1.Analysis of hydrohystera diagnosed by transvaginal-sonography in postmenopausal women;358例绝经后无子宫器质性病变妇女宫腔积液阴道超声分析
2.Ultrasonography of Hydrohystera Caused by Different Reasons不同原因所致宫腔积液的超声声像图分析
3.Objective:To explore the clinical value of hydrohystera in diagnosis of intracavitary abnomalities by transvaginal-sonography.目的:探讨宫腔积液在宫内病变诊断中的应用价值。

1.Analysis of Hydrohystera by Ultrasound in 243 Cases超声诊断243例宫腔积液的病因分析
2.Ultrasonography of Hydrohystera Caused by Different Reasons不同原因所致宫腔积液的超声声像图分析
3.Clinical Analysis on 106 Cases of Endometrial Cavity Fluid Visualized Through Ultrasound during IVF-ET体外受精-胚胎移植中106例宫腔积液分析
4.Application of hysteroscopy to diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal pyometra宫腔镜在绝经后宫腔积脓诊断和治疗中研究
5.Clinical application of medical thoracoscopy in unknown pleural effusion胸腔镜在不明原因胸腔积液中的应用
6.The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.积脓体内积有脓液,尤指在胸膜腔内
7.AiDi injection pleural infusion chemotherapy in the treatment of 52 malignancy patients with pleural effusion艾迪注射液胸腔内注射治疗恶性胸腔积液52例
8.The Relations between Hysteroscopy and Positive Peritoneal Cytology with Endometrial Carcinoma宫腔镜检查与子宫内膜癌腹腔冲洗液细胞学相关性的临床研究
9.Impact of Hysteroscopy on Peritoneal Cytology in Patients with Endometrial Carcinoma宫腔镜检查对子宫内膜癌腹腔冲洗液细胞学改变的影响
10.Study on Etiology of Abdominal Fluid in Patients with Endometriosis and Inflammatory Agent Detection;子宫内膜异位症腹腔液病原体检测及血清腹腔液中CRP与APN表达
11.Accumulation of serous fluid in one or both pleural cavities.胸腔积水一个或两个胸腔中的浆状液体的聚集
12.Intrapleural DDP in the Treatment of Malignant Pleural Effusions中剂量顺铂胸腔给药治疗癌性胸腔积液
13.Clinical obervation of intrapleural injection of Kanglaite in the treatment of malignant pleural effusion康莱特腔内注射治疗恶性胸腔积液的临床观察
14.Analysis of thoracoscopy in the pleural effusion of unknown reason胸腔镜检查诊断不明原因的胸腔积液临床分析
15.Value of indwelling catheter into intrathoracic cavity treated with tuberculous pleural effusion胸腔内置管治疗结核性胸腔积液的价值
16.Intracavitary administration of Arsenic Trioxide in treatment of lung cancer complicated with pleural effusion三氧化二砷胸腔内灌注治疗肺癌合并胸腔积液
17.Iodophor rinse treatment of intrathoracic tuberculous pleural effusion碘伏胸腔内冲洗治疗结核性胸腔积液疗效观察
18.Application of flexible t medical horacoscopy in the diagnosis of pleural effusion可弯曲内科胸腔镜诊断胸腔积液临床应用

Postpartum hematocele in uterine cavity宫腔积血
1.Conclusion: Postpartum hematocele in uterine cavity has something to do with the pattern of delivery and complication .目的:探讨足月妊娠分娩(含剖宫产)后宫腔积血的原因及护理。
1.Application of hysteroscopy to diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal pyometra宫腔镜在绝经后宫腔积脓诊断和治疗中研究
2.Postmenopausal Pyometra:Clinical Analysis of 8 Cases8例绝经妇女宫腔积脓的临床分析
3.Clinical Analysis on 16 Post-menopause Cases With Pyometra绝经后妇女宫腔积脓16例分析
4)uterine fluid宫腔液
5)uterine luminal fluid(ULF)子宫腔液
1.To characterize an unknown estrogen-responsive protein ULF-250,which was first identified from the uterine luminal fluid(ULF) of rat in this laboratory,the ULF was collected from the estradiol-treated ovariectomized rats,and protein components of the ULF were separated by SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional electrophoresis(2-DE).此外,研究提示,该蛋白不仅在子宫上皮细胞表达而且分泌到子宫腔液中,其功能值得进一步研究。
6)simulated uterine fluid模拟宫腔液

关节腔积液关节腔积液 关节腔内液体异常增多,常为滑膜炎症或外伤刺激引起。积液可为清亮或混浊的浆液,也可为血液或脓液。多伴有滑膜炎症状。为明确病因、确定诊断、便于治疗,常需穿刺抽液,做化验检查。