1)Noise pollution噪音污染
1.Then,the author explores the methods for building and visualizing urban noise pollution in existing 3D city model.本文提出了综合利用二维矢量数据、航空影像和激光测距与距离修正数据建立三维城市模型的技术路线,并在此基础上探索了城市噪音污染信息在现有三维城市模型中的建模和可视化方法。
2.The present situation of the noise pollution in China is analyzed in this paper,and the problems in the legislation on noise pollution prevention as well.噪音污染业已成为除“三废”之外的第四类污染。
3.On the based of these,the paper explored the methods for building and visualizing urban noise pollution in existing 3D City Model.提出了综合利用二维矢量数据、航空影像和激光测距与距离修正数据建立三维城市模型的技术路线,并在此基础上探索了城市噪音污染信息在现有三维城市模型中的建模和可视化方法。
1.We must abate the noise pollution in our city.我们必须消除我们城里的噪音污染。
2.The noise pollution reached a high decibel level噪音污染达到了很高分贝
3.Noise pollution is at its worst in densely populated areas.在人口密集的地区噪音污染的影响最糟。
4.While high-frequency sounds tend to be more hazardous5 and more annoying to hearing than low-frequency sounds, most noise pollution damage is related to the intensity of the sound.虽然高频声音比低频声音更加危险且恼人,大多数的噪音污染损害却与声音强度有关。
5.While high frequency sounds tend to be more hazardous and more annoying to hearing than low frequency sounds, most noise pollution damage is related to the intensity of the sound.虽然高频 声音比低频声音更加危险且恼人,大多数的噪音污染损害却与声音强度有关。
6.Trees also cut down on noise pollution by acting as barriers to sound. They provide a cool and beautiful place to live, work and play.树木还能像一个绿色屏障那样减少噪音污染等等。他们为我们提供清爽洁净的工作娱乐环境。
7.No major city in the world is without its share of smog, fumes, and noise.环视当今世界,所有的大城市对烟雾、尾气排放和噪音污染都难辞其咎。
8.They do not seem to notice the pollution and the noise.他们似乎没有注意到污染和噪音。
9.Corrosion resisting non-pollution,lower noise,long service life.耐腐蚀、无污染、运转稳定、噪音低、寿命长。
10.Jan:Yes,no pollution and no noise .Just peace and quiet.简:是啊,没有污染和噪音。只有祥和与宁静。
11.The electric cars were easy to start and handle and were very quiet and clean and required comparatively little maintenance.电动车容易启动,容易操作,噪音小,无污染,而且无需多少保养。
12.Heavy industries have been blamed for river, soil, air, noise and visual pollutions.重工业由于河流、土壤、空气、噪音和视觉的污染而备受指责。
13.as they simultaneously signaled the death knell of many species of migratory animals as well as served up noise and air pollution.却也敲响许多迁移性动物的丧钟以及产生噪音和空气污染。
14.The papers are full of complaints about air pollution, water quality, waste and noise.在报章上,关於空气污染、水质、废纸和噪音问题的投诉,比比皆是。
15.Air and Noise Pollution Control Division大气与噪声污染控制处
16.Secondly, OFM can decrease the waste of land resources caused by many tangible markets and reduce environmental pollution of noise, sewage & feculence.可以减少有形市场对土地资源的浪费,减轻噪音、污水、污物等环境污染;
17.However, there is an even more insidious kind of pollution that particularly affects urban areas and invades our daily lives, and that is noise.但是,还有一利更加隐蔽有害的污染,它专门影响城镇地区,侵袭我们的日常生活,那就噪音。
18.The intensive use of roads to cater for the rapid growth in the economy has made road traffic noise one of the most pervasive forms of pollution in Hong Kong.本港经济突飞猛进,道路运输需求不断增加,道路交通噪音已成为全港一大污染问题。
Macau Noise Control Ordinance and Regulation澳门噪音污染管制法
3)noise pollution噪声污染
1.Hazards and control on urban noise pollution;城市噪声污染的危害与控制
2.Assessment of Kaifeng City noise pollution and the prevent & control methods in the summer;开封城市夏季噪声污染评价及防治
3.Analysis of noise pollution characters of morning market in Beijing City.;北京市早市的噪声污染特点分析
4)reduce noise study降噪污染
6)pollution source of noise噪声污染源
工作噪音工作噪音 噪音指的是非自然固有的并且超出了一定限度的声音。噪音对于人的健康是会造成一定的影响。噪音的单位是dB,根据《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》的规定以居住、文教机关为主的区域,昼间55dB、夜间45dB;居住、商业、工业混杂区,昼间60dB、夜间50dB。很显然根据这个规定,在办公室中,声音超过60dB就可以算是噪声了。打印机在工作时,由于部件需要进行机械运动,因此不可避免的会产生摩擦,从而产生一定的声音。如果声音过大的话,会对办公环境造成影响,甚至对人体健康造成危害。因此声音的大小也就成了一个技术指标。由于目前技术上的原因,许多产品的在工作时产生的声音并不能控制在60dB以下,因此也就可以称之为工作噪声。如果产品工作时产生的声音比较大的话,厂商应该在产品说明上予以标识,以确保用户的知情权,从而让用户在选购产品时能够权衡利弊。