1.Objective:To recognize sialolithiasis of an accessory parotid gland by discussing its clinical symptoms and characters of diagnose and treatment.目的:探讨副腮腺涎石病的临床和诊治特点,提高对该病的认识。

1.Lidan Paishi Pian in the Treatment of Sialolithiasis of Submandibular Gland Duct利胆排石片治疗颌下腺导管涎石症临床研究
2.Objective To investigate the composition and structure of sialolith and explore the contributing factors of sialolith.目的研究涎石的成分结构,探讨其形成原因。
3.Diagnostic value of magnetic resonance sialography for submandibular sialolithiasis磁共振唾液腺导管造影在下颌下腺涎石症中的诊断价值
4.Conclusion The contributing factors of the sialolith were associated with the bacterial infection and the nature of the soliva( pH velocity of flow and consistency of protein).结论涎石形成既与细菌感染有关,更与唾液性质(H值、速和所含蛋白质浓度)关。
5.Methods12 specimens of sialolith of the submandibular salivary glands were analysed by infrared spectrometry and X-ray powder diffraction.方法利用红外吸收光谱仪和X线衍射仪分别对12例颌下腺涎石化学成分进行分析研究。
6.The dealer was slaveringover some precious stones.那商人对一些宝石垂涎欲滴.
7.a salivary gland【解】涎腺, 唾(液)腺
8.lingual mandibular salivary gland depression涎腺下颌骨舌侧陷入
9.First champagne and then this!"香槟酒,再加上口涎
10.slavering over a plate of spaghetti垂涎一盘意大利面条.
11.She gapes for nothing but money她所垂涎的只是钱。
12.She covets her sister's house.她垂涎她姐姐的房子。
13.It is coveted by collectors.它被收藏家们所垂涎。
14.Study on the Meanings of Sneeze,Yawn and Saliva“嚏”、“欠”和“唾”、“涎”词义考探
15.Application of 3D FIESTA sequence in magnetic resonance sialography for obstructive salivary diseases3D FIESTA MR涎腺造影在涎腺梗阻疾病中的应用
16.Objective:To Study the genesis and the development of salivary gland tumor (SGT).目的:研究涎腺肿瘤的发生和发展规律,建立涎腺肿瘤动物模型。
17.The Function of P63 and Integrin β1 on the Development of Salivary Glands and Salivary Gland Tumours;P63、integrinβ1在涎腺干细胞发育中的作用及其与涎腺肿瘤发生的关系
18.The antigenic determinant is carbohydrate without saliva acid.抗原决定簇为不含涎酸的碳水化合物。

3)salivary gland diseases涎腺疾病
1.Research progress in salivary gland diseases and saliva;涎腺疾病及唾液的研究进展

鸭涎【通用名称】鸭涎【其他名称】鸭涎 (《纲目》) 【来源】为鸭科动物家鸭的唾涎。动物形态详"白鸭肉"条。 【采集】以生姜少许,塞鸭口中,将鸭倒悬,其涎即下。 【功用主治】①《海上方》:"治小儿痓风,头及四肢皆往后,以鸭涎滴之。又治蚯蚓吹小儿阴肿,取雄鸭涎抹之。" ②《食物本草会纂》:"谷芒刺喉,饮鸭涎。"