1.Alertness decreased while sleepiness increased.采用简明心境量表(POMS)和困倦/清醒量表(VisualAnalogueScales,VAS)进行测评。

1.Give her some black coffee that'll help to sober her up.给她一些清咖啡--让她清醒清醒.
2.He kept himself sober for the purpose-tolerably sober.他还特意让自己保持清醒--相当清醒
3.We've got to shake up all these people with old-fashioned ideas.我们得让这些老脑筋的人清醒清醒了.
4.all there: completely sane,mentally alert十分清醒的,机敏的
5.Perhaps it will bring him to his senses.也许这会使他清醒过来。
6.Characteristically self-composed and sensible.头脑冷静的,清醒
7.an alcoholic drink intended to wake one up early in the morning.晨起喝的清醒神志的酒。
8.The patient's mind is lucid.病人的神志是清醒的。
9.Sober scheming dominates its instinct.清醒的计谋扼制住本能。
10.We freshen up before going to the party.参加聚会之前清醒一下。
11.At once she was wide awake.她立刻完全清醒了。
12.He was tired, exhausted, and yet wide-awake.他精疲力竭,但仍很清醒
13.He was perfectly sane when he committed the crime.他犯罪时,神志十分清醒
14.John Barton had revived to fitful intelligence.约翰·巴顿已经相当清醒
15.These caused him to recover his balance sufficiently.这些使他神志清醒过来。
16.It had the effect of making me feel logical.这使我感到头脑清醒
17.My head is not that clear.我的头脑不怎么清醒
18.Maybe Henry would come to his senses.亨利有可能会清醒过来。

1.Infatuation and Consciousness——The Analysis of the Tension in The Great Gatsby;迷恋与清醒——试析《了不起的盖茨比》中的张力模式
4)Conscious sedation清醒镇静
1.Continuous intravenous infusion of midazolam:A clinical study of conscious sedation for dental phobia;静脉泵入咪达唑仑清醒镇静技术控制牙科恐惧症的临床效果评价
2.Clinical study on conscious sedation with Midozalam for anus surgery;咪唑安定清醒镇静术用于肛门手术的临床研究
3.Conscious sedation/analgesia with target-controlled propofol and remifentani for colonoscopy in elderly;靶控输注丙泊酚-瑞芬太尼清醒镇静镇痛用于老年人结肠镜检查
5)Awaking anaesthesia清醒手术

清醒清醒  对外界各种刺激有正常的反应,对周围环境有良好的定向力,对事物有正确判断力的状态。