1.Objective To study the relationship between synovial membrane apoptosis and different arthropathy for the pathogenesis of cartilage lesion in arthropathy.目的 :研究滑膜凋亡与不同关节病变的关系 ,并探讨病理关节软骨损害的机制。

1.hypertrophic arthritis增殖性关节炎;关节变性病;变性关节炎;变性性关节病
2.Sacroiliitis in Patients with Spondyloarthropathy: Reevaluation with MRI脊柱关节病骶髂关节炎的MRI再评价
3.An animal model of osteoarthritis on the temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节骨关节病动物模型的建立
4.seronegative spondyloanthropathy血清阴性脊柱关节病
5.temporomandibular joint disorder颞骨与下颔关节病
6.The Analysis of the Relevant Factors of Juvenile-onset Spondyloarthropathy with Sacroiliac Joint Damage;幼年脊柱关节病骶髂关节损害相关因素分析
7.The so-called chronic arthrosis( CA) usually means a series of joint arthr opathies, which include osteoarthr osis, rheumotoid arthrosis, traumatic arthrosis et a l.慢性关节炎多指骨关节炎、风湿性关节炎、伤性关节炎和股骨头坏死引起的关节病变。
8.Value of arthroscopic therapy for osteoarthritis with baker's cyst关节镜微创手术治疗膝骨关节病伴Baker's囊肿
9.Ultrasonic Observation of Knee Joint Pathological Changes Because of Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)38例类风湿性关节炎膝关节病变的超声观察
10.Treatment of knee arthropathy with rotating-platform knee prosthesis in 62 cases旋转平台膝关节假体置入治疗膝关节病62例
11.Total knee arthroplasty for treatment of severe knee joint diseases in 118 cases人工膝关节置换治疗重症膝关节病118例(英文)
12.articular [ muscular ] rheumatism关节[肌肉]风湿病
13.histoplasmotic arthritis组织胞浆菌病性关节炎
14.acute [ chronic ] rheumatism急性[慢性]关节风湿病
15.acutechronic ] rheumatism急性慢性]关节风湿病
16.leptospiral arthritis钩端螺旋体病性关节炎
17.Study of Magnetic Resonace Imaging in Detecting Articular Cartilage Erosion: Comparison with Arthroscopy and Correlation with Pathology;关节软骨病损MRI与关节镜、病理学的对照研究
18.In severe cases, it can deform joints and cripple its victims.严重的病例,可使关节变形,使病人残废。

1.Study on the rule of distribution and development of the Chinese medicine syndromes of osteoarthritis;骨关节病中医证型分布及演变规律的研究
2.Analysis of the Illness Severity and the Level of Free Radicals in Patients with Osteoarthritis;骨关节病患者病情程度与体内自由基含量变化分析
3.Arthroscopic Diagnostic Classification and Treatment of Degenerative Knee Osteoarthritis;退行性膝骨关节病的关节镜下分型及治疗
1.The Change of NO in the Synovial Fluid of Experimental Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthrosis in Goats;颞下颌关节骨关节病动物模型关节滑液NO水平变化的研究
2.Expression of Bid Protein in Osteoarthrosis Articular Chondrocytes and Its Possible Significance;Bid蛋白在骨关节病关节软骨细胞中的表达及意义
3.Clinical Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthrosis.;颞下颌关节骨关节病的临床诊断
1.The Effect of GUYANTONGDINGFANG on Level of NO and SOD in Serum of Rabbit With Experimental Osteoarthropathy of Knee Joint;骨炎痛定方对实验性兔膝骨关节病血清中NO和SOD含量的影响
2.The induction of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E_2 production by interleukin-1β in osteoarthropathy knee menisci;白介素1β诱导骨关节病半月板生成炎性因子
3.Purpose:To study the X-ray and CT appearances of osteoarthropathy with early type Ⅱ diabetes mellitus.目的:研究早期Ⅱ型糖尿病骨关节病的X线及CT表现,以提高其诊断水平。
1.Clinical analysis of 29 patients with psoriatic arthritis;关节病性银屑病29例临床分析
6)Knee joint disease膝关节病
