1.Objective To evaluate the effect of oral cavity topical anesthesia after gargle.方法将行口腔表面麻醉的200例病人随机分为观察组和对照组各100例,观察组麻醉前用凉开水漱口,对照组免漱口。
1.My throat hurts . I 'd better gargle .我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。
2.My throat huts. I 'd better gargle.我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口
3.gargle with salt water以盐水漱口 [喉]
4.If you use mouthwash, make sure you swish it around in your mouth for30 seconds before you spit it out.如果用漱口水,要保证漱口水在口中漱半分钟,再吐出来。
5.spittoon-type mouth-rinser, for use in dentistry痰孟型漱口器,牙科用
6.She rinse her mouth with a solution of salt In water她用盐的水溶液漱口
7.A medicated solution for gargling.用于漱口的一种药水
8.She rinsed her mouth with a solution of salt in water.她用盐的水溶液漱口。
9.He always gargles (with salt water) before going to bed.他睡前总是(用盐水)漱口.
10."Paint the porch, fool, or else."傻瓜,快去漱漱口,不然哪(把你的牙全拔了)
11.If you want your breath to smell nice, gargle with a mouthwash instead以漱口水来保持口腔清新
12.To rinse or medicate(the mouth or throat)by gargling.以漱口的方式清洗或治疗(口腔或咽喉)
13.Before storing, soak your mouthguard in mouthwash.在存放前,用漱口水浸泡你的护齿套。
14.To circulate or apply(a medicine or solution)by gargling.漱口的方式服(药片或药水)
15.According to folklore, if one rinses his mouth with the water, no tooth decay will occur;人们说,用此泉漱口,可防牙蛀;
16.Joe brushes regularly and uses mouth-washes.乔按时刷牙,并用清洁液漱口。
17."I still have to wash my face and rinse my mouth."柔嘉道:“我总要洗脸漱口的。”
18.Preparation and quality control of compound Xibitai Gargle复方洗必泰漱口液的制备及质量控制
Gargle your mouth again.再漱漱口。
3)Rinse your mouth out.漱漱你的口。
4)He rinses his mouth out with mouthwash.他用漱口剂漱口。
5)mouth wash患者漱口
1.Studies on ofloxacin gargle preparation and its stability;氧氟沙星漱口液的研制及稳定性考察
2.Clinical evalution of a gargle containing cetylpyridinium chloride in treatment to gingivitis and periodontitis;西吡氯铵漱口液对牙龈炎、牙周炎疗效的临床评价
3.Determination of Co-Metronidazole Gargle by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定复方甲硝唑漱口液中两组分的含量
漱口1.亦作"潄口"。 2.含清水或其他液体洗荡口腔。