持续植物状态,persistent vegetative state
1)persistent vegetative state持续植物状态
1.Impairment of non-specific immunity in patients under persistent vegetative state resulted from trauma;外伤性持续植物状态病人非特异性免疫功能的损害及意义
2.Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture combined with integrated Chinese-Western neuromuscular facilitation technique on persistent vegetative state (PVS).目的观察针刺结合中西医神经康复技术治疗持续植物状态(PVS)的疗效。
3.Objective:To study the characteristics of MR imaging in posttraumatic persistent vegetative state.目的:研究颅脑创伤后持续植物状态(PAS)的磁共振影像(MRI)特征。

1.Effect of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Persistent Vegetative State in Children:7 Cases Report中西医结合康复技术治疗儿童持续植物状态7例疗效观察
3.MRI and DTI in Persistent Vegetative State持续性植物状态的磁共振与扩散张量成像
4.The Analyze of Electroencephalogram and Evokde Potential in Seven Persistent Vegetative State Patiens;7例持续性植物状态患者脑电和诱发电位分析
5.Persistent Vegetative State Caused by Non-brain Damage and Its Forensic Assessment;胸背部外伤致持续性植物状态案例分析
6.Experimental study on the changes of dopamine in cerebrospinal fluid in the cats with persistent vegetative state持续性植物状态猫脑脊液中多巴胺变化实验研究
7.Clinical study on the role of Shenjinzaitong in patients with PVS after brain injury神经再通口服液治疗脑外伤后持续性植物状态的临床研究
8.Establishment of the Models of Persistent Vegetative State in Cats and Studies on the Relative Basis and the Treatment;猫持续性植物状态模型制作及其相关基础与治疗研究
9.Clinic Investigation of Awakening PVS Patients by Combining“Five Dimension and Five Sense”Treatment Method“五维五感”综合手段促醒持续性植物状态临床研究
10.Costs of Persistent-Vegetative-Status Patients in Elderly Care Units in a Shanghai Community Health Service Centre上海某社区老年护理病房植物人持续状态住院患者费用调查
11.Disccusion on Types of Botanic Garden and Sustainable Development浅议植物园分类与生态可持续发展性
12.Methods To measure the levels of dopamine in cerebrospinal fluid by high performance liquid chromatography with electrical chemical detect(HPLC-ECD) in the cats with PVS and compare the values with the controls.方法用高效液相色谱测定持续性植物状态猫脑脊液中多巴胺含量,并与正常对照组对比。
13.Analysis of TCM Differentiation of Patients with PVS and Clinical Study of the Effect of Yi Shen Qi Qiao Fang持续性植物状态的中医证型分析与益神启窍方综合疗法的临床研究
14.A permanent state of cold war was impossible to sustain.持续的冷战状态不可能继续维持下去。
15.Present Situation of Nectariferous and Pollen Plants and Sustainable Development of Beekeeping in Shandong;山东蜜粉源植物资源现状及养蜂业可持续发展研究
16.The Ecological Studies on Succession Process and Sustainable Management of the Vegetation Communities on Jiuduansha Wetland;九段沙湿地植物群落演替与可持续管理的生态学研究
17.Study on Impacts of the Alien Invasi Plants on Urban Sustainable Landscape Based on Ecological Design基于生态设计的外来入侵植物与城市可持续景观的影响
18.Study on sustainable development model of ecological agriculture under contour hedgerow in small watershed植物篱模式下小流域退耕还草生态农业可持续发展模式研究

1.Objective To explore clinic characters and treatment for traumatic persistent vegetative state(PVS).目的探讨外伤性持续植物状态的临床特点及治疗方法。
1.Briefly Discuss TCM Treatment For PVS;持续性植物状态(PVS)的中医证治
2.Clinical Study of Resurgent Treatment to PVS after Cranial Operation;颅脑手术后持续性植物状态患者促醒性的治疗
3.Objective To study the changes and significance of dopamine (DA) in cerebrospinal fluid and serum in the cats in PVS.目的探讨持续性植物状态猫脑脊液、血液中多巴胺的变化及其意义。
4)persistent vegetate state持续性植物状态
1.Objective: To investigate the consciousness-promoted rehabilitation therapy for the patients in persistent vegetate state (PVS).目的 :探讨持续性植物状态患者的促醒康复方法。
5)persistent vegetative state持续性植物状态
1.Evaluation of consciousness-promoted effect on persistent vegetative state treated with hyperbaric oxygen and blood magnetic therapy;高压氧并用血液磁极化治疗对持续性植物状态的促醒作用评价
2.Correlated analysis the dynamic change of brain electric physiology and prognosis of patients with persistent vegetative state;持续性植物状态电生理动态变化和预后的相关性
3.Present status of studies on persistent vegetative state after traumatic brain injury;脑外伤后持续性植物状态的研究现状
6)Persistent vegetative state持续植物人状态

癫痫持续状态癫痫持续状态status epilepticus  一次癫痫发作持续30分钟以上,或在发作间歇期意识不恢复,反复发作超过30分钟以上称为癫痫持续状态。是儿科急症,发作可持续数小时或数日。新生儿婴儿发病率高。癫痫持续状态可以为癫痫的首发症状,亦可见于癫痫小儿突然停服抗癫痫药物;此外亦可见于感染、缺氧、颅内出血、全身或脑的代谢紊乱,中毒等原因。遇到癫痫持续状态时必须按急症抢救,力争尽快控制惊厥发作,预防和治疗并发症如脑水肿、低血糖、酸中毒、过高热、呼吸循环衰竭等。控制惊厥发作首选地西泮静脉注射,并针对病因处理;一旦发作停止,立即开始长期抗癫痫药物治疗。