1.AHP Quantitative Appraisal on Tourism Resources of ReBAM in Zhengzhou City;基于层次分析法的郑州市环城游憩带旅游资源评价
2.AHP Quantitative Appraisal on Tourism Resources of ReBAM in Ji nan City;基于层次分析法的济南市环城游憩带旅游资源的评价
3.The Development of ReBAM with the Precondition of "Time-Space Collapse";从“时空缩减”视角看环城游憩带发展

1.Research on the Interrelation between ReBAM and Urbanization;环城游憩带与城市化的互动关系透视
2.The Development of ReBAM with the Precondition of "Time-Space Collapse"从“时空缩减”视角看环城游憩带发展
3.The Recreational Belt Around Metropolis (ReBAM) and the Driving Force System and Nurturing Modle;环城游憩带成长模式及创新系统研究
4.Study on the Development of Recreation Belt Around Metropolis in Fuzhou;福州环城游憩带(ReBAM)开发研究
5.Research on the Structure of the Recreational Belt Around Metropolis (ReBAM) in Wuhan City;武汉市环城游憩带(ReBAM)结构研究
7.Research on Recreation Belt Around Metropolis's Micro-pattern Based on GIS in Beijing基于GIS的环城游憩带微观格局研究
8.The SWOT Analysis of the Development of Nanning Municipal ReBAM南宁市发展环城游憩带的SWOT分析
9.Open around the City with Growth Patterns and Development Path Study环城游憩带成长模式及培育路径研究
10.The Strategy Study of Accelerating Tourism Development of the ReBAM of Chengdu;促进成都市环城游憩带旅游发展对策的思考
11.Attraction Categories and Spatial Characteristics in Recreational Belt Around Metropolis: Fuzhou Case Study;福州环城游憩带旅游地类型与空间结构特征
12.Analysis on Tourist Destination Types and Spatial Structure of Recreational Belt around Metropolis of Nanjing;南京环城游憩带旅游地类型与空间结构分析
13.Evaluation of Chongqing Round-the-city Relaxation on the Continuous Development of Rural Tour;重庆环城游憩带乡村旅游可持续发展评价研究
14.Study on the Spatial Characteristics in Recreational Belt around Metropolis of Wuhan;武汉环城游憩带旅游地类型与空间结构研究
15.ReBAM,a New Form of Spatial Structure in Guilin Tourism;桂林旅游空间结构的新型态:环城游憩带
16.The Study of the ReBAM Construction Based on the City and Countryside Overall Plan of Qingdao;基于城乡统筹的青岛环城游憩带建设研究
17.A Study on Recreational Belt Around Metropolis (ReBAM): Shanghai Case;大城市环城游憩带(ReBAM)研究——以上海市为例
18.Study of Rebam Development under the "Rise of Central China";“中部崛起”背景下环城游憩带的开发研究

Recreational Belt Around Metropolis环城游憩带
1.With the rapid development of urban tourism and the rise of holiday economic in our country, recreational belt around metropolis is gradually becoming an important part in the development of urban tourism.随着国内城市旅游的迅猛发展,假日经济蓬勃兴起,环城游憩带逐渐成为城市旅游发展的一块重要版图。
2.The recreational belt around metropolis together with the central recreational area in a metropolis commonly form an urban recreational system.认为环城游憩带已成为大城市旅游空间体系的一个重要组成部分,由于其易达和与城市不同的乡村景观,深受城市居民的喜爱。
3.As is well known, China is experiencing a rapid conversion from sightseeing tourism to vocation tourism in recent years, Recreational Belt around Metropolis(ReBAM) which has special regional characteristics and well environment has become the preferred destination choosed by citizens.随着我国旅游业由传统的观光旅游向休闲度假旅游转变,环城游憩带以其独有的地域特征和良好的生态环境而成为城市居民休闲度假的首选之地,成为当今及以后城市周边地区旅游开发的主要潮流。
3)Recreational Belt Around Metropolis (ReBAM)环城游憩带
1.The Recreational Belt Around Metropolis (ReBAM) is both a result of the development of Chinese cities and urbanization that has been developed to acertain degree and a boost as well as reparation of urbanization.随着我国旅游业由传统的观光旅游向休闲度假旅游转变,环城游憩带以其独有的地域特征和良好的生态环境成为城市居民休闲度假的首选之地,并得到了人们的广泛关注,成为当今及今后城市周边地区旅游发展的主要潮流。
4)REBAM theory环城游憩带理论
5)form of leisure环城游憩
1.ReBAM is a new form of leisure in China.环城游憩作为一种新的休闲发展形式在中国还是一个新生事物。
6)city recreation band城市游憩带
1.More attention has been paid on the role that the city recreation band making a push for the process of urbanization in the leisure and recreation industry.城市游憩带的发展对城市化进程推动作用的研究在休闲游憩产业领域中逐步受到关注。

森林资源与保护游憩专业森林资源与保护游憩专业业务培养目标:业务培养目标:本专业培养具备生态学、地理学、旅游管理学、森林游憩资源开发利用与保护等方面的知识,能在林业、旅游、城建等部门从事森林资源保护、森林旅游、森林公园及森林游憩资源规划设计的高级科学技术人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习生态学、地理学、森林资源保护、旅游管理和森林游憩资源评价与规划设计等方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到森林资源保护、开发、利用和森林游憩业等方面的基本训练,具有森林资源保护、森林生态公众教育、森林游憩市场运营与分析、游憩资源经营管理和协调森林游憩与森林资源关系的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力:1.具备扎实的数学、物理、化学等基本理论知识;2.掌握生物学、地理学、林学、旅游管理学科的基本理论、基本知识;3.掌握森林游憩资源开发及评价、森林公园总体规划设计方法、森林游憩产业市场动态分析方法;4.具有监测森林资源、协调森林游憩与森林资源关系,森林资源保护、森林游憩导游和森林生态公众教育的基本能力;5.熟悉我国有关森林资源保护、林政管理、旅游及森林游憩业的基本方针、政策和法规;6.了解国内外森林游憩、森林资源保护、旅游管理等学科的理论前沿、应用前景及发展动态;主干课程:主干学科:生态学、林学、工商管理主要课程:景观生态学、森林环境学、地质地貌学基础、旅游心理学、公共关系学、狩猎学、保护生物学原理、有害生物防治学、遥感技术与地理信息系统、森林游憩等。主要实践性教学环节:包括实验、实习、课程设计、毕业论文(设计)等,一般安排25--30周。修业年限:四年授予学位:农学学士或管理学学士相近专业:林学 森林资源与保护游憩 野生动物与自然保护区管理