影像学表现,imaging manifestation
1)imaging manifestation影像学表现
1.Imaging manifestations of cardiac and pericardiac echinococcosis and alveolar hydatid disease;心脏、心包细粒、泡状棘球蚴病的影像学表现
2.Objective To observe the imaging manifestations of intracranial neoplasms after gamma knife radiosurgery (GK),in order to provide diagnostic basis for therapeutic effect.目的回顾性分析颅内肿瘤伽玛刀治疗后的影像学表现,为疗效判断提供依据。

1.The Comparative Imaging Features of Vertebral Metastasis;脊椎转移瘤的影像学表现及对比研究
2.The Imaging Features and Clinical Application of Ultrasound、IVP and CT in Evaluation of Renal Tuberculosis;肾结核的影像学表现及临床应用价值
3.CT and MR features of esthesioneuroblastoma嗅神经母细胞瘤的CT和MR影像学表现
4.Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma:Evaluation of Imaging Performance小儿横纹肌肉瘤:影像学表现与评价
5.Clinical and Imaging Manifestations of POMES SyndromePOEMS综合征的临床及影像学表现
6.Imaging manifestations and its clinical significance in herniation pit of the femoral neck股骨颈疝窝的影像学表现及临床意义
7.The differential study of MSCTA findings between arteriosclerosis obliterans and diabetic arteriosclerosis obliteransASO与DMASO的MSCTA影像学表现差异性研究
8.Imaging features of chondroblastoma and its diagnosis value软骨母细胞瘤影像学表现及诊断价值
9.Imaging features of toxic encephalopathy and the values of DWI中毒性脑病的影像学表现及DWI的价值
10.The imaging features and diagnosis of pulmonary cancinoma of mediastinal type纵隔型肺癌的影像学表现及诊断体会
11.Objective: To evaluate the clinical and imaging features of pachygyria.目的:探讨巨脑回畸形的临床及影像学表现
12.Findings of nervous system imaging in AIDS获得性免疫缺陷综合征的神经系统影像学表现
13.Imaging Manifestations of Enlarged Iliopsoas Bursa in Ischemic Necrosis of Femoral Head股骨头缺血坏死并髂腰肌囊扩张的影像学表现
14.Study on Imaging Performance and Clinical Application of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome股髋撞击综合征的影像学表现及临床应用研究
15.Correlative analysis between CT findings and pathology of gastrointestinal stromal tumors胃肠道间质瘤影像学表现与病理对照分析
16.Imaging Features of the Head and Face Injuries from 5·12 Wenchuan Earthquake5·12汶川地震颅面部外伤影像学表现特征分析
17.Imaging manifestations of the brain and skeleton in mucopolysaccharidoses type Ⅰ: Case report黏多糖积累病Ⅰ型颅脑及骨骼影像学表现1例
18.Imaging and Clinical Manifestations of Pulmonary Wegener's Granulomatosis韦格纳肉芽肿病的临床及肺部影像学表现

1.AIM: To analyze the relationship between imaging features and clinical nervous symptoms of diastematomyelia(DM).结果:双管型98例,影像学表现为脊髓纵裂不对称、有间隔、位于胸腰段及腰段、合并脊髓水囊肿大,出现临床神经功能症状重;单管型30例,影像学表现为脊髓纵裂对称性分布、无间隔或稍有纤维性间隔、位于颈段及颈胸段、合并脊髓水囊肿小,出现临床神经功能症状轻,两者均与病变部位脊髓纵裂长度无明显关系。
3)imaging appearance影像学表现
1.Imaging Appearance of Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Lung(A Report of 22 Cases);肺炎性假瘤的影像学表现(附22例报告)
4)chest X-ray manifestation胸部影像学表现
5)The performance of early imaging早期影像学表现
6)Imaging findings影像表现

比较影像学比较影像学  影像学术语。依据医学影像学各种成像方法的原理、价值与限度,规范在特定疾病的合理应用程序及信息的参照原则,最大限度地发挥医学影像学优势的一门分支。随着医学影像学内涵的不断丰富及认识的不断深化,在比较影像的范畴内会不断派生出新的内容。