corynebacteria;T_(32)终止子在棒状杆菌基因表达中的功能
7.Distribution of corynebacterium isolated from ocular specimens and its antibiotics susceptibility in vitro眼部分离培养棒状杆菌属的分布及耐药性分析
8.Diagnosis of Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis Infection in Bactrian Camel with Indirect Hemoagglutination Test双峰驼假结核棒状杆菌病的间接红细胞凝集试验诊断
9.Corynebacterium affecting BV diagnosis by nugent and value of clue cell棒状杆菌对Nugent法诊断BV的影响及线索细胞在BV诊断中应用
10.Non-cell corynebacterium parvum product combined with slow intra-tumor release of drugs inhibits B16 melanoma in mice无细胞短棒状杆菌制剂联合瘤内缓释化疗对鼠黑色素瘤的抑制效应
11.Any of various bacteria, especially a rod - shaped bacterium.杆状细菌一种细菌,尤指杆状细菌
12.celluloid, in the form of sheets, rods, sticks or profile shapes片状、棒状、杆状或仿形赛璐珞
13.clostridium tetani破伤风梭状芽孢杆菌
14.Clostridium oedematis maligni恶性水肿梭状芽胞杆菌
15.undulant fever【医】波状热, 布鲁氏杆菌病
16.rod-shaped soil bacteria.杆状生于土壤中细菌。
17.Clostridium sporogenes产芽孢梭状芽孢杆菌
18.Research on the Application of cglI Gene Complex to Construct Corynebacterium Crenatum Phage-resistance Strains;cglI基因复合体在构建钝齿棒杆菌抗噬菌体菌株中的应用研究

1.Function of the T_(32) Terminator in Gene Expression in Corynebacteria;T_(32)终止子在棒状杆菌基因表达中的功能
2.In order to improve the stability of recombinant plasmid in the engineered corynebacteria strains, several integrated strains had been constructed.再在pJL02的HindⅢ位点接入棒状 杆菌染色体的HindⅢ消化的随机片段,构建成带不同棒状杆菌染色体片段而不带棒状杆菌 自主复制顺序的棒状杆菌整合质粒pJL03。
3)Corynebacterium kutscher(C.kutscheri)鼠棒状杆菌
4)Corynebacterium parvum短棒状杆菌
1.Chemical components of Corynebacterium parvum and its inhibit effect on myeloma;短棒状杆菌化学成分分析及对骨髓瘤的抑瘤效应研究
2.Isolation and Application of Active Constituent of Corynebacterium parvum;短棒状杆菌有效成分的分离及其作用
5)Corynebactrium parvum短棒状杆菌
1.Evaluation in safety for external application of Corynebactrium parvum preparation;短棒状杆菌外用制剂安全性的评价
1.One case of pulmonary infection caused by C.equi;马棒状杆菌致肺部感染一例

棒状杆菌棒状杆菌  病原微生物名。即阴道加特纳菌。详见该条。