1.Distribution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection and Drug Susceptibility Analysis;结果 95株铜绿假单胞菌中有67株(70 5%)来自于上呼吸道(痰液及咽拭),其次是伤口分泌物21株(22 1%);药敏结果显示铜绿假单胞菌对β 内酰胺类抗生素有较高的耐药性,而对氨基糖苷类(阿米卡星、庆大霉素),喹诺酮类(环丙沙星),碳青酶烯类(亚胺培南/西司他丁)具有较高的敏感率

1.Tetracycline sensitive is the worst sensitive (22.2%).四环素敏感性最差,其敏感率为22.2%。
2.The sensitive rates of NVB and BLM in esophageal carcinoma were 85 7% and 42 9%,respectively.诺维本、博莱霉素对食管癌敏感率为 85 7%、4 2 9%。
3.interest (rate) sensitivity: Rate-sensitive assets as a percentage of rate-sensitive liabilities利息(率)敏感性: 利率敏感性资产对利率敏感性负债的百分比。
4.Probability Density Function of Voltage Sag Sensitivity and Its Application敏感负荷电压凹陷敏感度概率密度函数及应用
5.A Sensitivity Analysis of Income Tax Rate Changes On Listed Company;上市公司所得税率变化的敏感性分析
6.Calbration and Sensitive Analysis on the Parameters of the WASP ModelWASP模型参数率定与敏感性分析
7.Strain-rate and Temperature Sensitivity Coefficient for TC11 Titanium AlloyTC11钛合金应变速率和温度敏感系数
8.Sensing Characteristic of Optical Fiber Refractive Index Sensor Based on Core Diameter Mismatch纤芯失配型光纤传感器折射率敏感特性
9.The prevalence of pollen-related food allergies has increased.与花粉相关食品敏感症的发病率在提高。
10.Sensitivity of Natural Frequencies of Hull Plated Grillage and its Practical Method of Calculation船体板架固有频率的敏感性及实用计算方法
11.Analysis on the Mesh Efficiency Sensitivity of RV Transmission封闭差动式传动啮合效率的敏感性分析
12.Investigation of Mechanical Parameters for Rate-Sensitive Material and Its Applications;应变率敏感材料物理参量的研究及其工程应用
13.Study on the Notch Sensitivity of Polymer under Different Strain Rates;聚合物在不同应变速率下的缺口敏感性研究
14.Managerial Overconfidence, Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity and Investment Efficiency;管理者过度自信、投资—现金流敏感度与投资效率
15.Study on the Sensitivity of Implied volatility Based on Artificial Intelligence;基于人工智能的隐含波动率的敏感度的研究
16.On the Sensitive Analysis and Substitution Rate Measurement Old Age Insurance before and after the Reform in China;新旧养老保险政策的替代率测算及其敏感性
17.The application of sensitivity and probability analysis in project risk management;敏感性—概率分析在项目风险评估中的应用
18.Strain Rate Sensitivities of FCC Metals Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation用分子动力学模拟研究FCC金属的应变率敏感性

1.Study on the Primary Culture and Chemotherapeutic Drug Sensitivity of Breast Cancer Cells;结果:乳腺癌的敏感率由高到低依次为CAF(33。
3)sensitivity frequency敏感频率
1.We obtain the different characteristics and sensitivity frequency in frequency domain and the signal has b.从比较成熟的有限元基本理论出发,建立了具有吸收边界的二维有限元模拟模型,对不同大小的裂纹、方形横穿孔、圆柱形横穿孔三种典型缺陷的模型进行了模拟研究;通过对截取的时域A-扫描曲线上缺陷和底面回波进行频谱分析,所得到的不同缺陷的频域特征量和缺陷敏感频率可以识别出文中所述各种缺陷;应用有限元模拟方法所得的结果对实际应用有一定的参考意义。
1.In order to save energy consumption of hydraulic excavators,a power-sensitive energy-saving control system is proposed,after an analysis on the traditional speed-sensitive energy-saving control strategy.为了减少液压挖掘机的燃油消耗,在分析传统转速传感节能控制策略的基础上,提出了一种新的功率敏感节能控制策略。
5)sensitivity to interest rate率敏感度
6)Frequency-Sensitive (FS)频率敏感

电导率(见电阻率)电导率(见电阻率)conductivity d!日nd日O}已电导率(eonduetivity)见电阻率。