1.The Ultrasonography and Color Doppler Flow Imaging of Cystitis Glandularis;腺性膀胱炎的声像图及其彩色多普勒血流显像
2.Objective To observe and analysize the changes of isolated pig ren and it s ultrasonography and the situation where the liquid gathered just when the pressure quickly raised in isolated pig ren pelvis.目的 观察分析当离体猪肾盂内压力短时间内急剧升高而致液体外渗部位、实物及声像图改变。
3.Methods Ultrasonography of 15 cases Splenic Tuberculosis were analyzed retrospectivly,and typed according to ultrasound images.目的分析脾结核的超声声像图,探讨其超声诊断价值。

1.The relationship between the histology and sonographic findings was analysed.分析其病理结果与超声声像图的关系。
2.Analysis of Misdiagnosis of 24 Chocolate Cyst Cases by Ultrasonic Image24例巧克力囊肿超声声像图误诊分析
3.Ultrasound sonogram analysis of 86 cases of drug crystallization in the gallbladder胆囊药物结晶86例超声声像图分析
4.Analysis of Ultrasonographic Features of Splenic Tuberculosis15例脾结核的超声声像图特征分析
5.Speciality of Parotid Gland Ultrasonography in Primary Sjgren's Syndrome原发性干燥综合征的腮腺超声声像图特征
6.Comparison of Ultrasonography and Pathology Study of Cystic Thyroid Lesions;甲状腺囊性病变超声声像图与病理对照分析
7.The Study of Sonography the Ovarian Luteum Hematon and Teratom;卵巢黄体血肿与畸胎瘤超声声像图的对比研究
8.Clinical value of typical features of thyroid nodules on ultrasonography超声评价甲状腺结节典型声像图的临床意义
9.The sonographic anatomy of rectus femoris and its relationship with tears股直肌的超声解剖学特点与撕裂的声像图关系
10.Ultrasonography of Hydrohystera Caused by Different Reasons不同原因所致宫腔积液的超声声像图分析
11.Evaluation of post high intensity focus ultrasound treatment for uterine fibroids by ultrasonography子宫肌瘤高强度聚焦超声治疗后的声像图评价
12.Assessment of the clinical value of B-ultrasound and the imaging performance in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy超声诊断异位妊娠的声像图表现及临床价值
13.The Ultrasound Features of Breast Masses Which Disappeared in 21 Patients可消退性乳腺肿块21例的超声声像图特征分析
15.Digital Speech and Image Compression ?"数字声音,图像压缩技术"
16."Things like voice, video, text, and so. on."比如声音、图像、文本等。
17.Sight has followed sound.在声音之后,又有了图像。
18.Study on Image Recognition Technique of High Resolution Imaging Sonar;高分辨率成像声纳图像识别技术研究

ultrasonogram[英][,?ltr?'s?n?ɡr?m][美][,?ltr?'sɑn?,ɡr?m, -'son?-]声像图
1.Different ultrasonogram of mixed tumor of parotid gland;腮腺混合瘤不同声像图探析
2.Ultrasonogram of refractory hemangioma over the face, neck and limbs;面、颈部、四肢难治性血管瘤声像图
3.Objective:To discuss the ultrasonogram s characteristic of vaginal hemorrhage due to venous plexus rupture of cervix internal ora during medium-termand terminal pregnancy.目的 :讨论中晚期妊娠宫颈内口静脉丛破裂导致阴道出血的声像图特征。
3)sonogram[英]['s?n?,ɡr?m][美]['sɑn?,ɡr?m, ,son?-]声像图
1.The parameters being examined included the pathology and the characteristic of sonogram.方法回顾性分析756例经阴道超声检查为异位妊娠的超声图像,找出其内在的声像图特征,所有病例均经腹腔镜或剖腹手术及病理证实。
1.Objective To analyzed the pathology and the sonography patterns of the pulmonary peripheral masses.目的 分析肺周边部病灶的声像图与病理学特征。
2.Application of Ultrosonography in Soft Tissue Infection with Diabetes Mellitus;为探讨 B型超声检查在糖尿病软组织感染诊断与治疗中的应用价值及其声像图表现特征 ,笔者对 7例糖尿病继发软组织感染患者应用超声检查进行了连续的动态观察研究 ,取得了良好的临床应用效果 ,其方法与结果报告如下。
1.Ultrasonographic features of multilocular cystic nephroma;多房性囊性肾瘤的声像图表现
1.Methods:202 patients with thyroid adenoma or struma nodosa were examined with ultrasonography pre operation and with pathomorphology post operation.目的 :探讨甲状腺腺瘤与结节性甲状腺肿的超声声像图特征 ,找出特征性的表现以提高超声的诊断水平。

声像图声像图  超声学术语。使用脉冲反射式辉度调制型超声诊断仪,探测人体组织和器官的回声特征,在显示屏上所显示的断面影像。