骶管,Sacral canal
1)Sacral canal骶管
1.Cognition on some problems about sacral canal injection;骶管注射疗法有关问题的认识
2.MRI diagnosis of Sacral canal arachnoid cysts;骶管内蛛网膜囊肿的MR诊断
3.The application of pedicled sacrospinalis pedicle flap in symptomatic sacral canal cyst带蒂骶棘肌瓣在症状性骶管囊肿治疗中的应用

1.The application of pedicled sacrospinalis pedicle flap in symptomatic sacral canal cyst带蒂骶棘肌瓣在症状性骶管囊肿治疗中的应用
2.Pressure Conduction Used in Sacral Canal Puncture骶尾部压力传感用于骶管穿刺成功的判断
3.At the caudal end of the sacrum the roof of the vertebral canal is commonly deficient.在骶管末端,椎管往往缺损。
4.The application of sacral block anesthesia in pediatric interventional therapy骶管阻滞麻醉术在小儿放射介入治疗中的应用
5.Curative effect of sacral injection on sympathetic cervical spondylosis骶管冲击治疗交感型颈椎病的疗效观察
6.Ketamine combined with sacral anesthesia for abdominal surgery in children氯胺酮复合骶管麻醉在小儿下腹部手术的应用
7.Clinical Research of Lubar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion with Caudal Epidural Block Treatment骶管阻滞治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究
8.Effect of Caudal Block to Treat of Lumbar Disc Protrusion骶管阻滞治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效观察
9.The diagnosis and microsurgical treatment of sacral canal cyst骶管蛛网膜囊肿的诊断与显微手术治疗
10.Clinical Study of Treating Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion by Sacral Canal Injection Connected with Analgesia Pump骶管置镇痛泵治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究
11.The cure of chronic abactorial prostatitis complicated premature ejaculation by injection of sacral canal骶管注射治疗型前列腺炎并发早泄60例分析
12.Canales Sacralis Injection and Extra-vertebra Needle-knife Loosing Treat Lumbar Spinal Stenosis 80 Cases骶管注射合椎外针刀松解治疗腰椎管狭窄症80例临床分析
13.Treating Protrusion of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc with Honghua Injection via Sacral Canal Injection and the Effects on Concentrations of IgG and IgM;红花注射液骶管注射治疗腰椎间盘突出症及对IgG、IgM的影响
14.Treating Protrusion of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc with Dengzhanxixin via Caudal Injection and the Effects on Concentrations of IgG and IgM;骶管注射灯盏细辛液治疗腰椎间盘突出症及对IgG、IgM的影响
15.Effect of General Anesthesia Combined with Caudal Block on Stress Responses to Upper Abdominal Surgery in Children;全麻复合骶管阻滞对小儿上腹部手术应激反应的影响
16.The Effect of Preemptive Ketamine on Caudal Morphine for Postoperative Analgesia in Children;术前肌注氯胺酮对小儿骶管吗啡镇痛作用的影响
17.The Effect of Neostigmine on Caudal Morphine for Postoperative Analgesia in Children;骶管内伍用新斯的明对吗啡在小儿术后镇痛作用的影响

1.Objective The success rate and adverse effects and the relationship between volume and effects of pediatric caudal anesthesia were reported in a retrospective study of 751 pediatric cases.目的回顾性总结751例不同年龄组小儿简易骶管麻醉(PCA)之成功率、并发症及量效关系。
3)caudal anesthesia骶管阻滞
1.25% , for caudal anesthesia in children.25%布比卡因在小儿骶管阻滞中麻醉效果和作用时间,探讨其在小儿麻醉的可行性。
4)instillation of sacral canal骶管滴注
1.Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of instillation of sacral canal for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation.目的观察骶管滴注治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。
5)Sacral block骶管阻滞
1.Clinical research of ropivacaine supplemented with midazolam for sacral block in pediatric operation;罗哌卡因复合咪唑安定在小儿骶管阻滞麻醉中的临床研究
2.Clinical evaluation of Shujin Zhitong decoction with sacral block in the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse;骶管阻滞合中药治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察
3.Value of magnesium sulfate and/or valium in preventing local anesthetic toxicicity of sacral block;安定或/和硫酸镁在预防骶管阻滞引起局麻药毒性反应中的应用
6)caudal anesthesia骶管麻醉
1.Clinical Observation of Ropivacaine Mesylate in Children’s Caudal Anesthesia;甲磺酸罗哌卡因用于小儿骶管麻醉的临床观察
2.Objective To observe the clinical effect of Chloroprocaine combine with Bupivacaine to caudal anesthesia in the anus-bowels operation.目的探讨氯普鲁卡因复合布比卡因骶管麻醉在肛肠手术中的临床效果。

骶管骶管sacral canal 为骶部的硬膜外腔。即骶椎中的骶孔融合起来连成骶管。骶管是骶麻作用部位。