1.Clinical Evaluation of Fetus Intrauterine Infection in Immunoglobulin G Avidity Index to Toxoplasma.;弓形体IgG抗体亲和力指数在胎儿宫内感染中的临床意义
2.Objective To study the association between the spontaneous abortion and Toxoplasma(TOX), Rubella virus(RV), Cytomegalovirus(CMV), Herpes simplex virus(HSV)(TORCH) infection in Hangzhou area.目的 探讨杭州地区自然流产与弓形体(TOX)、风疹病毒(RV)、巨细胞病毒(CMV)和单纯疱疹病毒 (HSV)4种病原体(简称TORCH)感染的相关性。

1.Serological Investigation on Toxoplasma Infection in Tai Gu County of Shah Shi Province山西省太谷县弓形体感染血清学调查
2.Incidence of toxoplasmosis in 5532 pregnant women in Crete, Greece: Management of 185 cases at risk希腊克里特岛5532例孕妇弓形体的感染率:185例高危孕妇的处理
3.The condition of such a curvature of the legs.弓形腿弓形腿的状态
4.Studies on the PAPS Diagnosis Reagent for T. gondii s Antibody and the Surface Antigen 1 Expressed in E.coli;弓形虫PAPS抗体诊断液及SAG1表达研究
5.Application of Colloidal Gold Techniques in Diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis胶体金技术在弓形虫病诊断中的应用
6.Detection of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by Recombinant SAG1 Antigen用重组SAG1抗原检测弓形虫抗体
7.Study of Correlation between Antitoxoplasma Antibody and Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion抗弓形虫抗体与反复自发流产的相关性研究
8.Molecular Cloning, Expression and Identification of TgMIC10 Gene from Toxoplasma Gondii in Vitro;弓形虫微线体蛋白TgMIC10基因的克隆、表达及鉴定
9.Role of Surface Antigen SAG3 on Invasion and Reproduction of Toxoplasma Gondii弓形虫表面抗原SAG3在虫体入侵及增殖中的作用
10.Detection of the antibody against Toxoplasma gondii using the indirect ELISA with the recombinant MIC3重组抗原rMIC3-ELISA检测猪弓形虫抗体的研究
11.Establishment of RNAi system of Toxoplasma gondii SAG3 expression弓形虫表面抗原SAG3基因表达干扰体系的建立
12.Effect and mechanism of Allitridi against Toxoplasma gondii in vitro中药大蒜素体外抗弓形虫效应及其机制的研究
13.Amplification and Bioinformatics Analysis of SAG3 Gene of Toxoplasma gondii Strain RH in Vitro刚地弓形虫SAG3基因体外扩增及生物信息学分析
14.Early detection of NTPase-Ⅱ antibody in Toxoplasma gondii-infected mice by indirect ELISA间接ELISA检测弓形虫感染鼠NTPase-Ⅱ抗体的研究
15.The Red Fork comprises a complex of sandstone bodies forming an arcuate trend.红叉由许多砂岩体的复合体组成,形成一个弓形的带。
16.A bend or curve, especially in a shoreline.弯曲,弓形弯曲或弓形,尤指海岸线
17.Treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral fracture with trans-pedicle bone fusion vertebroplasty and screw fixation:a long-term follow-up经椎弓根植骨椎体成形结合椎弓根钉固定治疗胸腰椎骨折远期疗效观察
18.They are slamming into neighboring gas to create a pair of bow shocks on either side of the globule.它们撞进周围的气体在球状体两边制造了一对弓形击波。

Toxoplasma gondii弓形体
1.Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pet-breeders and Risk Factor;重庆宠物饲养者弓形体感染及影响因素调查
2.Amplification and cloning of the major surface antigen(SAG1) gene of toxoplasma gondii RH strain;弓形体RH株抗原基因SAG1的扩增克隆及鉴定
1.Serological Investigation of Toxoplasmosis of Improved Stud Sheep in Qinghai;青海改良种绵羊弓形体病的血清学调查
2.The results indicated there were 61 portions positive serum,the average positive rate of swine toxoplasmosis was 22.采用间接血凝试验(IHA)对广东省部分地区猪场送检的269份血清进行猪弓形体病的血清学检测,结果表明有61份血清阳性,平均阳性率为22。
3.283 serum samples collected from Tibetan sheep in Chengduo country were used to detect the antibody of toxoplasmosis by indirect hemagglutination assay.应用间接血凝试验,对采集的283份治多县藏系羊血清,进行了弓形体病的血清学抗体检测。
4)toxoplasmosis encephalopathy弓形体脑病
1.Objective To study the MRI features of toxoplasmosis encephalopathy.目的探讨弓形体脑病的MRI表现。
5)ocular toxoplasmosis眼弓形体病

弓形体病弓形体病  又称"弓浆虫病"。是由弓形体引起的分布极广的一种动物传染病。人因摄食生的或未煮熟的肉类,或饮用污染的水而被感染,亦可通过胎盘引起胎儿染。临床症状轻重不一,轻者常无任何症状,重者可引起高热,肌肉、关节疼痛,脑炎,心肌炎,肺炎等。磺胺药和己胺嘧啶对本病有好疗效。