1.Objective To investigate the ultrasound diagnosis and prognosis of fetal hydronephrosis.目的探讨胎儿肾盂扩张积水的超声诊断和预后。

1.Prenatal diagnosis and prognosis of 46 fetal pyelectasis by ultrasound产前超声对46例孕妇的胎儿肾盂扩张诊断及预后评估
2.The stasis from the obstruction and dilation led to infection.梗阻、扩张引起的肾盂积水导致了感染。
3.Imaging findings of retroperitoneal fibrosis were shown, including diffuse plaque or mass, involvement of retroperitoneal organs, most acompanied by hydronephrosis and dilatation of the ureters.影像学表现为腹膜后弥漫性斑块或肿块及腹膜后脏器的受累,多伴有肾盂积水和输尿管扩张。
4.Application Value of Improved Hypotonic Intravenous Pyelography in Diagnosis of Pelviureteric Hydrocele低张静脉肾盂造影改良术在肾盂输尿管积水诊断中的应用价值
5.pyelonephritis resulting from the spread of a bladder infection.由于膀胱感染的扩散而导致的肾盂肾炎。
6.Laparoscopic Dismembered Flap Pyeloplasty (Report of 7 Cases);腹腔镜下离断式肾盂襻法肾盂成形术
7.Ultrasonography-- This will reveal the degree of dilatation of the renal pelvis and calices and allows for diagnosis of hydronephrosis in the prenatal period.超声显像:它可展示肾盂及肾盏的扩大程度,及可在胎儿期诊断肾积水。
8.The Treatment of Renal Stag-horn Calculus by Lower Pole Incision Pyelocalycolithotomy肾下极切开的肾窦内肾盂肾盏取石术
9.The single pyramid projects well into the renal pelvis.单个锥体明显凸入肾盂。
10.Acute inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney, caused by bacterial infection.肾盂炎由细菌感染引起的肾盂的严重发炎
11.A collecting structure in the kidney.肾总管,肾盂肾中的集合结构
12.Pyelonephritis: Infection (usually Bacterial) and inflammation of kidney tissue and the renal pelvis.肾盂肾炎: 肾组织及肾盂的感染(通常为细菌性)和炎症。
13.Radiological Diagnosis of Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎的放射学诊断
14.However, the plasma cells are most characteristic for chronic pyelonephritis.但浆细胞却是慢性肾盂肾炎的特点。
15.Impact of the infundibulopelvic angle on stone - free rate肾盂肾下盏夹角对结石清除率的影响
16.Correlations Between Concentration of Components in Pelvis Urine and Degree and Disease Course of Hydronephrosis肾积水程度和病程与肾盂尿成分关系
17.An x - ray obtained by pyelography.肾盂x射线照片用肾盂照相技术拍摄到的x射线照片
18.This intravenous pyelogram (IVP) of a normal urinary tract on the left demonstrates contrast filling the pelvis, ureter, and bladder.静脉肾盂造影显示正常泌尿道,可见肾盂、输尿管和膀胱。

Enlargement of renal calyce and renal pelvis肾盂肾盏扩张
3)Mild-moderate pyelectasis肾盂轻中度扩张
4)Fetal pyelectasis胎儿肾盂扩张

极大扩张和极小扩张极大扩张和极小扩张maximal and minimal extensions  极大扩张和极小扩张匡.习的司出目.公油抽lex妇心.旧;MaKcl.Ma刀‘.oe H Mll.”M田.妇oe PaC山一Pe皿朋] 一个对称算子(s笋nr贺苗c opemtor)A的极大扩张和极小扩张分别是算子牙(A的闭包,(见闭算子(cfo“月。详mtor”)和A’(A的伴随,见伴随算子(呐。int opera.tor)).A的所有闭对称扩张都出现在它们之间.极大扩张和极小扩张相等等价于A的自伴性(见自伴算子(义休.adjoint operator)),并且是自伴扩张唯一性的必要和充分条件.A.H.J’Ior朋oB,B.c.lll户、MaR撰