
1.Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening, as a colostomy or ileostomy.造口术外科上对排泄孔道进行的人工构造,如结肠造口术或回肠造口术
2.A surgical procedure by which an opening is formed in the intestine through the abdominal wall.肠造口术透过腹壁在肠上开口的一种外科手术
3.Madelung's operation(腰部结肠造口术) 马德隆氏手术
4.Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening from the colon.结肠造口术在结肠上造出一个人工排泄口的外科手术
5.Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening through the abdominal wall into the ileum.回肠造口术在腹壁上造出一个排泄口并接入回肠的外科手术
6.Endonasal Anatomy of Lacrimal Sac to Andoscopic Transnasal Dacryocystorhinostomy;鼻腔泪囊造口术的泪囊鼻内解剖研究
7.Clinical observation on the early use of urostomy pouch after ileostomy尿路造口袋在回肠造口术后早期使用的效果观察
8.Dacryocystorhinosomy with nasal endoscope for the treatment of 78 cases of chronic dacryocystitis鼻内镜鼻腔泪囊造口术治疗慢性泪囊炎78例
9.Clinical analysis of percutaneous fluoroscopic gastrostomyX线导引下经皮胃造口术在临床患者中的应用
10.Endoscopic nasal dacryocystorhinostomy for recurrent dacryocystitis鼻内镜鼻腔泪囊造口术治疗复发性泪囊炎
11.Technical Transformation on Imported Extrusion Granulating Mould长岭闲置进口挤压造粒模板技术改造
12.Create Food and Water. Feed's three humans( or one horse)/ level.造粮术:造出三个人类/级一天的口粮与水。
13.a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus.结肠造口以替代肛门功能的外科手术。
14.Meanwhile, technological renovation of multi-purpose wharfs at various ports will be accelerated.同时加快港口多用途码头的技术改造。
15.Study on Structural Optimum and Manufacture Technique of Inlet for Hydrocyclone;旋流器入口结构优化及制造技术研究
16.Clinical research of colostomy after Miles operation for rectal cancer直肠癌Miles术后结肠造口的临床研究
17.The clinical analysis of 5 cases of laparoscopic parastomal hernia repairment腹腔镜造口旁疝修补术五例临床分析
18.Nursing of enteral nutrition therapy per stoma of jejunum after total gastrectomy全胃切除术后空肠造口肠内营养治疗的护理

1.Surgical Treatment after Fistulizationin Left Semicolon and Rectal Cancer with Acute Obstruction;左半结肠、直肠癌肠梗阻结肠造口术后的外科治疗
2.Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic effects of interventional therapy and fistulization for Bartholin s gland cyst and abscess.目的 探讨介入法配合造口术治疗巴氏腺囊肿和脓肿的疗效。

脑室造口术脑室造口术ventriculostomy 又称“脑室造瘘术”。是一种用以治疗阻塞性脑积水的手术,方法是将脑室与脑池最接近处(如终板、第三脑室底、胼胝体等处)打通,造成脑室与蛛网膜下腔之间的一个捷径,以克服脑室系统中的梗阻。最常用者为第三脑室造瘘术。适用于各种原因所引起的自中脑导水管至第四脑室出口处的阻塞。