1.The Value of Doppler Tissue Image in Evaluating Pseudonormal of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Patients with Hypertension;多普勒组织成像评价高血压左室舒张功能假性正常的价值
2.Objective To evaluate the role of postsystolic shortening(PSS) in assessing the pseudonormalized left ventricular diastolic function in patients with hypertension.目的探讨收缩后收缩(PSS)识别高血压患者左心室舒张功能假性正常化的临床意义。

1.EEPROM Plausibility Checksum Error in CC212CC212中的EEPROM 假性正常检查和错误
2.Differentiation of pseudo normal left ventricular diastolic function using left atrial sizing左房内径变化鉴别左室舒张功能假性正常
3.Discrimination of Pseudonormalized Echocardiographic Transmitral Filling Spectrum by Nitroglycerin静滴硝酸甘油判别二尖瓣血流频谱假性正常
4.Pseudo-normalization Value in Differentiation LVDF with Brachial Artery Compliance肱动脉血管顺应性鉴别左室舒张功能假性正常化的价值
5.Identification of Pseudonormal Diastolic Dysfunction in Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Doppler Tissue Imaging;多普勒组织成像鉴别扩张型心肌病舒张功能假性正常
6.The Clinic Study on Evaluation of Pseudonormalized Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Patients with Hypertension by Postsystolic Shortening收缩后收缩识别高血压左心室舒张功能假性正常化的临床研究
7.Diagnostic value of doppler tissue image in pseudonormal of left ventricuar diastolic function in hypertension组织多普勒成像技术对高血压患者左室舒张功能假性正常中的应用价值
8.Ultrasonography revealed normal parathyroid glands in 11 patients and 3 false positive cases.正常甲状旁腺 11例 ,超声检出的最小甲状旁腺直径 4.5mm ,无假阴性。
9.Head-Chest leads ECG is a useful tool in discriminating the pseudo Q wave in right chest leads.结论:正常人头胸导联心电图较常规心电图较少出现右胸假性异常Q波。
10.I pretended that everything was normal, and no one said a thing.我假装一切都正常,没有人说什么。
11.chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments.对于假想的病症产生不正常的焦虑。
12.If be adolescence normal, if not be,do not move for menstruation.假如是青春期正常,如不是为月经不调.
13.But the retrusion of alveolar mandible led to chin protrusion.前颅底和下颌骨发育正常,而下牙槽突代偿性后缩可导致成年腭裂患者的假性颏前突。
14.If sound seeds result, precautions against contamination must be tightened.假如结了正常的种子,则防止混杂必须更严。
15.Instigates a collective leave-taking movement which affects the normal operation of the Company.煽惑或鼓动集体休假而影响本公司正常运作者。
16.normogonadotropic amenorrhea正常促性腺素性闭经
17.Concrete structures are also usually assumed to deform linearly.混凝土结构通常也假设成线性变形。
18.All these facts have proved the accuracy of hypothesis.所有这些事实证明了假设的正确性。

1.Pseudo-normalization Value in Differentiation LVDF with Brachial Artery Compliance肱动脉血管顺应性鉴别左室舒张功能假性正常化的价值
1.The value of pulmonary venous flow pattern in essential hypertensive insufficiency when mitral flow pattern showed pseudonormalization;肺静脉血流在二尖瓣血流表现为假正常时的应用
4)healthy men正常男性
6)positive recurrence正常返性
