功能区划分,Function area-dividing
1)Function area-dividing功能区划分
1.Water environment function area-dividing, which provides the warranty for controlling and alleviating the water-pollution, is an important tache of water environment protect.水环境功能区划分作为水环境保护的重要环节,对减轻和控制水环境污染提供了依据。

1.Research on Water Function Areas Division Based GIS Technology基于GIS技术的水源功能区划分研究
2.A Quantitative Study on Zoning of Population Function Zone in Liaoning Province辽宁人口发展功能区划分的定量研究
3.Research on Main Function Division of Liaoning Based on GIS;基于GIS技术的辽宁省主体功能区划分研究
4.The Analysis of the Leading Factors in Dividing the Main Functional Regions of Henan Province;河南省主体功能区划分的主导因素研究
5.Coastal Functional Zoning of Yueqing Bay in Zhejiang Province and Development of Marine Industries;浙江乐清湾海岸带功能区划分与海洋产业发展
6.Evaluation of exploitative land resources in major function zoning of Shanghai上海市主体功能区划分中可利用土地资源评价
7.The Study on Functional Zoning of Chishui Alsophila Spinulosa National Nature Reserve;赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区功能区划分方法研究
8.The Urban Air Quality Function District of Lhasa Divides and Pollutes the Integrated Control Countermeasure to Study;拉萨市区环境空气质量功能区划分及污染综合防治对策研究
9.Study on the Function Area-dividing and Integrative Renovating Project of the Lhasa Surface Water Environment;拉萨市区地表水环境功能区划分及达标控制方案研究
10.The Study on the Environmental Function Zoning of the Surface Water of Luzhou City;泸州市地表水环境功能区域划分研究
11.The Division of the Main Functional Areas and Its Financial Policy Effects主体功能区的划分及其财政政策效应
12.On tourist functional distributionand program of Jinggangshan scenic resort;井冈山风景名胜区旅游功能分区与项目规划
13.Research on the Application of Area Partition of Main Function Area Based on PSO基于PSO的主体功能区区域划分的应用研究
14.Research progress in aquatic ecological function regionalization and its approach at watershed scale.流域水生态功能分区以及区划方法的研究进展
15.By functional division, the project contains International Area, Processing Area, Block Distributing Area and Trading and Logistic Area.依据功能划分,项目分为国际区、工区、料集散区、贸物流区。
16.Analyzing on Differentiating Function-Priority Zone Where Agriculture Mainly Adjust Eco-system农业生态调节功能主导区划分中的问题分析
17.On the Negative Planning Meanings of Principal Function Regionalization and Planning主体功能区划规划的“反规划”内涵探析

division of function regions功能区域划分
3)function region auto-partition功能区自动划分
4)ecological function area division生态功能区划分
5)function division功能区划
1.According to the requirement on "Converging and verifying water environmental function division of all country" by National Environment Protection Administration,the water environment quality of Changzhi,Shanxi from 1991 to 1995 such as the main rivers,inferior rivers,the outlets which drain effluent to river and the main polluting sources are investigated, assement and GPS located.根据国家环保总局《关于汇总核实全国水环境功能区划》的要求,对长治市1991年~1995年地表水环境质量进行分析、评价,对主要水体、次要水体、入河排污口、主要污染源进行了调查、评价和GPS定位,并对水环境进行功能区划分
2.Then,it offers the principle of the waterfront planning and works out the function division of the waterfront resources i.通过对长江干流南京浦口段岸线利用现状的调查研究,概述了岸线的利用现状,分析了岸线资源的利用上存在的问题与开发优势,然后提出了岸线规划的原则,并在此基础上完成了浦口段岸线利用的功能区划。
3.This paper established an index system of urban spatial development function division which could well reflect the social,economic and environmental characteristics,and used some corresponding methods to quantitate it.建立了一套综合反映研究区社会、经济、环境状况的空间开发功能区划指标体系,并运用相应的方法对其进行了量化。
6)functional regionalization功能区划
1.Urban landscape functional regionalization and development strategy in Shenyang City.;沈阳市市域景观功能区划及发展策略
2.Environmental noise functional regionalization of Qujing urban area is studied.对曲靖市城区进行了环境噪声功能区划分;分析了曲靖市噪声污染现状和趋势、噪声污染原因,对噪声污染结果进行了预测;分析了环境噪声达标规划,提出了噪声污染控制方案。
3.Ecological restoration planning is important to restore the destroyed eco-environment in most coal mining areas in China,and ecological restoration functional regionalization is the first step of general planning.生态修复总体规划的编制是煤矿区生态修复工作顺利开展的重要保障,生态修复功能区划又是生态修复总体规划的首要步骤。

军事行政区划(见行政区划)军事行政区划(见行政区划)military administrative regionalization )unshi xingzheng quhua军事行政区划(mizitary。dministrativeregionalization)见行政区划。