1.Preparation and Control Tests on Freeze-dried Laboratory Reference for Quantitative Determination of HBsAg Subtype adr;adr亚型HBsAg冻干实验参考品的制备与检测
2.Preparation and Calibration of Reference for Determination of Biological Activity of Recombinant Hirudin;重组水蛭素生物学活性检测参考品的制备和标定
3.The pooled serum was prepared with 100 health persons,men∶female=1∶1,as a reference sample.目的探讨利用混合血清制备质控参考品对不同实验室间补体C 3,C 4检测结果进行校准的可能性。

1.Development of the Reference Materials Research for Diagnosis of Hepatitis C virus丙型肝炎病毒诊断参考品的研究进展
2.Preparation of National Reference Panel of HIV-1 RNA for NAT Donor ScreeningHIV-1核酸血筛试剂国家参考品的研制
3.Preparation of National Reference Panel of Influenza A (H1N1)Virus Nucleic Acid甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸国家参考品的研制
4.Thoughts on Building Service Brand for Reference Reading Room关于打造参考阅览室服务品牌的思考
5.Attached is the list of products which will be affected by this change.附件中为变更商标的产品列表,请参考。
6.A product specification brochure is enclosed.随函附上产品规格说明说,谨供参考.
7.This reference gives examples for products classification.该产品分级参考,举例说明了如何区分产品等级).
8.A list of writings used or considered by an author in preparing a particular work.作者参考书目某一作者在准备某一著作时用到或参考的作品目录
9.Each reference sample is well labeled and signed with authorized or approved signature.每件参考样品都贴上样品标签或由核准人/可人签名的于样品上.
10.As requested, we are sending you herewith a sample of Art. No.123 for your reference.按照要求,随函附上货号为123号的样品以供参考。
11.We take the liberty to enclose herewith sample and a price - list of the new season cotton fabric .兹奉上新季棉织物样品与价格表,请参考。
12.OBJECTIVE: To provide references on how to avoid price war in Chinese drug retailing.目的:为我国药品零售业走出“价格战”提供参考。
13.Typical data for actual hardware are given in Ref. 436.在参考文献(436)中给出实际产品典型数据。
14.Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词, 请参考有关词条
15.Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned.查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词,请参考有关词条。
16.Shipment to be made will be strictly in conformity with the reference sample sent.待运货物将与所寄的参考样品严格相符。
17.Introduction of IAEA Meeting In Bangkok and Thinking on Control of Pet Radiopharmaceuticals参加IAEA关于正电子放射性药品会议后的思考
18.In other references, the more common reference will be to supermarket or grocery product categories.在其它的参考中,最普通的是自选市场或食品杂货店的产品目录。

reference material参考品
1.Experimental production on reference material for alanine aminotransferase;丙氨酸转氨酶参考品的研制
2.Experimental researches on reference material (uncertified) of pancreatic α-amylase;胰α-淀粉酶参考品的实验研究
3)Enzyme reference material酶参考品
4)reference variety参考品种
1.Forming the reference variety and giving different traits with different measures were key steps of the relational grade analysis.作者认为,和等权关联度排序相比较,加权关联度排序的评估结果更能反映品种产量、品质、生长情况的实际表现;构造“参考品种”和赋予不同性状以不同的权重是灰色关联分析的关键环节。
5)reference preparation参考制品
6)reference sample参考样品

苯唑托品,苄托品药物名称:苄托品英文名:Benzatropine别名: 苯甲托品;苯唑托品,苄托品 外文名:Benzatropine 适应症: 用于震颤麻痹及药物引起的锥体外系反应综合征,可改善肌强直和震颤。 用量用法: 口服:开始每日睡前服0.5~1mg,以后每日可增至2~6mg,分3次服。必要时,震颤麻痹病人可肌注或静注,每日1~2mg。药物诱发锥体外系反应者可肌注或静注每日1~4mg,分1~2次。 注意事项: 1.老年病人可能更敏感。 2.对3岁以上儿童剂量视病情而定。 规格: 片剂:0.5mg、1mg、2mg。 注射液:2mg(2ml)。 类别:抗震颤麻痹药