1.Comparison of diagnostic value for adenomyosis and leiomyoma of uteru with transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasonography;经阴道及经腹部超声对162例子宫肌瘤及子宫腺肌病的诊断比较

1.In the meanwhile, a bulging mass was noted over the right lower abdominal wall.经腹部超音波及计算机断层检查后,诊断为腹腔内囊肿。
2.Clinical value combined transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasonography in diagnosing corpus luteum rupture经腹部联合阴道超声在黄体破裂中的诊断价值
3.Discussion of the treatment result of gastroplegia syndrome after the abdomen surgery胃瘫综合征经腹部手术后的治疗效果探讨
4.Comparison of TAS and TVS together with blood plasma β-hCG in early disgnose of EP经腹部和经阴道超声结合血β-hCG诊断早期异位妊娠的对比研究
5.Diagnostic value of united application of transabdominal ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound in hysteromyoma联合应用经腹部与经阴道超声对子宫肌瘤的诊断价值
6.The clinical value of the combination of transabdominal ultrasound and transrectal ultrasound in the diagnosis of gynecologic diseases经腹部联合经直肠超声在诊断妇科疾病中的临床价值
7.The upper middle region of the abdomen.腹上部腹部的中上部分
8.I always feel uncomfortable in my stomach.我的腹部经常感到不舒服。
9.head, thorax and abdomen头部、 胸部及腹部.
10.The soft belly or underside of an animal's body.下腹部腹部柔软部分或动物下腹
11.Combined Neurolytic Block of Celiac and Superior Hypogastric Plexuses for Incapacitating Abdominal and/or Pelvic Pain腹腔神经丛联合上腹下神经丛阻滞对顽固性腹部和(或)盆腔癌痛的作用
12.A small proportion of abdominal wounds may develop into incisional hernias, leading to bowel entrapment.一个小切口的腹部伤口有可能发展成为腹壁疝,导致神经性肠挤压。
13.The abdominal segment of an insect.腹面昆虫的腹部体节
14.She has quickened, and her abdomen has become noticeably swollen.她已经开始胎动而且腹部显涨大了起来。
15.On its stomach are cast the Diamond Sutra and the county chronicle of Cangzhou.铁狮腹腔内,铸有一部《金刚经》文和沧县志。
16.The application of enlarging esophageal hiatus through abdomen in the proximal stomach cancer radical correction经腹扩大食管裂孔在近侧部胃癌根治术的应用
17.She does not work out too much, she is an abdominal overachiever.她没有太经常锻炼身体,只是腹部有点超过预计。
18.The Influences of Western Development on Migration and Economy and Society in Three-gorges Reservoir Abdominal Area西部开发对库区腹地移民与经济社会的影响

Transabdominal ultrasound经腹部超声
1.【Objective】To explore the diagnostic value of united application of transabdominal ultrasound (TAS) and transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) in hysteromyoma.目的探讨联合应用经腹部超声(transabdominal ultrasound,TAS)与经阴道超声(transvaginal ultra-sound,TVS)在子宫肌瘤诊断中的价值。
3)Transabdominal ultrasound(TAS)经腹部超声检查
4)three-dimensional trans-abdominal sonography经腹部三维超声
6)ventral abdominal muscle腹部腹肌

经皮腹部脓肿、积液引流术经皮腹部脓肿、积液引流术 介入放射学技术。在现代影像设备导向下,对腹部脏器及其周围腔隙的脓肿或积液经皮穿刺抽吸引流的技术。适应证比较广泛,包括肝、肾、脾、胰等腹部实质脏器脓肿或囊肿以及周围腔隙的积脓、积液、胃肠道周围积脓或积液等。单房脓肿疗效较好,但多房脓肿也可放置多个引流管。常用导向设备包括电视透视、CT、超声等。穿刺针一般选用18~20G。其他器具有导丝(0.0889~0.0965cm,0.035~0.038in)、引流导管2.31~2.64mm等。穿刺途径一般越短越好,以不穿过大血管或胃肠道为原则,当穿刺成功后先做诊断性抽吸,当抽出液体或脓液时即穿刺成功。然后经导丝导管技术放置引流导管。对脓肿内脓液应尽可能抽尽,并注入抗生素,必要时盐水冲洗。一般每12小时抽吸、注药一次。