内生肌酐清除率,Endogenous creatinine clearance
1)Endogenous creatinine clearance内生肌酐清除率
1.Objective Endogenous creatinine clearance (Ccr) is widely used in estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR),and formulas based on plasma creatinine levels are also used increasingly.目的比较MDRD方程和内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)评估肾小球滤过率(GFR)的适用性。
2.On the same time,serum creatinine and endogenous creatinine clearance were measured in all patients.方法根据临床分期将研究对象分为CKDⅠ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期组,采用胶乳增强免疫透射比浊法检测各组患者血清Cystatin C水平,同时测定血清肌酐(SCr)及内生肌酐清除率(Ccr),并与健康对照组比较。

1.Relevance between Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness and Endogenous Creatinine Clearance Rate in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Normal Renal Function肾功能正常2型糖尿病患者颈动脉内膜中层厚度与内生肌酐清除率的相关性
2.Immediately after the procedure, serum creatinine increased, creatinine clearance decreased, and protein excretion worsened in these two patients.两例患者术后很快出现血清肌酐水平升高,肌酐清除率下降,蛋白排泄恶化。
3.Study of correlation between serum cystatin C and creatinine clearance rate for evaluation of renal function in gerontal patients老年患者血清胱抑素C与肌酐清除率对肾功能评价的相关性研究
4.Clinical significance of GFR -Ccr difference value in differential diagnosis of patients with AFR and CRF肾小球滤过率与肌酐清除率的差值鉴别急性和慢性肾衰
5.Creatinine clearance was correlated directly with plasma aldosterone and inersely with renin.肌酐清除率与血浆醛固酮浓度正相关,与肾素水平反相关。
6.The Change and Clinical Meaning of Creatinine Clearance Rate of Acute Coronary Syndrome急性冠脉综合征患者肌酐清除率的变化及临床意义
7.Influence of creatinine clearance on serum methotrexate concentration in high-dose methotrexate therapy肌酐清除率对大剂量甲氨蝶呤化疗中血药浓度的影响
8.Values of the combination use of matrix metalloproteinase-9,creatinine clearance rate and cardiac troponin T in short-term prognosis of acute coronary syndrome联合基质金属蛋白酶-9、肌酐清除率及肌钙蛋白T对急性冠脉综合征短期预后的研究
9.The results showed that verapamil increased urine flow and creatinine clearance rate( Ccr), decreased BUN and protected against ARF.结果表明,异搏停能增加尿量和肌酐清除率,降低血尿素氮,具有防治急性肾功能衰竭的作用。
10.Creatinine clearance rate was 67.4% as against 50%.血中肌酐正压透析平均清除67.4%,负压透析平均清除50%。
11.The role of the ratio of the random urinary(micro) albumin to the creactinine for diagnose chronic kidney diseases随机尿清蛋白/尿肌酐比率测定在慢性肾病的应用
12.Research on Tests of the Content of Urea Nitrogen,Creatinine and Uric Acid in Saliva and Serum of Male Students at College before and after Exercises;大学男生运动前、后唾液与血清尿素氮、肌酐、尿酸含量的检测
13.Reparing Alkaline Picrate Reagent the Quantitative Determination of Serum Creatinine碱性苦味酸法测定血清肌酐试剂的配制
14.Comparison of determining the sero-creatinine by enzymatic assay and jaffe assay;碱性苦味酸法和酶法测血清肌酐的方法学比较
15.Removal of iron dextran during hemodialysis with polysulfone F6 and homophone GFSplus12静脉用右旋糖酐铁经透析器清除的研究
16.The comparison of serum creatinine level and creatinine reduction ratio in one month after kidney transplantation as predictors of long-term graft survival术后1月基础血肌酐水平及肌酐下降率对移植肾长期功能影响的比较
17.Effects of the Huangqi extract on the content of muscle glycogen and serum creatinine in postexercise mice黄芪水提取液对运动后小鼠肌糖原和血清中肌酐含量的影响
18.Comparative Study of Serum CystatinC and Serum Creatinine in Glomerular Filtration Rate Measurement in Patients with Acute Kindney Injury血清胱抑素C与血清肌酐在急性肾损伤患者GFR评估中的比较研究

Creatinine clearance内生肌酐清除率
1.To elucidate the effects on renal hypertension and progressive renal disease of endothelin 1 in patients of chronic glomerulonephritis, plasma endothelin 1 (PET 1), urinary excretion rate of endothelin 1 (UET 1), creatinine clearance (Ccr) and urinary excretion rate of β 2 microglobulin (β m) in 54 patients with chronic glomerulonphritis and those in 20 normal control were measured.为探讨血、尿内皮素水平在肾性高血压及肾脏疾病发展中所起的作用 ,对正常人和慢性肾炎患者血浆内皮素 (PET 1 )、2 4h尿内皮素排泄量 (UET 1 )、内生肌酐清除率 (Ccr)和尿 β2 微球蛋白 ( β m)进行了检测。
2.On the basis of creatinine clearance calculated by .方法:按照2004年中国高血压防治指南标准,选择2004-2007年原发性高血压住院患者509例及同期健康体检者(A组)509例,根据Cockcroft -Gault(CG)公式计算的内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)评价肾功能,按肾功能损害程度将EH患者分为两组:肾功能正常组(B组:Ccr≥80 ml/min)及肾功能异常组(C组:Ccr<80 ml/min)。
1.Methods:The 198 patients with chronic renal failure,according to the Guideline to clinical research of Chinese traditional medicine and new drug,will operate TCM differentiation typing while the level of serum ET,BUN,SCr and CCr were measured.目的:研究慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)患者中医证型在CRF四期(代偿期、失代偿期、衰竭期、尿毒症期)的分布规律以及不同中医证型中尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(SCr)、内生肌酐清除率(CCr)、血浆内皮素(ET)的水平变化。
2.Objective To investigate the relevance of serum cystatin C,Ccr and renal pathological changes.目的 了解血胱蛋白酶抑制剂 (cystatin)C和内生肌酐清除率 (Ccr)与肾脏病理变化的关系。
4)Endogenous creatinine clearance rate内生肌酐清除率
5)Creatinine clearance rate内生肌酐清除率
6)24h urine creatinine clearance24h尿内生肌酐清除率
