1.Clinical Value of Thyroid Hypoechogenicity in Patients with Postpartum Thyroiditis;超声低回声在产后甲状腺炎中的临床意义

1.Acoustic imaging changed in tumors were 13 cases with persistent hyper- e-choic, medium echo in 7 cases, hypo - echoic in 1 case and 2 cases with mixed echoes.瘤体声像图动态变化:维持高回声的13例,中回声7例,低回声1例,混合回声2例。
2.The surrounding tissues and ducts were without the phenomenon of compression and destruction. Two cases of hepatic hemangioma(8% ) which acoustic images appeared as round and boundary were distinctness, and the inside low echo had got reticulation echo.血管瘤2例(8%),声像图表现为圆形,边界清晰,低回声内有网状回声;
3.Both high and low differentiation HCCs showed mostly low echo levels.高分化及低分化的肝癌均以低回声为主。
4.2. 95 24% of the lesion shows hypo echoic patterns;(2 )大多数 (95 2 4 % )呈低回声改变 ;
5.He boomed out his answer.他用低沉的声音回答。
6.He replied in a subdued tone.他低声敛气地回答。
7.(2) the nodule being hyper echo, hypo echo, or echoless;(2 )结节回声高低不一 (高、低、无 ) ;
8.To make a deep, resonant sound.发出隆隆声发出低沉而有回响的声音
9.A deep resonant sound, as of an explosion.隆隆声低沉而有回响的声音,比如爆炸声
10.He croaked a reply他用低沉沙哑的声音回答。
11.The lor=# cc0066> sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。
12.What is going on here?@ a deep voice shouted out.“这里是怎么回事?”一阵低沉的声音吼道。
13.a loud low dull continuous noise.低沉的不停的回响,往往是发闷的声音。
14.Our teacher boomed out his answer.我们的老师用低沉的声音作出回答。
15.The girl on the chair suddenly jerked her head round and exclaimed:坐着的那女子猛一回头,就低声喊道:
16.Chien-yun asked in a low voice. No one replied.剑云低声说,没有人回答他。
17.Analysis and Design of a Latched Comparator with Low Kick-back Noise低踢回噪声锁存比较器的分析与设计
18.A creak and a dark whirr in the air high up.空中响起金属的摩擦声和低沉的回旋声。

hypoechoic focal lesions低回声灶
3)echo reduction回声降低
1.This paper gives mathematic relations of parameters between pressure reflaction coefficient, absorption coefficient, echo reduction and target strength.本文探讨了吸声材料的声压反射系数、吸声系数、回声降低(ER)与目标强度变化(△TS)等参数之间的解析关系。
5)Hypoechoic lesion低回声病灶
6)Hypoechoic nodules低回声结节
1.Studies on TRUS guided biopsy of hypoechoic nodules in outer gland of prostate;超声引导下穿刺活检对前列腺外腺低回声结节的研究

低回声低回声hypoecho 又称“弱回声”。在灰阶超声图像上形成暗淡的光点。