胸闷,Chest distress
1)Chest distress胸闷
1.Objective To explore the relationship between unexplained chest distress and(or)chest pain in children and head-up tilt test(HUTT).目的探讨儿童不明原因胸闷和(或)胸痛与直立倾斜试验(HUTT)的关系。

1.My chest feels rather tight, eg because of asthma.我觉得胸闷憋气(如因哮喘所致).
2.Analysis of Dynamic Electrocardiogram in 261 Patients with Palpitation and Chest Tightness261例心悸、胸闷患者动态心电图分析
3.Relationship between Unexplained Chest Distress and(or) Chest Pain in Children and Head-Up Tilt Test儿童不明原因胸闷和(或)胸痛与直立倾斜试验的关系
4.Diagnosis of Chronic Cough and(or) Chest Tightness and Airway Hyper-Responsiveness慢性咳嗽和/或胸闷并气道高反应性的诊断
5.On the other hand, loose stools and the stoppage of fu-qi may affect the descent of lung-qi, giving rise to asthmatic cough and chest distress.另一方面,便溏和腑气郁滞可以影响肺气的肃降造成喘咳和胸闷
6."Symptoms include severe Breathlessness, weight loss, Bluish skin, chest tightness, and wheezing."临床症状如用力时气急、体重减轻、肢端肿胀、紫绀、胸闷,常有喘鸣。
7.The symptoms preceding this include blurred vision, runny nose, tightness in the chest and constriction of the pupils.死亡前的各种症状包括视力模糊、流鼻水、胸闷以及瞳孔收缩。
8.Etiological factors in chest distress or chest pain cases with ST segment or T wave abnormality but with normal coronary arteriongraphy冠脉造影正常的胸闷痛伴ST段或T波异常患者的病因分析
9.If summer heat brings a disease, it often takes the pathogenic damp to attack the body, and in conjunction with fever, presents stuffy chest, vomiting and loose stools.故暑邪为病,常兼挟湿邪以侵犯人体。在发热的同时,常出现胸闷呕恶、大便溏泄等。
10.Chest tightness and shortness of Breath may progress to chronic Bronchitis and emphysema. Cigarette smoking worsens many types.胸闷和气短可进展成慢性支气管炎和肺气肿。吸烟可导致许多种类的病情恶化。
11.Furious when the heartbeat is accelerated, the unusual display with occurrence palpitate, frowsty bosom, cause angina pectoris or miocardial infarction even.生气时心跳加快,出现心慌、胸闷的异常表现,甚至诱发心绞痛或心肌梗塞。
12.He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating.他胸部觉得闷闷的,好象透不过气来
13.Her heart is torn by conflicting emotions.矛盾的感情使她心胸极为烦闷。
14.The puffy staff's stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.喘气的职员们闷热的胸中填满了足够的痛苦.
15.Cares do still their thoughts molest,and still the unhappy poet's breast,烦忧仍然困扰诗人的思绪,诗人郁闷的胸膛,
16.Who could I blame for the constant knot in my stomach?对于这种经常闷在胸中的郁结,我能怪谁呢?
17.He tried to outwrite his depression.他试图将胸中的苦闷通过文章发泄出来。
18.She felt her blood pricking along her temples(太阳穴) and there was pressure in her chest below the hollow.她觉得血涌向太阳穴刺痛了她,胸口凹处往下闷得慌。

1.Objective: To study the value of the talted use of D -- dimer and blood gas analysis on the patients(pts) with dyspneaand atypical chest pain for diagnosing pulmonary embolism(PE).目的:研究联合应用D-二聚体(D-dimer)和血气分析对胸闷和(或)不典型胸痛患者诊断肺栓塞的价值。
4)closing in闷井
1.The single well waterflood swallowing spilling should be carried out by stages,each stage could be divided into waterflooding,closing in and oil recovery substages.单井注水吞吐要分多期进行 ,每个周期又分注水、闷井和采油 3个阶段。
5)Blocking run闷车

胸闷胸闷 自觉胸中堵塞不畅、满闷不舒的症状。