形象形成,image formation
1)image formation形象形成
2)anamorphic imaging变形成象
1.In the traditional methods of computing the OTF,it is general that the transversal magnification is supposed to be not changeable in the whole aperture,though the anamorphic imaging produces considerable errores in the calculation of the OTF.这种变形成象对OTF精度影响很大,但是人们一直没有找到解决此问题的好办法。
3)image construction形象构成

1.consisting of or forming human or animal figures.由人或动物的形象构成
2.An Empirical Study on the Components of Retail Store Brand Image零售商店品牌形象构成要素的实证研究
3.A Brief Study of Constituent Elements of TV Hosts' Personalized Image浅谈电视节目主持人的个性形象构成要素
4.To form a mental image of;visualize.构想,想象使…形成视觉形象
5.Image and Abstract in Form of Museum;意象与抽象——博物馆建筑形态构成初探
6.Life,Language and Image:Comment on the Language’s Formation of Literary Image Again;生活、语言与形象:再论文学形象的语言构成
7.CONSTRUCTIONAL"BLANKNESS"--the structural construction of literary images obscurity;构造性“空白”——文学形象模糊性的结构构成
8.formed or conceived by the imagination.通过想象形成和构思出来。
9.Hieroglyphics is a kind of writing made up of pictures.象形文字是一种由图画构成的文字。
10.023 Objects are just what constitute this unalterable form.023正是诸对象构成这种不变的形式。
11.Art of Abstract Form Beauty Nature:Plane Constitution;抽象出形式美本质的艺术——平面构成
12.On the Occurrence and Construction of Nation's Image in Modern Chinese Literature论现代文学“民族形象”的生成与建构
13.The Characteristics and Component Parts of Good Public Images of Colleges and Universities试论高校良好形象的构成要素及特点
14."figural:Of, relating to, consisting of, or forming a pictorial composition or design of human or animal figures.""具有人或动物的形象的:属于、关于或形成人物或动物的组织或形象的,或由此构成的."
15.It all adds up to a roadster that′s as thrilling to look at as it is to drive所有这一切构成了一辆蓄势待发的跑车的形象。
16.But now, it has always been neglected by designers.但它却是构成园林景观整体形象的有机组分。
17.The ability to form or understand mental concepts and abstractions.构思力形成或理解理性或抽象概念的能力
18.On Formation Reasons and Expressing Functions of Chinese Figurative Words;汉语形象色彩词语的构成理据及其表达功能

anamorphic imaging变形成象
1.In the traditional methods of computing the OTF,it is general that the transversal magnification is supposed to be not changeable in the whole aperture,though the anamorphic imaging produces considerable errores in the calculation of the OTF.这种变形成象对OTF精度影响很大,但是人们一直没有找到解决此问题的好办法。
3)image construction形象构成
4)impression formation印象形成
1.The group stimulated by erotic words showed significant positive priming effect on impression formation with sexual tendency,while anyone of the other groups didn t demonstrate such significance.128名大学生被平均分成四个组,分别接受情色文字刺激、非情色文字刺激、情色图片刺激与非情色图片刺激,考察不同材料的情色信息会对性倾向印象形成产生怎样的启动效应。
2.Impression formation on others is an important aspect of person perception and has important interpersonal and social consequences.他人印象形成过程是人的认知活动的重要方面,具有重要的人际意义和社会意义。
5)adult image成人形象
1.In fairy tales adult images bridge the gap between the living spirits of children and adults with the special character implications.在童话世界里,成人形象以其特殊的角色含义,架设儿童与成人童年生命形态互通的桥梁,通过童话成人形象身份演变的历史梳理,可以透视童话的艺术发展脉络和现代价值取向。
6)images of Chengdu成都形象

产品形象产品形象product image  产品形象(produet image)即产品的魅力,指产品对公众的吸引力。它的心理机制是产品的个性与公众的思想感情的密切联系。通常,产品的魅力主要取决下列因素:一是方‘便,如便于携带、存放等;二是适应性强,即用途广泛;三是质量高;四是合乎顾客的地位或身份;五是可靠性:六是满足顾客的审美需要。许多名牌产品,一般都具有上述特点,能使顾客或公众获得多重满足。 (张燕逸撰张交审)