1.Presently women take 2/3 of the rest illiteracy in China.新中国成立以来,少数民族地区的教育得到了空前发展,但与汉族地区相比,总体上还比较落后,以德昂族为代表的22个人口较少民族的文盲现象尤其严重。
2.Many studies have revealed the cognitive ability of illiteracy who had not receive normal school education.文盲作为一个特殊的被试群体,对其的研究一直备受关注。

1.An Educational Developmental Strategy for the Illiterate and Semi-illiterate Women in Leishan County;雷山县文盲(半文盲)妇女教育发展战略
2.On “Illiterate Bilinguals”and “Literate Bilinguals”;论“文盲双语人”与“非文盲双语人”
3.The changes of all Chinese Ethnic Groups’Illiterate Population and Illiteracy rate中国各民族文盲人口和文盲率的变动
4.the problem of innumeracy and illiteracy among young people年轻人中的数学盲和文盲的问题.
5.About half the population is still illiterate.大约一半人口仍是文盲
6.Rid oneself of the label of "semiliterate"摘掉“半文盲”的帽子
7.Unable to read and write.文盲的不会读书写字的
8.It lie on us to lick illiteracy.扫除文盲是我们的责任。
9.A total of 3.21 million people completed basic literacy courses in 1998.全年共扫除文盲321万人。
10.The illiteracy rate of the young and middle-aged dropped to 6 percent.青壮年文盲率降到6%。
11.Where illiteracy carries a stigma, it can be especially difficult to combat.在有些地方文盲代表耻辱,扫除文盲尤其困难。
12.An error, as in writing or speech, made by or thought to be characteristic of one who is illiterate.语文差错作文或发言中,由文盲或被认为是文盲所犯的错误
13.It is illiteracy and not the campaign that should be wiped out in the course of co-operative transformation, that is, we should wipe out illiteracy and not the campaign to wipe it out.要在合作化中间把文盲扫掉,不是把扫盲运动扫掉,不是扫扫盲,而是扫盲。
14.Cross made on a document instead of a signature by an illiterate person(文盲在文件上当作签名的)十字画押
15.By 1990 the number of illiterates among people above the age of 15 came down to 180 million, and the illiteracy rate dropped to 22.2 percent.到1990年,中国15周岁以上人口中的文盲人数降为1.8亿,文盲率降为22.2%。
16.In 1994 the number of China's total illiterates dropped to 150 million, and the illiteracy rate dropped to 17 percent;到1994年,中国的文盲人数已下降到1.5亿,文盲率下降为17%;
17.By the end of 1999, the illiteracy rate of adult women was 21.6 percent, and the illiteracy rate of women between 15 and 45 years old was 7.2 percent.1999年底,妇女成人文盲率为21.6%,15至45岁的妇女文盲率为7.2%。
18.A Contrastive Study of the Distributional Patterns of Anaphoric Reference to Persons in Spontaneous Conversation between Illiterates and Literates;自然会话中人物回指的分布模式:文盲和非文盲话语的比较研究

1.The characteristics of health education over old illiterate patients in rural areas and the countermeasures;老年农村文盲病人的特点分析与健康教育对策
1.Study of the congenital blind reading Braille in fMRI;先天盲人“阅读”盲文的功能磁共振成像研究
2.The Exploration on the Braille Publishing Cause of New China;新中国盲文出版事业探析
3.A Survey on the Abbreviation Scheme of Current-using Chinese Braille关于汉语盲文简写方案的调查
4)Chinese Braille中国盲文
1.Objective: To investigate the role of occipital lobes and corresponding neural network of the visual disabled people during reading "Chinese Braille".方法:采用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术研究8名先天和后天盲人,在刺激(触摸中国盲文)和静止等两种对比条件下采集枕叶和有关皮层的回波平面图象。
5)braille translation盲文翻译
6)braille coding盲文编码
