1.During the inspection,the inspectors from GRO found some problems,including the material of the liner not in accordance with PASR and RCC-G,and Non-Conformance management.在对岭澳3号机组核岛安全壳“钢衬里”材料施工现场的监督过程中,发现材料变更过程与初步安全分析报告中所承诺使用的规范、标准不符合,材料变更引出的对不符合项的处理也存在问题。
2.The plant-owner practice of control of non-conformance items has been presented.不符合项管理是质量保证管理中的一个重要组成部分,列举了核电厂在对不符合项管理中的实际做法;对不符合项管理的最终目的及其做法提出了管理见解。

1.Follow up corrective and preventive actions implementation.统计不符合项,当出现不符合时,进行纠正预防措施的跟踪和确认。
2.Classification and Handling of Non-conformance Item of Nuclear Class Equipments during Manufacture Phase核级设备制造阶段不符合项的分类及处置
3.Disposal and Close of Major Non-Conformity of Crack of Concrete Baseplate核设施砼底板开裂的重大不符合项处理及关闭
4.Goal4 Noncompliance issues that cannot be resolved within the software project are addressed by senior management.目标4:高层管理着手解决在软件项目内部不能解决的不符合项
5.Conduct HSE check around plant, and find non-conformance with HSE rules and identify potential hazard.每周在工厂内进行安全检查,识别不符合项或者潜在风险。
6.All things that do not fit the options above.不符合以上选项的所有其他内容。
7.The motion is not in order.这项动议不符合议事规程
8.They claimed that the new law was not constitutional, ie not allowed by the constitution.他们声称这项新法律不符合宪法.
9.Collection of miscellaneous event classes that do not fit into any of the other event categories.不符合任何其它事件分类的杂项事件类集合。
10.(i) does not comply with the criteria outlined in subparagraphs 4(a), (b) or (c);(i)不符合第4款(a)项、(b)项或(C)项中所概述的标准的;
11.It was a policy which no longer served their best interests.这是一项不再符合他们最大利益的政策。
12.The design conforms with the regulations.这项设计符合规定。
13.Bullet format strings cannot have number placeholders.项目符号格式字符串不能有数字占位符。
14.If you can eliminate the deals that don’t meet these three conditions quickly, you’ll have more time to work on the deals you can actually complete.如果可以很快地排除不符合上述3项要素的标的。
15.They say that it spends too much on useless and impractical programs.他们说政府将太多的钱花在无用且不符合实际的项目上了。
16.Therefore, a discrepancy is any non-conformance to a standard published in this manual.因此,任何一个不符合手册规定的标准项目就是一个缺陷。
17.How to Identify,Classify and Control the Non-Conformance(items) During the Nuclear Safety Equipment Activities民用核安全设备活动中不符合(项)的识别、分类与控制
18.Financial institutions should not make any loans to new projects or rebuilding and expansion projects that do not meet the requirements for market access.对不符合市场准入条件的新建项目和改扩建项目,金融机构不予贷款。

non-conformance control不符合项管理
3)non-conformance report不符合项报告
4)non-conformance review不符合项审查

不符合项不符合项non-conformance  bufuhex!ong不符合项(non一eonformanee)未满足规定要求的物项,也称为不合格品。这种规定要求可以是质t特性的要求、工艺要求、程序要求或记录要求,未满足规定要求可使得该物项的质量变得不可接受或不能确定。不符合项可以是由下列原因引起的:①物理性能超出规定限值,②偏离批准的工艺参数或程序;③操作、检查或试验人员的失误.④文件方面的缺陷以及事故和故障的发生。原则上不符合项分成两类:未满足企业内部要求的不符合项称为内部不符合项,这类不符合项由企业内部负责处理;未满足合同规定要求的不符合项称为外部不符合项,这类不符合项的处理方案应得到买方的认可或批准。产生不符合项后,首先应对不符合项进行鉴别、标识和隔离,并编制不符合项报告,然后按照程序规定对不符合项进行审查和处置。