1.Investigation of the effects of Naloxone plus Aminophylline therapy on primary apnea of preterm infants;纳络酮联合氨茶碱治疗早产儿原发性呼吸暂停疗效观察
2.Study on pharmacokinetics of aminophylline in beagles by two administration routes;氨茶碱两种给药途径在犬体内的药动学
3.Studies on drug release from aminophylline konjac glucomannan matrix tablet;氨茶碱魔芋胶骨架片的体外释放研究

1.Dose out amino- phylline to an asthmatic patent给气喘病人服氨茶碱
2.The Investigation of Aminophylline Sustained-release Pellets Made by Fluidized-bed;流化床法制备氨茶碱缓释微丸的研究
3.Attention to the interaction while using aminophylline combined with other medicines;氨茶碱与他药合用时应注意相互影响
4.Aminophylline Protects the renal function in neonates with perinatal asphyxia氨茶碱对窒息新生儿肾脏的保护作用
5.Stability of Aminophylline Injection and Furosemide injection in Compatibility Solutions氨茶碱与呋塞米注射液的配伍稳定性
6.Study of doxofylline and aminophylline treatment on chronic obstructive pneumonia diseases in 80 cases多索茶碱与氨茶碱治疗慢性阻塞性肺炎80例疗效对比研究
7.The Influence of High Fat Diet on the Pharmacokinetics of Controlled Release Aminophylline Tablets高脂食物对氨茶碱控释片药代动力学的影响
8.Effect of aminophylline and cAMP on diaphragm fatigue氨茶碱、环磷酸腺苷对膈肌疲劳的治疗作用
9.Experimental Study of Effects in Vitro of Aminophylline on Th Subsets from Children with Allergic Bronchial Asthma During Remission Period;氨茶碱对哮喘患儿Th亚群体外影响的实验研究
10.Research on the Efficacy of Aminophylline on Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Eosinophils by A549 Cells;氨茶碱干预A549细胞吞噬凋亡嗜酸粒细胞的研究
11.Stability of Aminophylline Injection,Dopamine Hydrochloride Injection and Nikethamide Injection in Compatibility Solutions氨茶碱、多巴胺、尼可刹米注射液配伍稳定性研究
12.The clinical research on using aminophylline to treat obstructive pulmonary emphysema氨茶碱用于治疗阻塞性肺气肿的临床研究
13.Spectrophotometry analysis of the aminophylline in patients′ serum紫外分光光度法测定氨茶碱的血浆药物浓度
14.Stability of Aminophylline Injection and Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection in Compatibility Solutions氨茶碱和盐酸纳洛酮的配伍稳定性研究
15.Aminophylline Use and Treatment Effect in Children's Croup Disease氨茶碱在儿童喘息性疾病中的应用及疗效观察
16.Clinical Effects of Inhaling Aminophylline Solution by Using the Ultrasonic Nebulizer in Treating Pneumonia after Surgical Operation氨茶碱超声雾化吸入在治疗术后肺炎中的效果
17.The Effects of Early Treatment of Aminophyllin on Renal Function in Neonates With Perinatal Asphyxia早期应用氨茶碱对窒息新生儿肾脏的保护作用
18.Effect of Total Coumarins from Radix Angelicae Dahuricae on Pharmacokinetics of Aminophylline in Rabbits白芷香豆素组分对兔体内氨茶碱药动学的影响

1.Blood Concentration of Digoxin and Theophylline in Senile Patients: An Analysis of Monitoring Results in Our Hospital;我院老年患者地高辛和氨茶碱血药浓度监测结果分析
2.Systemic administration of theophylline augments blood oxygen level dependent response to forepaw stimulation in rats;氨茶碱增强大鼠前爪刺激BOLD效应的实验研究
3.The direct determination of the theophylline and phenobarbital in aminophylline and lumina tablets by reversed phase-capillary electrochromatography (RP-CEC) with phenacetin as the internal standard is reported in this paper.)×20cm的毛细管ODS(5μm)填充柱上测定了氨茶碱和鲁米那片剂中茶碱和苯巴比妥的含量,在所测的浓度范围内有良好的线性关系和回收率。
1.The article analysed the reasons that influence the quality of aminophyline in production,and made an effective solution to the quality in production of aminophyline in rainy season by adding dehumidifg unit,reducing humidity in surroundings,adjusting technological parameters.分析了生产中影响氨茶碱质量的原因,通过增加除湿机、降低空气湿度、调整工艺条件等措施,有效地解决了雨季生产氨茶碱时出现的质量问题。
2.Infants in the control were added aminophyline with initial dose 5 mg/kg,fo11owed by 2 mg/kg after 12 hours,repeated every 12 hours for 3-5 days.h-1,每8 h重复一次;对照组在常规治疗基础上加用氨茶碱,首次剂量为5 mg。
3.Objective To explore the expression of TRAIL in asthmatic rat lung and the apoptosis of T-lymphocytes in asthmatic rat BALF and the effect of aminophyline on them.目的研究哮喘大鼠肺组织TRAIL的表达及支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中T淋巴细胞凋亡情况,以及氨茶碱对其的影响。
4)aminophylline tablets氨茶碱片
1.Fiber optic sensor process analysis on dissolution rate of aminophylline tablets;氨茶碱片体外溶出的光纤传感过程分析
5)Aminophyllinum乙二氨茶碱 ,氨茶碱
6)Theophylline lysine赖氨酸茶碱

氨茶碱【通用名称】氨茶碱【其他名称】氨茶碱 氨茶碱 拼音名:Anchajian 英文名:Aminophylline 书页号:2000年版二部-722 C2H8N2(C7H8N4O2)2.2H2O 456.46 本品为1,3-二甲基-3,7-二氢-1H-嘌呤-2,6-二酮-1,2-乙二胺盐二水合物。按无 水物计算,含茶碱(C7H8N4O2)应为84.0%~87.4%;含乙二胺(C2H8N2)应为13.5%~15.0%。 【性状】 本品为白色或微黄色的颗粒或粉末,易结块;微有氨臭,味苦;在空气 中吸收二氧化碳,并分解成茶碱;水溶液显碱性反应。 本品在水中溶解,在乙醇中微溶,在乙醚中几乎不溶。 【鉴别】 (1) 取本品约0.2g,加水10ml溶解后,不断搅拌,滴加稀盐酸1ml 使茶 碱析出,滤过;滤渣用少量水洗涤后,在105 ℃干燥1 小时,依法测定(附录Ⅵ C), 熔点为269 ~274 ℃;剩余的滤渣照茶碱项下的鉴别试验,显相同的反应。 (2) 取本品约30mg,加水1ml 溶解后,加1 %硫酸铜溶液2 ~3 滴,振摇,溶液初 显紫色;继续滴加硫酸铜溶液,渐变蓝紫色,最后成深蓝色。 【检查】 溶液的澄清度与颜色 取本品0.50g ,加新沸放冷至室温的水10ml,微 热使溶解,溶液应澄清无色,如显色,依法检查(附录Ⅸ A第一法),与黄绿色2 号标 准比色液比较,不得更深。 有关物质 取本品0.20g ,加水2ml ,微热使溶解,放冷,用甲醇稀释至10ml,作 为供试品溶液,精密量取1ml ,用甲醇稀释至200ml ,作为对照溶液。照薄层色谱法( 附录Ⅴ B)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各10μl,分别点于同一硅胶GF254薄层板上,以 正丁醇-丙酮-氯仿-浓氨溶液(40:30:30:10) 为展开剂,展开后,晾干,置紫外光灯 (254nm) 下检视。供试品溶液如显杂质斑点,与对照溶液的主斑点比较,不得更深。 水分 取本品,照水分测定法(附录Ⅷ M第一法 A)测定,含水分不得过8.0 %。 炽灼残渣 不得过0.1 %(附录Ⅷ N)。 【含量测定】 乙二胺 取本品约0.25g,精密称定 ,加水25ml使溶解,加茜素磺 酸钠指示液8 滴,用硫酸滴定液(0.05mol/L) 滴定,至溶液显黄色。每1ml 硫酸滴定液 (0.05mol/L) 相当于3.005mg 的C2H8N2。 无水茶碱 取上述滴定后的溶液,加硝酸银滴定液(0.1mol/L)20ml,振摇,迅速用 氢氧化钠滴定液(0.1mol/L)滴定,至溶液显红色。每 1ml氢氧化钠滴定液(0.1mol/L)相 当于18.02mg 的C7H8N4O2。 【类别】 平滑肌松弛药、利尿药。 【贮藏】 遮光,密封保存。 【制剂】 (1) 氨苯碱片 (2) 氨茶碱注射液 (3) 氨茶碱缓释片