1.Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis with Varus by High Tibial Osteotomy Combined Arthriscopic Debridement;高位截骨结合关节镜下清理术治疗膝骨性关节病
2.Arthroscopic Debridement and Lateral Relinacular Release and Sodium Hyaluronate Injection for Treatement of Knee Osteoarthritis;关节镜联合玻璃酸钠治疗老年膝骨性关节病
3.Results showed that this disease including osteoarthritis and synovial membrane cartilage tumors hit generally medium- aged and aged people.目的:探讨老年性膝关节骨性关节病的临床及影像学诊断。

1.A Study on Clinic and Radiography Diagnosis of Senile Osteoarthritis探讨老年性骨性关节病的临床及影像诊断
2.The so-called chronic arthrosis( CA) usually means a series of joint arthr opathies, which include osteoarthr osis, rheumotoid arthrosis, traumatic arthrosis et a l.慢性关节炎多指骨关节炎、风湿性关节炎、伤性关节炎和股骨头坏死引起的关节病变。
3.MRI Appearances of Articular Cartilaginous Lesions in Acute Pyogenic Arthritis of Knee Joint急性化脓性膝关节炎关节软骨病损的MRI表现
4.The Case-Control Study on Risk Factor of Knee Osteoarthritis;膝关节骨性关节炎危险因素的病例对照研究
5.Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty for Single Compartmental Knee Osteoarthritis单髁置换治疗膝关节骨性关节炎单间室病变
6.Study on the pathology shape structure of calcified cartiage zone in osteoarthritis knee joint膝关节退行性骨关节炎钙化层病理改变研究
7.The analysis of X-ray for cervical degenerative osteoarthropathy颈椎退行性骨关节病的X线平片分析
8.Global Analyses of Gene Expression in Primary Osteoarthritis Cartilage of the Knee Joint of Humans人类原发性膝关节骨性关节炎病变软骨全基因组表达与分析
9.Therapy of Zhuifeng Tougu Pills on osteoarthritis with chronic kidney disease追风透骨丸治疗合并慢性肾脏病的骨关节炎
10.osteoarthritis deformans endemica地方性变形性骨关节炎;卡-贝二氏病;柳拐子病
11.Total Knee Arthroplasty for Treatment of Severe Degenerative Knee Osteoarthritis人工膝关节置换治疗重度膝关节退行性骨关节病
12.Clinical Results of Arthroscopic Debridement for Osteoarthritis of the Ankle Joint关节镜下病灶清理术治疗踝关节骨性关节炎临床疗效分析
13.The Correlative Study of Subchondral Focal Lesions of the Knee;膝关节软骨下局灶性病变的相关性研究
14.Furthur in vestigation of etiology and pathology of the congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia;先天性胫骨假关节病因病理学的进一步研究
15.Advanced Radiological Assessment of Haemophilic Arthropathy in Children儿童血友病性骨关节病的影像研究进展
16.Etiology and Pathogenesis of Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the Knee自发性膝关节骨坏死的病因及发病机制
17.osteochondritis dessecans of knee joint膝关节分离性骨软骨炎
18.The Study on the Correlation between Estrogen and Pathomechanisms of Osteoarthritis雌激素与骨性关节炎发病机制关系的研究

3)degenerative osteoarthropathy退行性骨关节病
1.Objective: To observe the effect of Buzhong Guizhi Decoction (BGD) on degenerative osteoarthropathy(DO).目的:观察补中桂枝汤治疗退行性骨关节病的临床疗效。
4)Dialysis related osteoarthrosis透析性骨关节病
5)Renal osteoarthrosis肾性骨关节病
6)Chronic arthropathy慢性骨关节病变
